Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

I need to lose some weight like 10 or 15 lbs im gonna start a diet and work out plan?

would taking the akavar pill while doing this help with weight loss? Or should i stick just to dieting and working out?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would see a doctor for professional tips so that you can lose as much weight as possible IN A SAFE AND HEALTHY WAY!

What I generally do to lose some weight:
-Eat 5, smaller meals throughout the day instead of 3 big meals.
-Stop drinking any sugar drinks (pop, lemonade, etc.).
-Drink lots of water (it helps suppress your appetite and increases your metabolism).
-Exercise! I’m not saying you need to go get a personal trainer, BowFlex, or LifeTime fitness membership. When you get bored/hungry, go talk a walk/run. Walking is great because it gives you time to think, increases your metabolism, and you don’t have to change your clothes/shower when you do it.

Those are all easy ways to lose some weight. They don’t cut into your life style to terribly but will definitely help you to lose weight.

As for areas that have more fat than others, lifting is the only way to tighten up those areas. Bench press will help you to tighten your chest while crunches and sit ups will help you tighten your stomach.

Check out this website. It reviews all the best weight loss programs, and has helped me to turn my life around, and actually start losing weight.


Good luck,

Jenny asks…

does anyone know good teenage weight loss tips for hips and thighs?

I’m in high school and want to loose some weight on my hips and thighs. Any suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes. Work out. Easy.

James asks…

What is a good way to lose 20 pounds in 18 weeks?

I was wondering if anybody had any tips/suggestions for weight loss. I am about 5’10” and way about 190 pounds, which is a little bit more than I would like. I want a workout that will help me lose not only weight but also excess body fat. Most importantly, I want to come up with a personal plan to diet and exercise to lose 20 pounds in 18 weeks. I know I am asking a lot, but I think it will be beneficial.

Thank you very much.

weight loss cardiff answers:

First, good job for choosing an obtainable weight goal. That’s a great weight for someone your height to be! Second, make sure that you are ready to commit to a new lifestyle, because once you accomplish your goal, you can’t just go back to the way you used to live, or you’ll gain it all back and your hard work will be washed down the drain.

I suggest starting slowly. Every day for about two weeks add a little bit more exercise. Start right now! Stop reading this for 2 minutes, and take a walk around your house. Go up/down the stairs a few times, do 5 jumping jacks, or something else that is simple. If you start small like this, slowly adding a little bit of exercise each day, you won’t burn yourself out and you’ll feel happier and more accomplished.

You can add more exercise to your daily routine by taking the stairs instead of elevator, walking, running or biking to anyplace that is close enough instead of driving, doing sit-ups, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, etc. On commercial breaks, etc. When no one is around turn on some up-beat music and dance!

If you go here:

you can sign up for free and they give you 8 weeks free at Bally Total Fitness.

Walking is the ultimate exercise, though. Walk as much as you can and you’ll be surprised at what it can do. I’m not overweight, but I have a lot of health problems, and when I started walking a lot of those problems disappeared and my jeans got looser too.

You could make it a game and get a pedometer. Get some friends involved and have competitions to see who can walk the most in one day.

Also, this one cost’s money and it takes two people, but we got an Air-hockey game for Christmas. OH MY GOSH! It is some serious exercise when you play for a couple of hours (we also play with double pucks). Our arms are STILL killing us!

Anyways, for diet:

If you eat a lot of junk-food or drink soda STOP! If it’s really hard for you, try taking just one soda a day out of your diet and replacing it with an ice water or replace one portion of chips (or other junk food) with some grapes, an orange, strawberries, or other fresh fruit, sliced red, orange or yellow peppers, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, other veggies, low-fat yogurt or pudding, pretzels, graham crackers, or string cheese. When you think you can handle it, replace another glass of soda or another portion of junk food.

Oh! And ALWAYS eat breakfast so your metabolism is working at it’s best. You’ll lose more weight this way.

Watch your portion sizes. Even if you can’t stop eating badly, if you just eat LESS of it you’ll lose weight. Eat slowly so you know when you are full, and never eat while doing something else. I know I could down 3 full bags of popcorn easy if I’m watching TV (I’ve Done it! Yikes!), but I probably couldn’t even eat 1 if I was only eating.

I hope that helped you.

P.S. “Jer Bear” has it right. Kick boxing will definitely blast the weight off of you!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

Effectiveness of raw food diet?

I am considering attempting a raw food diet. Can anyone attest to its effectiveness in improving overall health?

weight loss cardiff answers:

A raw food diet creates major improvements in health. The reasons are not known, but the experience is unmistakable. Weight normalizes, which generally means a reduction in fat. At the same time, a person feels extremely energized. It’s as if energy would rather be burned up than converted to fat.

There seems to be a major shift in physiology which makes one feel highly energized from raw food. I can only theorize why this occurs. It is quite likely that a large part of cooked food can only go into fat production, because heat and acid alter it making it unmetabolizable in other complex processes. By contrast, raw food should break down into components which can be directly metabolized in a variety of cells.

Health gets so refined and perfected with a raw food diet that a person notices effects of all types. The result is an important source of information about nutrition and quality of food.

For example, it is noticeable that sucrose (table sugar) goes entirely into fat production rather than immediate energy. Sucrose splits into glucose and fructose. Muscles use glucose but not fructose. Furthermore, the splitting probably does not occur during digestion, and then only fat cells can use the disaccharide.

One very obvious improvement resulting from a raw food diet is in the digestive system. Raw food digests marvelously well, so a person does not notice the acid, bile and residual effects of digestion that go with a cooked food diet.

Adding a little bit of cooked food to a raw food diet doesn’t work well, because acid is then produced in the stomach, and it is bad for raw food. Acid and raw food tend to create indigestion.

A problem with raw foods is that they are the highest in pesticides. Organic raw foods may be necessary, unless a person is very clever in working around the worst pesticides. The effects are quite noticeable, which allows adjustments to be made.

The usual assumption is that the only supplement which is needed in theory is vitamin B12, because it is primarily found in meat. It originates with microbes, and very little is needed. Outside link on B12

However, I find that copper and zinc are also needed with a vegetarian diet, because plant material is very low in these minerals compared to meat. These minerals are toxic while being absorbed, so they should be taken in small quantities. Other vitamins or minerals can be taken if desired. Even vitamin pills should not be taken in large quantities, because they are powerful reactants and can destroy organs, particularly when they contain byproducts of synthesis.

I think everyone should take B vitamins, but in small quantities. I find 20 milligrams per day to be the right amount for the main ones. Pills have to be cut up to get that size. B vitamins store best when separated into each type, because they tend to react with each other. Folic acid deteriorates into a toxic substance. It might need to be replaced every two to three months depending upon humidity.

Almost everyone needs vitamin D. It transports calcium into cells. It’s easy to get too much Vitamin D, particularly in the form of capsules. Dry D pills are safer. There is more than enough calcium in food when taking vitamin D. There is not much more calcium in dairy than other sources, and the hormones in dairy are not desirable.

Normally, salt is not used with raw food. I find that eating some salt seems to be physiologically beneficial with raw food.

Fruits and vegetables digest through different processes when raw. Eat fruit in the morning and vegetables later.

Learning to eat a raw food diet is mostly trial and error. Whatever is available and one wants to eat is generally adequate. Protein is found in raw nuts and seeds, such as sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, filberts, etc., and sprouts are also a good source of protein. Plant proteins do not have the same balance of amino acids as animal protein, so a variety of sources are needed.

Sprouts are often part of a raw food diet. They do require a slight amount of work, but not necessarily a lot. The easiest sprouts to make are lentils. The easiest way to make them is simply to soak them in a large plastic cup for 8 hrs, then drain and keep moist by spraying and occasionally rinsing. They can be eaten as soon as they get soft enough, though sometimes hard seeds might still exist for 8 hrs or more, which are bad for teeth. Sprouts can be allowed to grow for a couple of days.

Sprouts make a person hungry, as do other types of raw food to some extent. So there is little danger of being undernourished on such a diet. And still, it is about impossible to put on excess fat. Eating nothing but bananas and raisins might do it, but not much else would.

So persons who are concerned about fat should revert to a raw food diet. However, there is the social inconvenience that such a diet creates. The routine does not fit established cultures well, and a lot of persons aren’t going to eat “rabbit food” for whatever reason.

It seems to me that a raw food diet would be a good cure for eating disorders. Raw food creates perfect nutrition without negative effects including fat production.

Helen asks…

vet science diet dog food?

i started feeding my dobermans science diet dog food ..MAN THE DIFFERENCE their hair is shinier…. they act totally different… what do you think… i KNOW its the best out there… i have tried it all… nutro … all the expensive stuff….you>?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Science Diet is NOT the best… Vets recommend it because thye are PAID to do so.. Vets were also PAID to endorse this food (as you will read on the lable) vets receive very little or NO training on food and ingredients and an educated person can look at the bag and tell you it is over priced crap – over priced becuase of their marketing scheme to pay vets to promote and sell this food….

Shiney hair is NOT an indication of a good food – many low quality foods put extra fats into the food to give a shiney coat to fool niave pet owners who think a shiney coat means a healthy pet – it doesnt….

The ingredient list tells the truth about this food…

Some blends have bad stuff like SOY, BEEF, PORK, Wheat, COrn or By-Products (beaks feet feathers – preserved with a chemical pesticide known as ethoxyquin which is linked to numerous health problems).. Some even have WHEAT in them… (soy, corn, wheat, beef and pork are the leading allergins in dogs, soy causes behavior problems)

not all expensive food is good.. And some is better than others – usually its the ingredients that matter – good ingredients = less filler = less food you have to feed = less poops
Science Diet has lots of filler and is a CRAPPY OVER MARKETED OVER PRICED FOOD!!!!

Maria asks…

bearded dragon diet foods?

hi. I have just bought Exo Terra Bearded Dragon Food Adult Diet 750g Reptile of ebay. because she needs to go on a diet but how much do you feed the bearded dragon with the diet food a day. i think the diet food is some kind of pellets. thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

“Diet” means food, not “limiting your food so you are thinner.” Therefore you just bought regular food, not diet food.
If she is too obese I suggest feeding her less crickets (only about 30-40 a week but that may not be enough) and definatley NO SUPER OR WAX WORMS. If you’ve been feeding her those often that’s probably why she’s so fat: those worms are high in fat and should only one should be fed a week. You can use phoenix worms as a treat.

So cut back on the insects and give her more fruits and veggies. Adults NEED fruits and veggies. Here is a link including things to feed your beardie:
Please focus on the produce more instead of the meats. Also note that your adult beardie’s diet should consist of only 20% insects and 80% produce.

Take her out more. Let her swim in the tub, run around on a towel or make her a little obstacle course. Or just simply handle her more often. Frequent excersize + balanced diet = healthy anything. Humans, dogs, beardies, etc.


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Richard asks…

How long does it take to notice weight loss?

I weigh around 200 lbs, I have been on a low calorie diet for about a week and a half now, trying to lose some extra weight I gained while pregnant with my son. I was just curious to know how long it will take for me to be able to notice a difference? Particularly in my legs, stomach and face?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It mainly depends on the way you are trying to loose weight, Controlled diet along with exercise and brisk walk would give you quick results but by quick i mean within two to three months and If you are dieting only or exercising only then it may take too long.

Sharon asks…

how long should i walk on the treadmill while pregnant?

im 18 weeks pregnant with my first baby. im 21 and weigh 127, im not trying to lose weight just stay fit and healthy for the baby. i havent been too active while pregnant but i do eat better and drink a lot of water. anyway, how long do i need to walk on the treadmill to stay fit and healthy? and is it normal to have slight cramps while walking?

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you already walk, keep up your regular program. To get started, walk 20 -30 minutes a day three days a week and build from there to 30 – 60 minutes most days of the week. Walking for exercise can continue into your last trimester and right up until birth as long as it is comfortable for you.

How Fast and How Hard?
Moderation is the word during pregnancy, don’t push yourself to the extreme. The chemical byproducts and raised body temperature of overexertion are bad for the fetus. Your pulse rate should not be above 140 beats per minute at any time during your walk. You may also use the “talk test” — you should be able to speak in complete sentences without having to huff and puff and gasp out only short phrases. A pulse more than 100 beats per minute five minutes after a workout means you have worked your body too hard. Drink water before, during, and after your walk to help regulate your core body temperature. The fetus cannot get rid of excessive heat, so avoid exercising in hot weather and keep your walking workout moderate. Consider mall walking as an alternative during hot weather.

Susan asks…

How to gain weight for pregnancy a healthy way?

I have a friend that has lost 10 pounds while pregnant and she needs to be putting on the weight. The other problem is she is so sick and throwing up and that is probably why she is losing weight. So does any one have any suggestions on how to gain the weight and keep it down?
I just wanted to add that she is seeing her doctor about this and she is telling her to eat protein but she can’t keep it down and she is 3 months and one week pregnant and I just didn’t know if anyone had experienced this and had personal oppinions. Thank you!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I lost 30 lbs my first trimester and gained only 15 of it back. If fact after the baby was born I was about 30lbs less than when I started. I gave birth to a healthy 8lbs 2oz baby at 41weeks.

Her weight is not important. It is very important that what she does eat be as nutritious as possible. She should eat what appeals to her and does not aggrevate her nausea. For me that was fruit. I have never eaten so much fruit in my life. Ever 2 hours I would have a piece of fruit and depending on how I felt I would try something else after. It is important to eat frequently and to drink enough liquid. (If water doesn’t appeal try watered down juice. Or even watered down pop).

Protein is very important. Lentils, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheese are goo sources if she has a meat aversion. (I have a list of how much protein is in a lot of food, e-mail me if you want it). Dark green leafy veggies are important. Spinach or kale can be added to berry smoothies with limited difference to the flavor. Watercress is quite pleasant. There are also chewable mint flavoured alfalfa tablets. Green leafy veggies give you calcium, vitmain K (important for clotting), iron, and on and on. Protein is said to prevent pre-eclampsia. Aim to get 100 g of protein a day and 2 servings of green leafies. Check out many women swear by the Brewer Diet (and it’s more updated more flexable plans) I did it to the best of my ability.

If the throwing up is bad or if she feels unhealthy (I felt healthy most days when I made an effort to eat) then she needs to be treated. She knows her body best. If she feels that she needs to be eating more or puking less there are medications that can help. Probably the safest is b-12 pills. Ginger has also been shown to be as effective as prescription medication, she should discuss dosage with someone who is knowledgable. Another safe option is Marijuana. Medical use of marijuana has been approved for use during pregnancy. It does not have as many potential or as serious side effects as most anti-nausea drugs. Some info:

Now depending on where you live and your doctor you may have legal access to marijuana. If you do have legal access to marijuana you should also be provided with a vaporizer which minimizes the risks from inhaling smoke (any smoke) and allows the THC to enter the blood much more quickly.

Another option is to make marijuana butter. (Fat is needed to bind the THC and other beneficial compounds). That way a) you can consume it anywhere and b) you do not have to inhale smoke into your lungs. There are numerous recipes for how to do this online. Here is one site:

Marijuana is a plant like any other, however it is among the safest of medical plants when you are discussing use during pregnancy (some herbs can cause birth defects and miscarriage. Just because it is a plant doesn’t make it safe).

I hope the nausea passes soon. Although even when it does for many women the food aversions remain. Tell her the MOST important thing is that she listen to her body. Take time out from the day to really ask herself how she feels and ask the baby. If the doctor is stressing her out about her weight she can switch doctors or she can decline the weigh-in just like any other medical test. I told my provider she could weigh me if she wanted but that we were not going to discuss it. Instead we discussed what I was eating and I kept a food diary (on and off, not every day, though I did every day for the worst month). Midwives are generally better in this regard as they may receive nutritional training.

Trust Birth!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

anybody got healthy weight loss meals plan?

guys, i need weight loss meals plan that i can easily follow. the plan should be made out of normal everyday foods. can anybody recommend me any weight loss meals plan?

weight loss cardiff answers:

A good weight loss meals, must contain the that foods provide all the compulsory minerals, vitamins, fibre, vital fatty acids and amino acids.

These foods are divided into fruits, starches, proteins, vegetables and fats. The inclusion of these foods are a must in a healthy weight loss meals plan.

Here is a blog that will give you a healthy weight loss meals plan which you can apply in your daily life.


Good luck!

Lizzie asks…

Is this a good weight loss plan?

Everyday I wake up at 6 and run on the elliptical for 30 minutes burning 300 calories. For breakfast I eat 1 packet of quaker apple cinnamon instant oatmeal and 3 quarter cup 0 fat rice cereal with milk and drink 3 glasses of water. At lunch I go to the weight room to lift weights and after I eat 2 granola bars with an apple and drink 591 ml of water. After I come from school I run on the elliptical for 30 minutes burning 300 calories then I eat 1 packet of quaker apple cinnamon instant oatmeal with 3 quarter cup rice cereal and 3 glasses of water. For dinner I eat 2 eggs cooked with very little oil so they don`t stick. Is this a good weight loss plan? your help is appreciated!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Are you Male or Female,
The weight loss plans is good, yes, but there is some problems..

First of all, When you lift weights, you will gian weight, not lose, you will burn fat, but at the same time gain more dense muscle tissue (muscle growth), And since muscle tissue is more dense than fat, it has a bigger mass, thus weights more.

The other problem is vitamins.. If that diet is ALL you eat you are going to suffer serious iron and Calcium Loss, i would suggest you would put a couple of fruits in it as well, not dried. One banana, one pear and one orange, that would fix the problem, then it’s perfect. Meat would be good too, since protein is very important for your body.

Good luck with the Weight Loss.

EDIT: I think you should keep the instant oatmeal bar, see it as a treat you can allow yourself for all the hard work, if you are too strict, you will be tired and might lose motivation before you reach your goal.

Mark asks…


that does not include somthing you have to pay for such as pills books meals etc. i would like to lose 73 pounds so give me a weight loss plan that has either worked for you or for someone you know. im 14 sooo nothing that you have to order =]]]
i go to the gym every single day for about….an hour? i think….=]]] also i dont like your bitchy comments! i just want to lose 73 pounds…thats all! so to all you assuming ****** out there gathere all the facts before you bitch. nk!
i go to the gym every single day for about….an hour? i think….=]]] also i dont like your bitchy comments! i just want to lose 73 pounds…thats all! so to all you assuming ****** out there gather all the facts before you bitch. nk!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well, I have done this all my life and am thinner than most people I know. First I hate excercising but I do keep busy. I also have always loved to Dance and dancing is a great excercise and you don’t even realize your losing weight at the same time!! Even after I had my children, I would just turn on music and dance while I cleaned or cooked or whatever.Did the 60’s music! If you have steps in your house also, shoot, just run up and down 2 or 10 times in a row whenever you think of it! Now for the food thing, What I have done my whole life is I eat just about anything BUT and here’s the key. Never finish the amount you put on your plate and just eat less of what you eat! Take smaller portions, and remember don’t even finish those. Always leave a little!! And a biggie is DON’T SNACK ON ANYTHING AT NITE!! If you get hungry in between meals, I use to grab some cheese or popcorn is also great. It feels you up and with very little salt and NO butter, It’s great for filling you up and not fattening at all. In fact popcorn is good for you!! After I had my 3rd child, which I had a very tough pregnancy since I started out at 95 lbs. But had toxemia and gained tons I came home and still weighed 185lbs. And so I just did all of the above!!!! It took a while but less than a year and hey, if it works I figured I had nothing but time! And you have lots of time and this is something that once you get used to just eating less, your stomach will shrink and you will find it an easy thing to do your whole life. REMEMBER, NEVER FINISH YOUR PLATE!!!! OR EAT THE WHOLE THING!!!! THIS INCLUDES FAST FOOD. JUST EAT WAY LESS IF YOU CAN’T AVOID IT!! Oh AND ONE MORE THING, EAT and CHEW REALLY SLOW!! It fills you up quicker and once you are not hungry, you will find you don’t even want the rest of your food anyway!!! It really works!! Just be consistent!!!
And my children are grown now and I still weight between 95 and 100 lbs. ! And I had a fourth child after the one that I gained all the weight with so this can be done! Just don’t get discouraged!! Just walk or dance everywhere you go and have fun!!! Before you know it you will have lost all that you want to! I swear!!!! OOPS! ONE MORE THING IF YOU DRINK LOTS OF SODA, SWITCH NOW!!! TO DIET SODA

Sorry I know I will be in trouble for this one, I think all that heavy duty non-stop exercising makes one nothing but hungry!! Just dance around and walk and run up those stips a few times a day!! Then you don’t get bored!!! SORRY THIS WAS KINDA LONG ANSWER BUT YOU ASKED?? LOL = LAUGHING OUT LOUD!! And hang in there!!!!!! YOU WILL BE FINE!!! HAVE PATIENCE!!!!

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