Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

How do you make a good healthy protein shake?

Ok I have been looking and looking for a good recipe for a protein shake. Almost everything I ive seen has something to do with steriods. So can someone tell me a safe recipe? Or can someone tell me a safe product i can buy?

Thanks a Bunch!

weight loss cardiff answers:

In my opinion, the best protein shakes are the ones you make at home with a blender. If you don’t have a blender, you can find one pretty cheap at Wal-mart, Target, K-mart, etc. Purchase a good protein powder at a health food store. If you’re trying to lose weight, use a whey product, otherwise just regular protein powder is fine. Mix a scoop of the powder with 1-cup milk (skim to lose weight), 1/2-cup plain yogurt, and fruit–fresh or frozen. The shake will be healthy and delicious. You can make a million variations using different fruits, flavorings, instant coffee, chocolate syrup, etc. The web page below has lots of protein shake recipes.
They are mostly geared towards weight loss, so just change the skim milk for regular and the fat-free yogurt for regular. Enjoy!

Sandra asks…

Is it dangerous to drink olive oil as a weight gainer?

I need to meet a deadline for weight.

Olive oil has a lot of calories per tablespoon (130-200)

If I were to drink 2 cups of olive oil a day to maximize my calorie intake (Over a course of 1- 1 1/2 month) are there any dangerous Long term or short term effects?

After one month I Will NEVER consume that much again.

weight loss cardiff answers:

That’s a bad idea. Even if you could add fat to your body by drinking olive oil, you’re just going to lose it when you stop drinking the olive oil. If you want to keep the fat, you’ll have to continue drinking the olive oil or replace it with something else. And, if you’re going to replace it, why not do that now and eat food?

Your plan is misguided and bad for your body. Oil is fat. If you want to gain weight, you should eat a good and proper diet of food and just increase your portions. If you do that, you’ll still have a healthy diet. Here’s how you should eat.

Whether you want to gain weight, lose weight, add muscle, or maintain, you should use the same diet. In other words, everyone should be eating essentially the same macro nutrients (carbs, fats, protein), micro nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc.) barring special health or medical considerations because we all have essentially the same physiognomy and there is only one version of peak health. Here is how we should all eat according to the US National Institute of Health who are among the best health professionals in the world and the people doctors listens to in the US.

Eat varied, wholesome, and high quality foods such that your daily caloric intake is about equal to your daily caloric burn while keeping your macro nutrient ratios at about 55/25/20 (%calories from carbs/fats/protein) or whatever works for your goals. Go here for more about macros –> . Only slight changes should be made in the macro nutrient ratios to accommodate the extreme demands of special activities such as extreme athletics or inactivity due to illness.

Note: Here are the details in case you’re interested:

YOU MUST make your own food choices (no supplements without a doctor’s recommendation) based on your location, culture, available foods, personal preferences, personal resources, food allergies, etc. However, the words “varied”, “wholesome”, and “high quality” are important. And, you should consume your food in 4-6 daily meals with healthy snacks between such that you’re nourishing yourself every two hours when awake.

VARIED means a variety of foods including fruits, dairy, meats, vegetables, grains, nuts, etc.
WHOLESOME means as unprocessed, unrefined, nutritious as is practical.
HIGH QUALITY means using the best ingredients, the least contaminants or fillers or unnecessary chemicals, etc.

Nutrient tracking is necessary to ensure you have the optimal caloric intake and macro nutrient balance. For most people, tracking is only required for fat loss because of the difficulty in cutting intake and nutrients while maintaining digestive and appetite satisfaction. However, tracking is an excellent exercise for noobs who are just learning how to eat right for the first time. Tracking makes it necessary to read labels, look up food nutrients, record data, plan meals and recipes, etc. And, as annoying as it may be to have to track, it is easier to do today than ever before with the help of website such as My Fitness Pal —> .

Even if you’re planing on lose the fat you’ve gained after you “make weight”, the olive oil plan is still less enjoyable than eating food and the food will provide you with a solid nutrition profile. The olive oil could have unwanted side effect as well depending on how your body reacts to it.

Good luck and good health!!

Michael asks…

What is fastest way to lose weight without bcoming unhealthy?

I hve gained a lot of weight and want to shed it in 2-3 months!! ANy ideas??

weight loss cardiff answers:


Have you ever heard of Fat Loss for Idiots or Weight Loss 4 Idiots? It’s one of the most sellable e-books ever written that talks about losing fat easily and quickly. For a certain price, the company that sells this e-book allows you to access it and read its contents for a good 90 days.

If you wish, there’s a short YouTube video about it:…

To help you know more about it, here are some of the things it covers.

What is in it?

Generally, the Fat Loss for Idiots is a guide to losing weight and fat as the name implies. In the book, you will be able to read the rules involved in weight loss. These rules, also known as “10 Idiot Proof Rules of Weight Loss” are easy to understand and follow as they are stated in the simplest terms. Aside from the simplified terms, the directions are also simple and short making it easy to understand and do.

Another thing that the e-book contains is the diet generator. The book will give you meal plans that will last you for 11 days. So for each day, the book has a menu for you to follow.

What does it promise?

Fat Loss for Idiots promises a lot of things. For the most part, it promises to make you really lose weight. To be specific, the ebook is able to make you lose 9 pounds every eleven days. With the ebook, you can be sure to lose a lot of weight in a short time.

Another big promise the ebook gives is that it can make you lose weight using a healthy meal plan. Many weight lose plans make you lose weight by skipping and scrimping on some things that your body needs such as fat. With the ebook, you can be sure that you won’t be having any of this. As a matter of fact, it will give you a menu of foods that are complete of the nutrients that your body needs. With this, you can be sure that even if you are losing weight, you are also well nourished.

Another thing that the ebook promises is that it makes room for those who are on a vegetarian diet. Unlike other weight loss guides that specifically tell you certain things such as forcing you to eat meat, the Fat Loss for Idiots respects your diet preferences. With this, anybody can take part of the program.

What are the recipes in the diet generator?

Most of the time, people get turned off by diet plans because they either contain complicated recipes or make them eat prepackaged foods. As you can see, these diet plans make you shell out more money than you want to. With them, you can be sure that sooner or later, your body will lose weight or your wallet will.

The recipes in the ebook’s diet generator are simple. They are easy to prepare. Another thing is that the recipes are also cheap. Because of these descriptions, many have said that the diets are “Spartan”.

With all these positive things and more being offered by Fat Loss for Idiots guidebook, it is small wonder why it has become very popular. Read more about it to learn more or better yet, take part in it and see the difference.

Check out my source to learn more. Hope you enjoy it! Good luck!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

diet&exercise plan?

tell me your diet & exercise plans =D

weight loss cardiff answers:

I follow Tosca Reno’s Eating Clean Diet. It is a healthy eating and nutritious plan that also emphasizes exercise. It is basically what I’ve been doing for years but she just put it into a book, cookbook, and now there is a magazine.

If you want more info, ask quick because every time I post this someone reports me and has my account deleted.

Daniel asks…

What is GM Diet Plan?

Could someone explain what is GM Diet Plan. Its a famous diet plan for Weight loss

weight loss cardiff answers:

Gm Diet Plan is a 7 days diet plan which help to cleanse inside of your body. This plan was developed by General Motors for its employees for thier good health. I think u can find complete informaton at

Joseph asks…

Any free low carb diet plans?

I’ve lost about 65lbs on a low carb diet, with no precise plan. I have hit a sort of plateau, but I only have about 10 more pounds to loose (I weight 158lbs and I’m 5’9″ and a 17 y/o guy) I’m looking g for a strict diet plan online (simple, and free) that tells me what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner so I can loose those last pounds, and little love handles I still have! Lol thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

With any diet you’re going to find that you’ll hit a plateau since you eventually hit a homeostasis point.

A low carb diet should not be thought of as a weight “loss” diet, but a weight “reset” diet. It’s a diet that you can (and should) continue for the rest of your life. At some point you’ll hit your new “reset” weight. When you do you’ll hover there.

If you wish to lose more weight then you need a new “reset” point. The only way to do that is to change your diet to some degree.

Changing to a specific meal plan might work for you in the short-term, but it probably won’t work long-term. I think you need to just try changing something in your diet and see if that works for you or not to give you a better “reset” point.

I’d suggest adding more fat to your diet. That may help get your body to feel comfortable in burning more of its own fat.

Also make sure you’re not eating too much protein. It just gets turned to carbs if you eat too much.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

Week and a half to lose weight….tips please?

I need to lose as much weight as possible in a week and half for a night out. I’m not starving myself or turning bulimic but I would like tips and tricks especially to speed up my metabolism. I’m not paying out for pills or any exercise machines either.

I will do exercise though problem areas are
tops of arms

thanks to any help x

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you want to lose weight some weeks. You can try Lose weight a week plan first!

Day 1:

Eat the soup accompanied with watermelon and melon for your main food all day long. Consume a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice before you go to bed.

Day 2:

Stop eating fruit at all! Consume your soup and you are allowed to eat green salad. Make sure the salad contain no dressings, peas and corns.

For dinner you can consume roasted potato or baked potato with butter (don’t ever think to fry it)

Day 3:

Consume the soup, salad and fruit but no potato today.

Day 4:

Eat the soup accompanied with a glass of skimmed milk. Consume 8 pieces of banana to provide your body enough energy. Your body now need carbohydrate and protein also calcium to lessen body need for sugar.

Day 5

Eat your soup again. Today you should consume salad and salmon fish. Make sure the salmon fish don’t exceed 10 ounces.

Day 6

You should consume maximum 10 ounces of meat along with your soup. You need the protein here.

Last Day

Consume 4 table spoons of rice with vegetables. Drink fresh watermelon or melon juice without sugar and eat your soup also today.

Search: How do I lose weight in a week?
Please enjoy it!

Mark asks…

How can I lose weight for an MMA tournament in 8 weeks?

I have just under eight weeks until an amateur MMA competition I’m entering. I plan on entering in the 90kg/198lbs division and currently I’m 105kg/231lbs. I’m 6’1″ and according to the US military body fat percentage calculator I have 21% body fat. I’ve lost weight before over a longer period of time simply by restricting my calories to 1500 a day, and lost around 2lbs a week, but that just won’t be enough here. If I cut calories to 1000 that would probably speed the process up but will I lose much muscle then? I train for about 90 minutes 4-5 times a week.

I guess what I’m looking for is advice on whether or not it is even feasible, and if it is, what is the best approach, taking into account I obviously want to keep muscle and solely lose fat. I could also enter the 95kg/209.4lbs division if I had to but I really would prefer to go lower!


weight loss cardiff answers:

Realistically you probably can’t cut that much weight in 8 weeks. But you might be able to with enough dedication.

You need to have a net loss of 3.500 calories to lose one pound. Luckily at 21% body fat, you have fat to burn. A male can easily get down under 12% body fat before they see any real attrition to muscle mass.

Your past weight loss shows you have an activity level to burn 2,500 calories per day. To lose 33 pound, you need to net lose 14,500 calories per week or about 2.100 calories per day. So you need to have a diet of 400 per day. Which is darn hard to achieve.

If you are heart-set on meeting a 198 weight threshold, you’ll need to dramatically increase your calories burned per day. 2.500 is very low for a 6’1″ athlete. If you add in two hours a day of vigorous exercise, you’ll burn an additional 500 calories. But you’ll also add some muscle mass. You probably want to add 3 hours of intense exercise each day – distance running, swimming, aerobics, etc… This would allow you to work with a 1.500 calorie diet and still lose just over 4 pounds per week.

Daniel asks…

How to lose weight in 3 weeks?

I’m 5’7 cm tall and I weight 74kg , I want to lose weight in just about 3 weeks or more. I tried to be vegetarian , I eat vegetables & fruits everyday . But I don’t seems that I get skinner cause , It was 2 weeks ago. I should be losing abit of weight :I ? Please tell me some of ways to be skinny ;D .
I want to lose at least 30kg ;I
By the way , can you lose weight by dancing for 30 minutes ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It’s not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym – a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

LA Weight Loss menu plan?

Does anyone know where I can find the LA WEIGHT LOSS menu plans online with out spending A fortune at the centers???? Any usefull website would be great! Thank you!!!!!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I found this on Yahoo Health
I hope it helps

It is a time-honored tradition to make resolutions at this time of year. If your resolution is to lose weight – and keep it off, then keep reading! Here are six simple tips that will have you losing weight in a balanced and healthy way.

1. Lose weight with water.
Water is essential for everybody – it is also the key to losing weight. If you haven’t been drinking enough water, your body has developed a pattern of storing water. This water retention equals extra unwanted weight.

By drinking more water, you are not only flushing out toxins, you are also teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. Drink at least 60 ounces of water (about 8 glasses) a day. Boil water and sliced lemons, and drink this throughout the day to help with fluid retention. If you are still not sold on the merits of water, try this on for size: water is a natural appetite suppressant.

2. Soup up your weight loss program.
A simple dietary change will have you shedding pounds: eat a bowl of soup at least once a day. Nutritious, low-salt soups will nourish you as they flush waste from your body. People who eat a serving of soup daily lose more weight than those who eat the same amount of calories but don’t eat soup. Go for homemade soup whenever possible, as canned soups are loaded with salt and chemicals.

3. Eat early to keep weight off.
The human body follows a circadian rhythm, which means that the same foods eaten at breakfast and lunch are processed differently than when eaten at dinner. Studies show that when you eat your daily protein and fat at breakfast you tend to lose weight and have more energy; however, eating the same things at dinner tend to increase tendencies toward weight gain. I suggest that you eat your last meal of the day by 7 p.m.

4. Eat smaller meals, more frequently.
Follow an eating schedule with five little meals every day. Eating steadily through the day keeps you from becoming famished and overeating at your next meal. Make a low-fat trail mix from raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, dried plum, and apples and have it available at all times to avoid the tempting lure of high-calorie snacks.

5. Adopt a balanced approach to your diet.
Most of the fad diet programs out there nowadays are extreme in a few recommended foods, or else deprive the body of food altogether. This works in opposition to our metabolism and the results usually don’t last, producing a yoyo effect that depresses your metabolic function – not to mention your self-esteem. We are natural beings that need a balance of nutrition from all sources.

Your diet should consist of a balance of organic sources of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Instead of white rice and pasta, opt for brown rice, bulgur, millet, or buckwheat.

Eat more green, chlorophyll-rich foods such as broccoli, kale, spinach, and asparagus. Eliminate candy, sugar, soda, and all simple sugars from your diet. Excess sugar ends up being stored as fat in your body, which results in weight gain. Also, keep dairy to a minimum because most dairy products are high in saturated fat. Avoid fatty foods, processed or fried foods.

6. Walk off the weight.
The No. 1 cause of weight gain is inactivity. Physical activity is the key to speeding up your metabolism and burning excess calories. The best way to be physically active is to use your legs! Walk as often and as long as you can. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Step outside during your break at work and take a walk around your building. Consider joining a local hiking club. Try taking a walk 30 minutes in the morning or 30 minutes in the early evening.

I hope this article helps you shed some pounds and add on the years! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

-Dr. Mao

Lizzie asks…

Loose Skin late 20s..weight loss plan?

Hi there…i’ve lost 15kg in my early twenties…and over the course of 6 years…I had some loose skin which over 3 months became tight

built it back up again…now i plan to go on an exercise regime…losing about 1-2kg a month…i’m prone to stretch marks…

i’m in my late 20s now just wondering if if the weight loss will cause loose skin on the tummy and more stretch marks…

weight loss cardiff answers:

At 2 Kg per moth you will have loose skin but at 1 Kg per month you may not.

At 20 you may be still growing so grow grace fully, acquire a hour glass shape or “V” strong tall body. You can add height till you are 30. So go swimming, do chin up, bicycle as much as you can and do stretch exercises. This will not give loose skin or stretch marks.

Follow this link:…

Your weight should be per this site give or take 10 pounds.

Must drink 1 gallon of water per day.

Eat right, include all food groups per this site above. Do not exceed the total calories per day and eat at least 1500 calories per day every day. Must include some unsaturated fat, some fruits( has various type of sugar, minerals and fibbers), and lots of vegetables(has fibber, vitamins and minerals very low in calories and fills you up so you do not feel hungry, stops craving for sweet foods) , and some carbohydrates, but rest in proteins.

You must sleep up to 7 to 9 hours a day time permitting and including naps.

Go for a walk every day for 1 hour,around your residence, start slowly(5 minute), to warm up then increase the speed a little till you can maintain a good clip then slow down to cool off (5 minute before the end of 1 hour). Do the walking in one direction for about 30 minutes then return home, may take little longer (you are doing it 5 miles a day).

Or look up total body, weight free, free hand, exercises and do them for 1 hour every day. You find them in the library and on the Internet. They can be done at home does not need gym.

Click on “minootoo” then click on “Best Answer” and read the relevant answers on Body building, weight and height.

Mandy asks…

Dieting Questions?? Weight loss plan.?

So i have a goal of losing 15 Lbs before Jan1rst..
Is this possible?

And what plan should i go about doing?
Because my plan..was to drink alot of water 8+ glasses
Bike every morning for about a hour. Walk for like 30 minutes or so.
Eat right..Eat small portions cut back on soda..
Sleeping when i need to etcc..
Any suggestions on making my goal more possible.

weight loss cardiff answers:


Intentional weight loss is a deliberate attempt to lose weight. Although there are many programmes to help lose weight, the only proven long-term and safe method is to burn more calories than are ingested. This is achieved either by reducing the caloric intake (eat less food or healthier food) or by increasing the energy expenditure (exercise more). Often, behaviour modification techniques like eating smaller portions are also used to help control eating habits. Once the weight is lost, these habits can be modified slightly for weight maintenance.

One pound of fat contains approximately 3,500 calories, so to lose one pound a week, a person should consume approximately 3,500 fewer calories per week. This can be done by reducing the daily intake by 500 calories per day (500 x 7 days will provide a deficit of 3,500 calories per week). To lose 2 pounds per week, a deficit of 1,000 calories per day is required. If this seems impossible, physical activity also contributes significantly to weight loss. The deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories can come from a combination of increased physical activity and reduced intake on a daily basis. Therefore, one does not need to experience significant food deprivation. The lowest intake per day recommended for females is 1,200 calories, unless they are in a medically-supervised, very low-calorie regimen which may have a daily level of 500 to 800 calories per day. The lowest level recommended for males is 1,500 calories per day. A very low-calorie diet can also be used by males if they are in a medically-supervised programme.

A key to weight maintenance and weight loss is to increase daily activity – things like taking the stairs, rather than the elevator or walking rather than driving when possible make a real difference.

Few tips to bring about weight loss as well as ensuring good health:

1.Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products like wheat.

2.Increase the consumption of complex carbohydrates like whole wheat, millet (jowar) and barley (bajra)

3.Restrict refined products such as flour (maida) and its products such as bread, noodles, macaronis and pastas in regular diet

4.Restrict fat and cholesterol rich foods. Only non-vegetarian foods (like eggs and dairy products) are good sources of cholesterol, however saturated fatty acids present in butter, ghee, vanaspati and coconut get metabolised to cholesterol in our body

5.Reduce the amount of sugars consumed

6.Consume raw fruits and vegetables in form of salads and raitas in every meal. These provide adequate vitamins, minerals and fibre. Fibre is essential as it aids in digestion, has an effective role in managing obesity and cardiovascular problems

7.Limit salt intake

8.Have small portions of food at a time

9.Do not skip meals

10.Have regular meal timings

11.Do not eat while cooking and watching television

12.Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses) in a day

13.Exercise regularly. Do brisk walking at least for 20-40 minutes in a day
The best exercises that are sustainable and safe to loose weight are aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises usually involve vigorous exercises sustained over a period of several minutes and their effect is to increase the efficiency of the lungs, heart and blood circulation, which are collectively known as the aerobic system. Short and sharp bursts of activity which rely on the body’s reserves of oxygen do not produce a similar improvement. Exercises should increase strength and mobility and also aid relaxation. You can choose walking, swimming, bicycling as per your fitness level and increase gradually. You should plan on 20-minute sessions at least 3 times per week. Gradual changes in eating habits will help encourage a permanent lifestyle change. A slow weight loss of 1 or 2 pounds a week, until the desirable body weight is reached, is best.

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