Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

David asks…

Science diet and Iams dry food?

Can anybody help me find out if these two are safe from the recent cat food recalls?
I have Science diet dry food and Iams dry food for my cats.
I didnt see either on the recall list I saw but I want to be 100% sure.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your science diet food is not on the recall list. Only the m/d prescription is. It’s the kind you can only get from a vet.

“Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. Reiterates Only One Product Recalled, Prescription Diet™ m/d™ Feline Dry Food”

and according to iams, none of their dry food has been recalled.

“We can reassure you:

First, there is no melamine or aminopterin in any of our Iams and Eukanuba dry pet foods on store shelves.

In fact, Iams and Eukanuba dry pet foods to DO NOT contain wheat gluten. Our dry dog and cat foods are made exclusively by P&G Pet Care and not by Menu Foods.

Pet owners can feel safe and confident in feeding all Iams and Eukanuba dry foods, as well as any wet foods that are not on the Menu Foods recall list. Click here to see the specific list of recalled wet pouch and canned products.”

Robert asks…

Sience diet dog food- good or bad?

Hello folks, I’ve heard both good and bad about Hills science diet and hills perscription diet dog foods. I’m not trying to single this company out, I just want to know if there is any documentation anywhere that confirms that this food isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. I currently feed these foods to my dogs and I’ve been having health problems with one of them .The types I feed aren’t on the recall.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think Science Diet is the best food on the market. I have worked for vets for over 10 years and I have a brother who is a vet. With the scare lately in bi-products added to pet food, i.e. Gluten from China, Science Diet only has one food in their market that has been taken off the market. I have fed my dogs SD for over 23 years and as long as I have a pet, that is what they will be fed. Don’t let anyone fool you, Old Roy is the worst pet food on the market, their plants have been shut down numerous times, and they fill their pet foods with waste and unhealthy products. If cost is an issue with providing good Nutrition and a healthy diet for a pet, then perhaps having a pet should be reconsidered. Everyone things a pet is just that, a pet. Pets should be considered part of your family.. Would you eat just anything?

Sharon asks…

What are the Best Diet Foods at Trader Joe’s?

I live in a city and I shop at TJ’s 99% of the time, what is the best food you have found for your diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The best diet food is celery and in general organic vegetables, leafy greens, whole grains, legumes, ground flax seed (Omega-3), D, B12, and fruits.

If you go for packaged foods, you need to be very careful. Even the “vegan” packaged foods tend to add too much salt, sugar, refined carbohydrates, and other additives. The overwhelming majority of packaged foods in America contain genetically modified wheat, corn, dairy (rBGH), and soy components. Some people have strong allergic reactions to genetically modified foods. Other people have mild allergies that they may not relate to the Frankenstein like foods they are eating. It’s much easier to avoid everything processed that comes in a can, bottle, or plastic wrap. Most people achieve better health and well-being by going on a near vegan diet based on whole plant based foods.

To recap, avoid packaged convenience foods and eat mostly a whole plant based diet. You can get this at many grocery stores and in the summer from farmers markets.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How can i lose weight in a couple of months without exercising because i broke my leg?

I want to lose weight about 10 pounds. How can i lose weight (about 10 pounds) in a couple of months without exercising because of my leg.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The thing about breaking bones is that it puts a lot of stress on the rest of your body. Your normal routine will become a workout. Your arms, if using crutches, so if you’re in a wheelchair ditch it, will be sore from stairs, walking, and any movement. Your undamaged leg will become stronger if you do not put all of your body weight on your arms, you’ll notice this when your hands and wrists become sore. It generally adjusts by itself, as your weight redistributes, however, if it does not you have to learn how to put less pressure on your arms. Other than that, eat healthy and avoid fatty foods (weight gain will be more noticeable in the broken leg after the cast is removed).

Mandy asks…

If I eat under 1200 calories a day but not exercise, will I lose weight?

If I eat, let’s say, 1000 calories a day will I still lose weight without exercise? I think it would be so much easier on me because of my busy day-to-day schedule. It’s hard to fit in exercise.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes, but you should figure out your basal metabolic rate: so you know how many calories your BURN a day

Robert asks…

How can I lose weight without much exercise?

I’m almost 16 years old. I weigh about 165 pounds and I’m only 5’1″. I’m definitely on more of the overweight side but a lot of the weight is in my thighs/butt.. the past couple months I’ve noticed more weight in my stomach.. I need someone to help me with how to lose this weight without doing much exercise. I have an extremely bad ankle and I have asthma so its a little hard to excersise and I can never stay as motivated. Please no negative comments.. I’m just trying to find help. ):

weight loss cardiff answers:

No, anything that will actually work will require exercise. However, there are plenty of resistance and stretching exercises that strengthen your ankles,(as well as the rest of your muscles) and do not strain your breathing. Many of them can even be done at home with items found around the house.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

Weight loss pills that work?

I go to the gym 4 timesa week anddo huge amountof cardio excercise –
I eat really healthy and also swim twice a week – But I’m still 5stone over weight Immiserable and depressed and need a solution but I cnat afford a gastric band – You know of any pills that work???

weight loss cardiff answers:

Many weight loss pills only work by curbing appetite. But the fact that you’re so active means you need to eat a lot of protien and even carbs to ensure you can keep up. Others also work by reducing the amount of water in your system… Again not a good idea if you are working out… You need to have as much water to feed your muscles as possible.

Generally, women need to increase their strength training(lifting weights, squats, etc.) and protien intake (shakes immediately after working out) to increase muscle mass and speed up metablolism to burn fat better. For some, (and it sounds like you too), cardio does almost nothing to burn fat. I guarantee if you focus more on strength training, with only light cardio (20 minutes of walking), your metabolism will shift in about 2-3 weeks and you should start loosing weight.

If you still want to try a weight loss pill, i’ve seen some results with “slim quick”, but it’s expensive and you have to remember to take it on a regular schedule – which many women also don’t have the luxury of. Also watch because some types of pills are addictive and literally the minute you stop taking them you gain it all back.

I’ve also heard of some health benefits packages covering the costs of gastric bands or other surgical procedures when it’s necessary to prevent serious illness or injury… Check that out with insurance companies in your area.

William asks…

Anyone know anything about weight loss pills?

Im looking for some weight loss pills that actually work. Does anyone know of any work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You will be searching for a long time my friend because the fact is, there are no weight loss pills that work. Please trust me when I say you don’t need a weight loss pill to lose weight. Nobody does.

Every weight loss pill company says to diet and exercise while taking their product. Why, because that is how you lose weight, through diet and exercise.

That is how they get you. They make you believe that it is their product that caused the weight loss when in fact it was actually your hard work. What happens when you don’t diet and exercise while taking their product and see no weight loss results.

They say to you, “Well, we do reccomend diet and exercise as well”. It’s a win win situation for them.

Each pill has there own set of side effects and hidden dangers and all have the potential to cause harm. Why would you take the risk when you can lose weight by simply eating well and exercising.

There is no magic secret to weight loss. It is all about hard work, commitment, goal setting and desire. If you want to lose weight you can and you will.

This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.

Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

Michael asks…

wat are some good weight loss pills?

what are some good weight loss pills that actually work and dont make you to jittery and what are some other good ways to loose weight? thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t take diet pills. They are unnatural and dangerous. It is not the lack of pills that got you heavy; that is not the fix you need. It was (most likely) improper diet and lifestyle that got you the extra weight. That is the fix you need.

The best way to lose weight is through the principles of balance and moderation. You need to eat good food and eat enough of it.

Shoot to lose 1-3 pounds per week. No more. Don’t go hungry, just keep yourself filled with good, natural foods.

Don’t worry about calories. Caloric science is flawed for several reasons. 1) it assumes 100% absorption, but we all absorb and excrete different amounts; 2) It assumes all calories are processed the same, but calories from natural sources are burned more slowly and evenly than from refined sources; 3) It assumes that the amount of energy released by combustion (burning) in a lab is the same amount of energy released when the food is broken down enzymatically in the gut; 4) It assumes that the same exercise done by different people will burn the same amount of exercise, but different exercises will be harder or easier for different people; 5) Correlation does not prove causation. People who are heavier eat more calories: did the calories make them heavy, or did being heavy make them need more calories? Maybe they are both symptoms of a deeper problem. 6) people in China consume 25-40% more calories; even the sedentary office workers have more calories and less obesity than we.

Asian cultures have long ago figured out how we should be eating, Ever since we have looked to science to tell us how to eat we have seen more obesity and diet-related disease. If we eat like the Asians, we will look like the Asians. This doesn’t mean you have to eat Asian food, just adhere to the principles that are common to the different cultures and cuisines.

You should eat mostly vegetables, mostly cooked (cold and raw foods slow your metabolism because they need to be cooked in your stomach) and a wide variety, mostly fresh and in-season and local, simple grains (more rice, less bread), some fruit, a little meat, no dairy (it’s for infants and grows tissue), and no artificial foods.

Avoid artificial foods, including sugar substitutes. Don’t worry about calories, fat, protein, carbs, nor any one component of food.

There are several books that explain this strategy of eating. “The Asian Diet: simple secrets for eating right, losing weight, and being well” by Bussell explains the diet and its rationale. “The Asian Diet: get slim and stay slim the Asian way” by Tran has recipes that adhere to the principles. “The China Study” by Campbell has the science behind the recommendation.

Get some exercise every day, but not too much and not always the same exercise. Start slow and work your way up. Calisthenics are great, as is Tai Chi. Walking and swimming are also great. All other exercises should be in a wide rotation.

Follow the principles of balance and moderation and you’ll be fine. Most diets in America are not balanced nor moderate.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

David asks…

Can anyone help me with this weight losing problem?

I’ve been trying to lose weight for quite a while now.
I go to the gym 5-6 days out of the week for at least an hour each time, and I have a very strict diet, why am I not losing weight? My sister has been doing the same thing but she’s been dropping the weight so easily and fast. I don’t know why I am not losing weight like she is. I know that everyone’s body is different and it can take longer for certain people but this has been going on for a long time. Can anyone help me? Maybe some suggestions on what to do?
I drink at least eight glasses of water a day, about 1000 calories a day, no more than 1500, and I cut my carbs down a LOT. Also, I try not to eat or drink anything that has a lot of sugar.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I don’t really know what to tell you without knowing what your diet consists of.. Just make sure to portion your food correctly.. ONLY drink water, maybe a cup of milk but really nothing else.. And drink a lot.. If you can find lower calorie alternatives for the same food you’re eating, do that.. Ex.. Light wheat bread has a 1/4 the calories of any other, spray butter has 0 calories, etc… And try to stay away from any condiments that may be holding you back.. If you eat salads, don’t eat the salad dressing, cheese, etc.. Good luck!! Hope it works out for ya!!

William asks…

How can I lose weight fast?

I tend to eat much, but the things I do eat I gain a lot of weight. I’m gaining weight like no tomorrow and I just wish to be skinny as I used too,
Any tips that could make me lose weight easily, quicker.
Please help 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

Here are a few awesome tips to living a healthy lifestyle.

Food :
– eat vegetables! Loads of them. Cucumber,broccoli,peppers,salad greens.. Etc
– fruits. Great fruits for snacking on are bananas,apples,pears,oranges,..etc you can have some dried fruit, in moderation too , such as prunes,raisins,..etc
– low fat dairy, such as low fat greek yogurt, skim milk,low fat cheese.. Everything low in fat really 🙂
– chicken, lean beef and fish. Very important healthy sources for protein!
– whole wheat -> brown bread, rice, pasta.. Etc. These are way healthier than white processed food!
– nuts,olive oil and avocado is good for healthy fats.

I might have missed out some healthy foods, but these are the main ones. Basically, eat natural foods. Organic. Very healthy! Stay away from junk food such as crisps,sweets, fast food..

Exercise :
– take part in a sport, such as swimming,basketball etc if you’re into that
– go to the gym, do cardio and do weights if you’re not too young (atleast older than 15,16)
– if you don’t like exercisin that much you can always walk

just remember to lower your calorie intake, and eat healthy. Exercising regularly, you should lose atleast 2 pounds every week 🙂 remember it’s a lifestyle change, not a quick diet to lose weight. So treat yourself every now and then!

Good luck 🙂 xx

Robert asks…

How to get motivated to lose weight fast?

For months I’ve been telling myself I’ll lose weight; so far, I’ve lost nothing. It’s like- one week I eat all healthy, lose a few pounds and then the next week all the motivation has disappeared and I suddenly gain much more than ever before. I regret not starting months ago but this time I really want to take it seriously. I need to lose at least 7kg by mid-August. Currently, my only access to sport is swimming and the treadmill. What’s a good plan to help me lose 7kg in a few months or more importantly, how can I stay motivated instead of stuffing myself every few days?!
Btw I’m 15 if that makes any difference on the amount of exercise I should be doing, etc.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t rush. You are only 15. You still have years to take care of your body. Best thing now is understand yourself. Weight is one thing but I can see the main problem to all your problem. That’s is concentration, focus and commitment. It’s not east to master this. Takes time.

Aren’t you feeling tired and frustrated that you keep setting good goals again and again without any improvements? What is the problem? It’s not about weigh anymore. You should be focusing what is your major drawback from your commitment and your goals. Once you fix this, anything you will should be easily solved.

For now, screw the plan about losing weight. Start small and focus small. Do one thing at a time. You know losing weight and looking healthy is not a simple tasks. It involves a lot of actions and stuff to do like eating right, choosing your food right, exercising, types of exercise, rest, and a lot more. Plus you have to learn to keep it constant.

So jot and list down all the stuff that you think can help you lose weight, gain better health and lifestyle. Then do each of those things one at a time until you can do it without planning or it becomes a typical reactions or behavior to you. Don’t know how to put this. It’s like your body is always learning to adapt and adjust and this takes time for your body to memories itself. Same goes to your brain. Stuff that you do constantly will be imprint deep into your body and brain that you do it without knowing. So start doing the items in your list one at a time until your body and brain remembers it and do it without planning. You should know when you reach there.

Start by the food which is the most important part of losing weight and keeping in shape. Do you eat fruits and vege everyday? How’s your diet? Do that first. Keep eating fruits everyday. An apple and an orange per day. Do that until you don’t feel lazy doing it. Then keep going for the next few items. Should be a normal routine when you reach college or uni. By the time you reach adulthood, you should be in great shape and peak of health. Remember! Don’t rush! Time is on your side.

Good luck and keep it up. Hope this helps!

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