Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

What are the best weight loss pills?

I need to lose about 60 pounds. I watch what I eat and workout but nothing seems to help. So what are the best weight loss pills for women?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I could sit here and say they don’t work like most people would. But I would be lying. They do work but can cause bad side effects or long term damage to your body.

I tried one and it ended me in the hospital. My throat started closing and my ears were swelling. I’m not allergic to anything either. My doctor told me to throw them out.

Then I tried Lipo 6 one a day for women. I was losing over a pound a day. But it had so much caffeine in it that it made me jittery and sick to my stomach. Even if I didn’t drink a lot I kept having to pee. I knew that had to be bad for my kidneys. I stopped taking it and started losing it naturally.

Also start walking. Remember 1 mile = 100 calories or more depending on how much you weigh. I started doing 2 miles a day then boosted it to 4 miles. I still have 15 pounds to lose but my legs are my best feature now. They are really toned.

Linda asks…

Does anyone have experience with weight loss pills?

I am 29, looking to lose 20 pounds by March. I have started Zumba and I am also watching what I eat. I want to also take some sort of weight loss pill that makes me feel hungry less and that doesn’t give me the jitters. Any suggestions? Experience?? I also don’t want to give my arm or my leg to buy the pills!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t do weight loss pills. You can lose 20 pounds by March through sensible eating and exercise. If you use weight pills you may lose the weight, but you’ll gain it all back (with interest) once you stop taking the pills. See, weight loss pills artificially increase your metabolism, and once you stop taking them your metabolism slows down even more than when you started. As a result, you have to exercise more and eat less just to maintain your weight, and that metabolism slow-down is PERMANENT. You’re much better off making permanent changes to your eating and exercise habits — that way you’ll lose the weight and keep it off without any nasty side effects you get with diet pills like irritability, constipation, anxiety, sleeplessness, excessive sweating, jitters — do I really need to go on?

Ken asks…

Is it safe for breastfeeding mom to take weight loss pills?

Well, my BMI has escalated to 32 and I’m wondering if it’s dangerous to for a breastfeeding mom to take the weight loss pills. (breastfeeding exclusively until baby is 6months old).

I intend to start shedding some weight at least a month after I give birth (in August). What are the dangers?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It can be very dangerous! There is a lot of ingredients that can pass into your milk and not be safe for your little one.

One of the great things about breast feeding is that you burn about 500 calories per day making milk. Keep your diet healthy and start walking or a light exercise when you are ready. Since your body uses a lot of carbs to help make your milk you may get a sweet tooth. Try and keep fruits around to help with that. The weight will come off. I had my son 3 1/2 months ago. I weighed well over 200 lbs before giving birth. I now weigh 165. I plan to breast feed till he is 6 months then I can do whatever to lose the rest of the weight. If you want to start an exercise routine after having the baby and are worried about the lactic acid that can move into your milk, just be sure to nurse right before you exercise, watch how your baby reacts and adjust your exercise accordingly. Talk with your obgyn at your check up and they can help you go over what is best for you and your baby.

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