Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mary asks…

stomach fat! help!!!?

ok so now that it’s summer break, i’ve been eating more and less healthy. I gained 7.5 lbs!!! what are some easy workout methods that get rid of unwanted stomach fat? Also and eating tricks would be great! But healthy and not like throwing up what you ate or weightloss drinks, THANKS A BUNCH!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

One exercise that targets the stubborn stomach area is called The Bicycle. To do The Bicycle, simply lay on the floor pressing your lower back to the ground. Your hands are beside your head. Bring your knees to an approximate 45-degree angle and slowly go through the motion of pedaling a bicycle. Your left elbow will touch your right knee and then your right elbow will touch your left knee.


Carol asks…

This is how you lose weight [Not Spam] TL;DR?

In order to educate women and some men who believe that doing cardio and abs will help them shed pounds on their midsection. I also think it will help out trainers who have a hard time getting clients to understand the benefits of lifting moderately heavy weights, which is the best thing for them to do to lose weight.

Everyone knows that cardio is the best thing for you when looking to burn extra calories. Or is it? What most people don’t know is cardio can be the worst thing for cutting fat when it isn’t paired with weight training. If you ask the girl (or even the guy) on the ab machine what she’s trying to do, nine times out of ten she will reply with “lose my stomach fat.” Ten times out of ten, she won’t loss stomach fat. The number one reason for this is that you can’t spot reduce an area. When you lose body fat, the fat will be reduced throughout the body, not just from the area you’re working. If we could lose weight in just one area, don’t you think we’d look a little funny? People would walk around with rock hard abs, saggy glutes, and flabby arms. All beach guys would have fat legs because they only do chest, arms, and abs.

Stop listening to your uneducated group fitness class groupies.

You’re working too hard and burning too many calories. Your body is eating your muscle, which is slowing your metabolism down, and you aren’t strength training.

I don’t care about my muscle. What does that have to do with me losing weight.

It has everything to do with you losing weight. Your muscle is going to be what regulates your metabolism. Your metabolism is going to be the amount of calories you burn at rest throughout the day. Now this is where muscle comes in. Your muscle determines your metabolism. A pound of muscle can burn anywhere up to 50 calories a day depending on its health. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn throughout the day. This is known as your basal metabolic rate, an estimated amount of calories you burn throughout the day. If you don’t take in enough calories throughout the day, your body will have to get the nutrients it needs from somewhere. If you had to choose between eating fat or meat, what would you eat? Meat. Your body would too.

Meal frequency. You eat three meals a day, correct? That is ok if you’re eating the right amount of calories and your metabolism hasn’t been damaged like yours has. The trick to keeping your body burning calories or keeping your metabolism moving is to constantly put food in to be used for fuel for the body. An easy way to understand this is to think of your body as an old furnace that needs wood for fuel. The wood represents the food. To turn on the furnace, you must put wood in it. The wood will burn for a few hours, but in order to keep the furnace on, you must add more wood. The same thing goes for the body. If there isn’t any food to fuel the body, the metabolism slows down. If you are to eat every two and a half to three hours—four being the most—you will keep your metabolism constantly working. Five to six small meals should do the trick.”

Carbs are good for you, especially after a workout. Any exercise over about 45 minutes can be long enough to completely destroy your carb or glycogen storage. Glycogen is what carbs are stored as in the body. It is stored in muscles and organs. After an intense cardio session, Have you ever noticed that your muscle are flat or you feel thinner? That isn’t just from sweating out fluids. It is also from using your energy storage. This is where the whole low carb diet thing came about.

After one day of cutting out carbs, most people will lose one to two pounds, mostly from water. Not only do you lose weight, but you also feel thinner. That’s because you’re depleting your muscles of glycogen. Carbs will keep your muscles hydrated, making you feel like your muscles are bloated, hence the name carbohydrate. About two-thirds of your carb intake is used for the brain. That is why most people get light-headed until of course they get used to operating on less carbs. You will be able to function but not at your max.

If you burn off more calories than you take in, you will lose weight.

Don’t get me wrong—too many carbs are bad, but so is too much of anything. If you were able to have 2000 calories and ate 2500 calories of all protein, you wouldn’t lose weight. The same thing goes if you ate 1800 calories just from cake. You wouldn’t lose weight. Each macronutrient, protein, carb, or fat has its own job. Protein is great because it is the most versatile one.

Adding a carb in at breakfast and lunch and then two small, healthy snacks in between lunch and dinner.

What kind of snacks?A shake, fruit or almonds.

Some fats are good for you. The body needs fat for certain things, and you shouldn’t deprive your body of it. It is the secondary source of energy and also helps with joint health. There are other things your body uses fat for. But no matter how good it is for yo
u. The body needs fat for certain things, and you shouldn’t deprive your body of it. It is the secondary source of energy and also helps with joint health. There are other things your body uses fat for. But no matter how good it is for you, fat is fat in the end. Too much of any one thing isn’t any good, especially fat. It contains nine calories per gram as opposed to protein and carbs, which both have four calories per gram. That’s why fat should be kept to two servings per day in my opinion. So, yes, almonds.

As a general rule of thumb, to help portion meals, I recommend having a small amount of protein with each meal with a serving of carbs or a protein and a serving of fat. It will balance out to about the same amount of calories. If you do a fruit or almonds by itself, that is ok to start. It is a step in the right direction.

You’re Welcome.
(You can thank me with bee that make milk.)
Helter Skelter you’re so cool. Thanks for enlightening me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Awesome stuff mate. Keep up the good work. A lot of people tend to stay away from weight training when trying to lose weight but I always balanced between my diet, weight training, and cardio to lose weight. It works wonders because the muscles help me up my metabolic rate!

William asks…

Signs of anorexia! I need help , a girls life is in danger!?

She is just a lil chunky , not overweight at all. But she does sports and all she sees is skinny girls. she is not as fast as them and that is why she is doing this “healthy diet” it doesn’t seem healthy at all.
Do these signs add up to a ed at all or an actual diet
– Only eats when she HAS too like her mom makes her
-When ever we go out she never says she is hungry or says she has a tummy ache
-Drinks so much water , its really crazy
-asks about calories , she is ALWAYS making food for others. and lie to her mother about what she ate
– Works out all the time
-calls her self fat, she thinks she wears a size 11 when she actually wears a size 6 i tricked into trying on my sisters old jeans
-wears baggy clothes to hide weight loss
-dropped 15 pounds in 20 days
-hair is not growing sat all not falling out but not growing
-black under her eyes
– she has passed out at soccer practices
-gets dizzy easy

im scared , but maybe its normal?
what should i do?

weight loss cardiff answers:

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders.

I hope your friend gets the help she needs. I would recommend talking to your parents and hers.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Richard asks…

What are some reasons that Martin Luther was a conservative and some reasons he was a revolutionary?

I have to write an essay for history and i cant find why he was a conservative. I know he was a revolutionary because the revolution, the Diet of Worms, and the 95 Thesis…

weight loss cardiff answers:

You need to go to a library and read, a quick read, a book entitled HERE I STAND by Roland Bainton. That is the best biography on Luther for the average student.

He was conservative because he wanted to turn the Christian faith back to its original roots and liberal because he bucked Catholic authority by sticking to his guns on the 95 Theses. There is a lot more to it than that, those are the basics, and Bainton will tell you the rest.

Mark asks…

Why was the condemnation of Martin Luther in 1521 at Worms not enforced by the German nobility?

Please help!!! Major AP Euro test tomorrow!!! I know that his condemnation was not enforced, but I don’t know why. So,
Why was the condemnation of Luther in 1521 at the Diet of Worms not enforced by the German nobility? What was the result?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Because some of the German princes – especially Frederick, Elector of Saxony – were “Protestants” who opposed the Edict of Worms.

Frederick “kidnapped” Martin Luther after Luther was released by the Diet of Worms and protected him for the next several years. By this time, a number of German princes and a significant number of the German people had aligned themselves with Luther, and the Holy Roman Emperor was no longer in a strong political position to neutralize Luther.

Thomas asks…

What happend after Martin Luther posted the 95 Thesis on the Church doors?

Did he get submitted to the imperial diet of worms?
or was that before he posted them?
When did he interpertate the bible thing?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I am trying to figure this out too. I don’t really know what happened. But I know the Pope Leo X was trying to get Martin Luther to shut up basically. He didn’t want Martin to have any more influence. I know it caused a lot of violence. He survived the trip to Worms, and became famous. His idea’s “spread like wildfire” He eventually moved to Germany, married an ex-nun, had a large family, and then died in 1543 from a hard attack. I got this all from a website. Hope that helped/

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

How do I lose weight in one week?

Okay so I just tried on my dress for homecoming and it barely fits. It’s really tight in my stomach area:( how can I lose weight in one week so I an fit in the dress? Nice answers only pleas!(:

weight loss cardiff answers:

A pound is 3,500 calories. Cut out 500 calories a day from food or workout 500 calories a day and lose a pound this week. I don’t even think you should do anything at all because a pound won’t make a difference. Enjoy your homecoming and just forget about the little details 🙂

George asks…

Is it normal to not lose weight in the first week of exercising? If so, when will I start seeing results?

Hi. I’ve started exercising on April 25th and will be starting my second week tomorrow afternoon. Is it normal to not be losing weight in the first week of exercise? I’ve cut off junk food and I’m exercising 6 days a week. Any tips on being more efficient would be appreciated.

So, when will I begin to see a difference in my weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t rush. Its a proccess. It takes more than one week to start losing weight. Sounds like your off to a good start!

Robert asks…

How to lose weight healthily but quickly?

I need to lose weight next week for a bet. I have no idea how. Any one help? It would be epic if someone has a diet plan… but i dont want to be stuck with soup all week!
Are packet soups any good?

I really dont want to watch Air Buds world pup…..

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can’t lose weight healthily and quickly. Losing weight is unfortunately a slow process.
Losing 0.5 – 1.5kg a week is considered healthy.

I suggest cutting out chips, sodas, lollies and any deep fried foods.
I’ll give you a list of foods that I’d suggest:
Breakfast: banana smoothie, yoghurt and fruit, bran cereal with no fat milk, toast with vegemite.
Lunch: Salad and tuna/chicken wrap, stir fry with rice, fruit salad, low fat crackers with dip and vegetables.
Dinner: Stir fry with rice or noodles, salads, anything with lots of vegies.
Snacks: fruit, vegetables with dip, banana smoothie, biscuits with low fat cheese.

You’ll also need to do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

Good luck.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

Would doing this daily gradually contribute to weight loss?

I walk about 3 miles and dance salsa for an hour daily. Sometimes I “lift” 10 lbs dumbells for a bit. Would this eventually lead to weight loss? How long would it take to lose 30-40 lbs with this exercise routine?

– I am also changing my diet, and eat probably 1,100 calories MAX in a day.

I’m 5’5.5 ft, 149 lbs.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s not the exercise that determines your fat burn rate. It’s the diet, because you can always eat more calories than you can burn. You should calculate your normal caloric burn rate and then count calories making sure you consume no more than about 500 calories below your daily burn. You can go here and look up food, track your calories, and let the site do all the math for you. Or you can go here and select the appropriate calculator and let it figure out your daily burn. For more info on dieting go here

Exercise, over and above what you do normally, should be planned to achieve specific goals. It’s too difficult to workout regularly to do it blind with no goals or objectives. Figure out what it is you want to do from body sculpting to endurance to flexibility to balance and coordination, etc. And then plan your exercise to accomplish those goals.

You will burn fat in your sleep if your diet allows it. So, walk 3 miles or not. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t include it in your workout routine. Salsa dancing is great exercise because it’s physically demanding, it’s fun, and when all is said and done you look great on the dance floor. Don’t worry about the speed at which you lose weight. If you eat 500 calories less than your daily burn, you’ll lose about a pound per week which is good. Too much loss will get you stuck in starvation mode aka hibernation mode aka plateauing. You can go here to calculate your max caloric intake . Just follow the instructions. I’m guessing it will be about 1650 per day base on your biometrics and nominal exercise. I think you’ll find that 1100 calories/day is not enough and you’ll end up slowly your metabolism and having to fight your own body for each pound of fat you burn.

You may also find Scooby’s site interesting. He’s fun to watch and has a lot of good info on YouTube and his personal website. He won’t try to sell you anything either. Never mind his muscles. You can strength train a little or a lot and he’s go some good advice about dieting and fitness.

Check him out here:
SCOOBY (YouTube) –
SCOOBY (Website) –

Good luck and good health!!

Chris asks…

How much weight will I loose doing this diet?

As of right now, I am 240 pounds. I want to weight 120, because that is healthy for my height. ( I am about 5’1 to 5’3)

If I do this, how much weight should I loose in a year? Or how long it may take me to get to 120?

– eat meat once a week
– eat less candy, more fruits and veggies
– walk for half an hour everyday
– drink only water

And is there any tips on weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The nature of your question tells me that you need to learn a little about weight loss and how it works. At you current weight and activity level, you would need to consume about 2700 calories a day to maintain your current weight. You need a calorie deficit of 3500 calories to lose a pound. So at this rate if you consume about 1500 calories a day you will have a calorie deficit of about 1200 calories a day and so would lose about 2 pounds a week initially. If you keep everything the same your rate of weight loss would slow down slightly as you get lighter. You need a calorie deficit of 3500 calories to lose a pound.


As much as we would like to think otherwise, there really is no magic answer to weight loss. There is no well kept secret, and no mystery solution, but there are simple things you can do that will help tremendously. Eat a healthy diet of about 1500 calories a day – you do need to learn to count calories and there are tons of sites that will help you with that, as well as the labels on foods. Start keeping a record everyday of what you eat, because we all usually tend to consume more calories than we think we do. Eliminate ALL junk food, sodas, pop, sweets, fried foods, fast foods, fruit juices, and processed foods. Everyday eat fruit, veggies, a few nuts, lean meat and fish, whole grain breads and cereals, low fat dairy products. Go for a brisk 45 minute walk twice a day if you can, everyday. Climb lots of stairs. Drink plenty of water. If at all possible start a weight lifting/strength training program at a gym and get some instruction from the gym trainer. It will work. Here are a few sites that may help.


Maria asks…

How long will it take to lose weight on this diet?

I am 14 (I weight 171)and I downloaded this new app that will help you track weight loss. I would like to lose about 20-25 pounds to get a little healthier ,so it said I needed to eat 2200 calories a day and I should be able to lose the weight. I just wanted to know how long do 6ou think it might take to lose the weight?
1934 is my rate thing and I play softball a lot and I don’t drink soda ,just water. Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It depends on how many calories you burn.. There are calculators to help you figure out your basal metabolic rate. It’s only an estimate based on height/weight, but should help. Then add in estimations of calories burned during exercise. The total, minus 2200 calories, is your deficit per day. Multiply that number times 30, and divide by 3500 (3500 calories = 1 lb). That’s how many calories you should be able to lose in a month. If you need to lose 20-24 lbs, it’s possible to do that healthily in about 3 months. A site like caloriecount can be really helpful.

If you’re only 14, try not to get too obsessed with calorie counting. Just cut out needless calories (like soda), and include more exercise wherever you can.

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