Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

Is it true that a person initially gains weight at the beginning of weight loss programs?

Because of increase in muscle?
When can I expect the weight loss to start happening?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yeah that’s true
it’ll happen for 2 weeks
maybe a little more
but eventually the muscle will start burning fat
don’t worry

Chris asks…

Why are weight loss programs so expensive?

How is it that almost all the world is obese and it’s such a big problem, but almost all programs charge through the nose to lose weight? This discourages people from losing the weight (even very serious people) because they can’t afford the program. Anyone have some insight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Because they’re suckering people who don’t know that all you have to do to lose weight is eat small portions of healthy food 6 times a day, exercise, and sleep properly.

Oh wait, I should have charged you 3 easy payments of $39.99 before I told you that.

Lisa asks…

has anyone tried the medically supervised weight loss programs.?

has anyone tried the medically supervised weight loss programs…if so how effective are they and are they worth the price?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have used the First Line therapy program and like it a lot. They monitor you body fat throughout and make sure you aren’t losing muscle as opposed to body fat.

The use a medical food to make sure you don’t lose muscle and keep it intact during the diet. It is also a healthy diet.

You can read more about it below.

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