Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

Is it normal for an 11 year old girl to weigh 110lbs? (And weight loss tips)?

My daughter is 11 and she weighs 110lbs. She doesn’t look like it very much, but her thighs are a little bigger than her friends. But she is also amazing at long distance running, and I’ve seen that she can run 800m almost non-stop. Help? And any additional tips for weight loss, because I think she needs a little.
I believe she is like 5″ft

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well it also depends on her height too, that makes a little more difference than age. (if she’s taller she’s likely to weigh more) as for weight loss tips, just keep her running and active every day and try and cook healthier main meals. Also watch her snack intake (it doesn’t matter how much, in fact technically the more the better, just make sure the snacks are healthier like an apple or yogurt with water instead of a bag of potato chips and a pop)
Just taking small steps everyday is gonna make a big difference over time. Hope this helps, Good luck to you and your daughter.

Mark asks…

what are some good weight loss tips for us?

like title,i want to know some good weight loss tips,do you know?please tell me,thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes,just now i have find some good weight loss tips at here:
it include “how to lose 20 pounds”,”3 Radical Weight Loss Tips”, is helpful for me,i think it is helpful for you also.

Jenny asks…

Weight loss tips, and ways to gain muscle?

Okay. I am 14 years old and im starting to get a little chubby. Its only going to get worse over the holidays, if I dont do something. Do you have any tips for weight loss, or ways to gain some muscle in the legs and belly area?
Oh, and I eat when I am bored. A LOT. What else can I do?

weight loss cardiff answers:

What you need to do is stop eating when you are bored. You need to get a hobby besides eating. Did the you start gaining weight when you started to get bored? If you are bored. Do your home work, lock yourself in your room and dance to some music. Get a full length mirror and try to belly dance or something, read, draw, color, do arts and crafts.
For exercise ideas do some chores like, sweeping(helps arms) or moping, cleaning windows or picking up trash from outside.
If you are still bored drink 2 classes of water before you start eating and at least you will eat less. If you still do not feel full drink another

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