Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mary asks…

I need to confirm something about Fruit/Meat and Weight loss.?

I searched up in yahoo but people say you can get fat by eating “lots” of fruit or meat by whatever – it doesn’t matter what you eat but if you eat a lot you will gain weight regardless of how much fruit or meat you consume.


My therapist told me that Fruits have Natural Sugar and can be digested easily unlike regular sugar and is good for you and to lose weight regardless of what fruit you eat, because fruits’ sugar doesn’t get stored as fat unlike regular sugar so you can consume as much fruit as you want.

I also asked him will I lose weight by just eating fruit?

and he told me “well you have to eat other foods”, he said: white meat and meat without or low carbohydrates – (Since I’m Asian – Filipino) He said I should eat my meat with grained food and switch white rice with brown rice and stop eating white bread and eat wheat bread. And stay away from Red Meat and meat that is deep fried or fried with oil.

I didn’t have the chance to ask if I needed exercise in order to lose the weight so I need to confirm it here, but he said this diet should make me lose weight because everything I do is burning calories even by sitting down in front of my pc I will burn calories and even when I’m sleeping

He also said it will be useless if I use this diet and quit if I become skinny (anorexic) because if I use this diet I have to change my eating habits permanently to maintain my body mass.

But he never mentioned anything about exercising.

I’ve been eating lots of fruits (I don’t really have a good will-power to starve myself so I satisfy my urges with fruits) like water melon, and oranges, etc

I lost 1 and a half pound(s) in one week. But I was wondering if I keep up this diet and stick to it – Will I continue to lose weight and keep it off?

And is what my therapist said is true? Or was he just trying to sound smart?
I am Filipino, I forgot to mention I eat Rice with everything. And I used to be anorexic because I took Adderall XR but I built up a tolerance. Jesus Christ… aggressive, much?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Its all a simple equation
calories intake – calories burned
if you have a positive value than you are gaining weight and vice versa
so you can eat whatever you want as long as you burn it
so the day you are eating alot of sugars you should burn more calories and the day you havent ate much you dont have to do as much exercise.

To answer your question: fruits are less likely to make you gain weight but still would do relatively lower of course. And yes daily actions even studying will make you burn calories but they are very minimal. Honestly all you really need is 15 min of a fast pace walk and easy on the sugars and rice and bread and no more pops (pepsi and such) and you ll loose crazy weight

Thomas asks…

Help me create a weight loss program…?

Heylo there.

So yeeah, I’m looking to lose some weight. I’m not that heavy or anything, just a bit more than I want. But I really know nothing about diets, so I call upon the people of Yahoo Answers!

Here’s the thing though: I’m 14. I’d really prefer not to screw over my developing body, so that means no crazy crash diets or anything, and probably it just helps you to know my age anyways.

So yeah, I don’t see any glaring flaws in my intake. I usually have Post Shredded Wheat for breakfast, no sugar/topping or anything. That’s not even a new thing I put in to lose weight, I just like the taste of it anyway compared to like Trix and whatnot which is kind of disgusting. I think we have 2% fat milk at my house usually… anyway. I only drink water, besides milk for breakfast, which is something relatively new I’ve been doing: past couple of months or so. I used to drink a lot of juice, but I never really liked soda. I was able to give up the juice pretty easily though, so pretty much all I drink is water.

For lunch I typically have a sandwich. Me pops gets pretty nice meat from the deli, so that’s probably not a problem- turkey, pastrami, ham and swiss/provolone, etc. And then I usually have some fruit- some slices of apple, peach, banana, etc. I don’t really have snacks in-between meals, except occasionally a banana or other fruit, so I also doubt that’s a problem. I stopped eating crackers, cookies, that sort of snack thing. I was on Triscuits for a while, which were good, but I haven’t been having as many recently. I dunno if that’s a good or bad thing- I think they’re somewhat healthy, but probably beat out by fruit.

For dinner my mom usually cooks, as she’s a pretty good cook. This varies a lot- chicken, pasta, fish, meat, soup, etc. I can’t really give many specifics, because it is pretty random. Overall nothing that’s incredibly unhealthy though, we have fried stuff once a blue moon, and fast food every few years at most. We typically have fresh bread (IE not package bread, baguettes and whatnot), and cheese on the table as well. (Cheese as in large blocks, not slices). I usually have a slice or two of bread- I cut out on putting butter on it though, just have it plain, so that probably helps a lot. And I usually have a couple slices of cheese. Maybe I should cut down on that.

That usually lasts me until I decide to sleep, except for maybe a banana or something if I’m pretty hungry. Bananas are very convenient.

As something to note, every Friday we order pizza. I imagine this is pretty unhealthy. Not much I can do about this though, except maybe have some fruit beforehand and just have a few less slices. I usually have 4, I could easily cut it down to 3, maybe 2 if I had something beforehand.

As far as exercise goes, I lift weights in our basement every other day. I lift 35 pounds 10 times in 5 positions, so 50.. lifts I guess. I have no idea what the positions are called. But basically, 10 arm curls standing, 10 reverse arm curls (correct term?) standing, 10 lifting it over my head from sitting, 10 lifting it behind my head over my head from sitting, and 10 bench press (right term?). I do it every other day because apparently it’s not good to do it every day. So if you could give me some exercises to do on off days that would help. Maybe leg exercises? Or something. I’d prefer them to be indoor. It’d just make it a lot easier for me, I’d rather not make this into a big thing and get my parents involved. So yeah. I could do crunches or something. I also have a trampoline: maybe I could jump for a good half hour or something every day.

I also go swimming fairly often for a good 45 minutes doing laps. I’d say every other day to every third day I go. (1/2 to 1/3 of the time…days). So that’s good. Maybe I could make it everyday.

I guess that covers it. I do like video games, so I’d imagine the problem is more lack of exercise than dietary stuff. But still, any healthy eating tips ya got are appreciated.

But mainly I’m looking for some good indoor exercise solutions! I much prefer to work hard for half an hour to pacing myself for two hours though, so if you have anything like that, it’d be great. I’m more looking to lose fat than build muscle, but I guess that’s good too… still a second priority though. I can work on a six-pack later, now I just want to lose some weight!

Er… thanks in advance!

P.S. If I get one of those automated things that’s like “TRY FAT-X- I LOST 20 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS. CLICK MY LINK.” that clearly didn’t read my post, I will slap somebody.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have released over 85 pounds without exercising. I’m not saying it’s not important, what I’m saying is food control is 90% of the losing game.
I weigh and measure each meal so I know exactly what I’m eating and I feel free from all the brain chatter and thinking….I’m just losing

Mark asks…


What do you like most about a girl physically and her traits?
Also, I want to know so that I can get a basic idea of maybe the guys at my school.
I am overweight, but not horribly because it evens out through my body. I am shy and quiet but can open up easily.
Any ideas on how to lose weight? The longer the answers the better! πŸ™‚

P.S. How do I get a guy to notice/like me. We are both shy, but he is lean and popular and funny and smart….etc.
We are on different “teams” at school, so we don’t get to see each other there except in the halls. We have never spoken because we just met this year and nothing has come up.
We go to church together.
If you would like the lonngggg details, please go here:;_ylt=Amx9A6hkkfXKkUukuja8k.nsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100128173552AArGjSu

weight loss cardiff answers:

Her personality

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