Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Jenny asks…

How do I lose weight in 2 weeks before school p.e starts up?

I’m 5 foot 1 inch tall and I weigh 123lbs. 14yrs old.
Winter break is coming up, and it’s 2 weeks long and I really want to lose some weight, mostly off my stomach and my legs before p.e. I want it to be flat. I don’t feel happy with the way I look. people tell me I’m not fat. but I don’t think I want to believe them… I eat pretty well, and I exercise frequently I guess is a good word… any advise?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You may not like this, but its going to take some time.
The only healthy way to loose that weight (and probably in your case just build muscle) is not a quick fix that most people like.

(also, you will initially lose weight, then you will gain weight, because muscle weights more than fat. If you want an accurate measure of how well your doing, do body measurments, like around thighs…ect…)

(these exercises will work if you don’t have acess to a gym or weights)

i have the same issue. Squats are especially good for thighs. Also try lunges, you can vary it by adding weights (start low, it may not feel like a lot at first, but the more you do it, the heavier it seems) or doing walking lunges. Whatever you do, you must do it in reps. I usually go ffor 3 sets of 12.
Another killer one is the ‘wall sit’ you do this, again in a few reps, for 1 or 2 minuets at a time.

For you stomache, there are many different kinds of sit ups you can do.

Remember to take at least one day off in the week.

It is also a good idea to do cardio, it will make you much healthier. (you can do this by running, biking. Anything that gets your heart rate up) i personally dislike cardio the most!

It is also important (ofcourse) that you eat well. Take a look at what your eating. What can you cut out? Can you replace that snack of chips (or w/e) with something healthier, but just as good? There are a lot of easy changes you can make. Especially when it comes to sugar….im now getting a bit off topic.
They key is consistancy. You have to stick with it. If you don’t get the desired results right away, it doesnt mean you need to work out all the time. (that is bad for you. You can work out like 4 hours a day though) i only do 2.

Nancy asks…

a healthy and easy way to lose weight in 2 weeks?

i need to lose weight for a special occasion in 2 weeks,i need to lose bout 10+ pounds. how should i do it?

weight loss cardiff answers:


I am a detox specialist and I specialize in helping people lose weight.

The easiest and FASTEST way I know to lose weight is to detox.

I myself have lost 33 pounds within 2 mths doing this detox programme.

My mentor also lost 15 pounds within a week doing the detox πŸ˜‰

A detox is healthy because it brings balance back to your body and losing weight is just a by product of the detox. So at the end of the detox, you will find yourself get more energetic, healthier, more radiant looking as well.

And the detox is simple. All you need to do is three things.

Number one, follow the detox programme which requires you to change your diet a little bit. Eg, take more vege and less meat and seafoods.

Number two, use 1 minute a day to take some natural health foods that I take to enhance the speed and the effect of the detox.

Number three, drink lots of water to flush the toxins out..

And that’s it.

The rest is up to you.

So what do you think? πŸ˜‰

If you are keen to find out more about my detox programme, you can email me at

Mark asks…

How much weight did you lose 2 weeks after having a baby?

I have lost exactly 20 pounds. I’m breastfeeding, so I know this plays a factor as well. How much weight did you lose 2 weeks after having a baby? …6 weeks? I’m just wondering about this. Thank you in advance to all who answer! <3
I gained 50 pounds. I started at 112 pre-pregnancy and went up to 162. I am now at 142.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I gained 35-40 pounds during pregnancy. At 2 weeks, I lost 20 pounds, which is half of what I gained. It has almost been 5 weeks and I still haven’t lost anymore.Maybe 3 pounds that’s about it. It is frustrating. I am breastfeeding and I have been exercising here and there. I am not really dieting due to breastfeeding, but I think I am going to start something here this week. I have to work really hard to loose weight. I was alittle overweight before I got pregnant, so I need to loose way more. I hate it.

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