Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

How much weight would I lose a week if…?

I ate only three healthy meals a day, drank nothing much water, and had one snack in the afternoon? (a healthy snack, like apples and peanut butter or something)

I excersize everyday for like 2 hours because of cheerleading. I want to lose like 10 pounds for starters.

I weigh 137. Dont tell me not to lose weight. Just tell me how much I would lose in a week if i did this

weight loss cardiff answers:

Probably like two or three pounds at first and then you wouldnt be able to lose as much.

John asks…

would i lose weight in one week by eating nothing but salads an fruits and going to the gym everyday?

i really need to lose weight fast and i need to get rid of a couple pimples. Would eating nothing but fruits and salads help me with those problems? Also, i am working out everyday to help lose weight. If i keep up this schedule, how many pounds, if any, could i lose in one week?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes you would, then you’d fall over and faint, then be really ill. Do not do it, it’s madness to think that if you do not eat, you’ll be healthy and thin. Thin yes healthy no. Mix cardio workouts with eating 4 – 6 SMALL meals per day. Train 3 times per week. Good luck

Ruth asks…

How much weight can I lose in a week?

I have one week until my summer trip. I’m 5’6 and 190 pounds. I have hypothyroidism and am willing to commit to losing weight. How can I lose weight and how much of it will I lose this week? On my trip I probably won’t be able to diet but i will be doing a lot of walking. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

5 lbs at the most and the 1st week is water weight

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