Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

Have you or someone in your family had a gastric bypass surgery?

My mother is having it in a couple weeks. I’m getting really nervous…

Can anyone tell me what to expect? I don’t live with her, but I’m very concerned about her ability to conform to the new diet. She’s a compulsive over-eater. She’s not huge like people you see get the procedure on television. She’s 275 lbs and 5’5″, though so she’s still pretty overweight. I’m very worried about her dying or just getting fat again after going through such an invasive procedure. The worst is that I don’t have a really close relationship with my mother so I don’t feel comfortable enough to voice my concerns. She’s never really committed herself to any weight loss routine for more than a couple of weeks, and I worry that she’ll eat too much with her new 4 ounce stomach and it will rupture and kill her.

Can anyone tell me anything to ease my worries? Success stories and bad stories alike are welcome. I just want to know what to prepare myself for.

weight loss cardiff answers:

My husband’s best friend had a gastric bypass about five years ago after failing to lose weight on various diets. His surgery went well, he’s had a successful recovery and his weight is down at a healthy level. However, he was willing to adjust his diet afterwards so that he could stay healthy. The problem for your mom (as it is for many gastric bypass patients) may be that she can’t eat much food at one time after the surgery so she’s always hungry. If she’s a compulsive overeater, she may end up snacking constantly which will undo the effects of the surgery.

James asks…

What is your weight loss success story?

Hey guys, I’m currently trying to be healthier and exercising more, and have lost four kilograms so far. I’m just looking for some motivational stories, so let me know about your weight loss!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well, let me start at the beginning. Growing up I never had any problems with weight. Up until I was 18, the most i ever weighed was 120 pounds. Well, right after I turned 19, I had some pretty bad things happen in my life. I wont go in to details, but those 4 years of my life were PURE hell. I coped with what was going on by eating, eating, and eating til I hit the highest weight of my life-194 pounds. Last year around September, my life started to turn around and things got WAY better.It was then that I decided that I really wanted the Old me back. SO, I started Weight Watchers online and walking on the treadmil 3-4 times a week. I started out walking 2 miles each time but that gradually increased to 4 miles each time. With the cardio and Weight Watchers-which is by far the BEST diet program EVER-I reached my goal weight of 120 pounds in April. So in 7months I lost 76 pounds! I feel like the old me and I am happier than I have been in years!

Thomas asks…

Does anyone know where I can submit my weight loss success story?

I have been using the Wii Fit in conjunction with eating healthy and since September, I have lost 64 pounds. I really want to get my story out there to inspire others!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’d be honored to hear your whole story. You can submit your success in the forums section and if it is accepted you will have your own page on the www. It is a help and be helped forum- kind of like questions and answers too. It is easy to join and no membership is required. Your e-mail is optional ( if you want to have your name included for credit).

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

How much weight should I lose and how?

I am 5 foot 5 young woman and I weigh 109-110 pounds. My goal is to be healthier. How much weight should I lose? What are some of your best weight loss tips?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Health and weight loss do not go hand-in-hand. Yes, if you are overweight, then weight loss can be one step towards better health. In your case, however, you are at the very lowest weight you can be without being underweight. In fact, you are slightly underweight as it is, with a BMI of 18.3.

If your goal is to be healthier, then I will have to advise against losing weight. If you do lose weight, even only a couple pounds, you will actually be damaging your health by causing yourself to be even more underweight.

I don’t think you need any weight loss tips right now. It would be much healthier for you to gain a few pounds than to lose an ounce. If you truly are working to achieve better health, then I recommend you focus on eating three healthy, balanced meals every day, and get in at least thirty minutes of exercise. In addition, if you’re drinking 8 glasses of water per day, you will be well on your way to superb health.

Your weight is already very satisfactory, hopefully you’re aware of that. Be healthy! 🙂


John asks…

any good post pregnancy weight loss tips?

I need weight loss tips. I already put my self on a 1500 calories diet and do 30 minutes of exercise a day. And i am beginning to get impatient, please help

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can try this link:-

i am sure it will really help you.

Mandy asks…

How fast did you lose the baby weight?

Any weight loss tips would be beneficial. Tips for jump starting weight loss? I really need to get out of these maternity clothes! Has anyone tried Weight Watchers?

I am breastfeeding and baby is 5 weeks old.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I gained 33lbs during my pregnancy.

After baby was a different story, I was not taking care of myself like I should and I was actually heavier not pregnant then being pregnant.

This summer, I realized that I had to do something. My daughter was almost two years old. So I woke up one day and decided to join Weight Watchers. It was a huge eye opener. You learn portion control, healthy habits and my favorite “it is ok to waste”. I started June 1st. I lost 42lbs by August 31st. I watched what I ate and went walking every night. I cut out pop immediately and eating out. I discovered out of all fast food Chipotle is the most healthy. With no sour cream or cheese and eating only half it is only 6 points! Which is great for a meal. I would check out Weight Watchers online, they have a program for breast feeding mothers. It is also better to watch what you eat and be healthy then not care, so I would not listen to previous answers.

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