Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

What is the best way to loose weight?

Over the year, I gained some weight that I would like to loose. Ive been watching what I eat, when I eat it and such. Before I go to bed I do crunches, leg lifts and some other ab workouts. I have seen a little weight loss but only about a pound or two.

If someone can help me loose weight with advice from eatting to working out.

weight loss cardiff answers:

1 Dietary control and exercise. It’s true what they say – all you need to do is watch what you eat, and expend more energy than you consume. It’s really that simple. You can quit reading this list now, you now know everything you need to know and didn’t need to fork over $500 for the privilege of me telling you the secret of losing weight. You don’t need to read a 4,000 page book, you don’t have to buy a tape series, you don’t need to stay up late at night to watch infomercials to understand this basic premise. It’s 100% true.

2 Change your lifestyle. If you’re calling this a “diet,” then you’re going to gain all the weight back (and more) within a few months of losing it. Diets do not work. Diets are temporary. When you change your dietary lifestyle, however, you’re changing your habits – and you’re putting yourself on track for long-term / continued success and weight maintenance. Don’t ever tell anybody you’re on a diet – ever. I’m speaking from experience, here – a reformed low-carber. Worked out well for a while, but ultimately failed because my entire lifestyle didn’t change (permanently).

3 Join an online support group. In my case, I created my own – FatBlasters. It’s essential that you not feel alone, and reaching out to friends (new or old) is typically a smart move. I just heard about PeetTrainer, but didn’t know about it when I began down the road to weight loss. You have to know that others are out there for moral support – they know things that you couldn’t possibly know, and they’ve probably been “in your shoes” at some point in the past (or present). Share stories, laughter, tears, successes, and failures – share them. There are thousands of communities out there, so keep looking until you find the one that fits you.

4 Take before and after photos. I know it sucks to see yourself as a chunky monkey (sorry, that’s what I called myself – if only to get myself motivated to meet my weight loss goal). However, there’s no easier way to illustrate your progress. The “after” photos are far more fun to capture and share, admittedly. Find yourself on Flickr! It’s good to see yourself how others see you. Do you like how you look? In many ways, Flickr helped me lose weight.

5 Hire a substitute teacher. Don’t reach for the brands you know and love immediately – or without thinking first. Eggs are “good” for you, but consider using egg substitutes instead (in fact, many restaurants will let you order lower calorie foods). There are countless “lower” alternatives for you to try. If something different doesn’t taste good, by all means – find a better substitute, or eat less of the original. In some cases, the substitute may be worse for you than the regular version of the product. The good news is, healthier choices are silently replacing their “normal” counterparts – and they taste just as nice.

6 Start reading labels. I know it sucks, but you have to do it – and there’s no way to avoid this tip. If you don’t know what you’re putting in your mouth, you’re flying blind. Don’t assume, either – triple-check the ingredients list and serving sizes. You must rely on yourself for this; nobody else is going to be able to lose the weight or do the math for you. It’s not that complicated a task, but it will require effort. If nothing else, just pay attention to the calorie count.

7 What’s so funny about bovines? If you like cheese, you must buy the Laughing Cow brand, and keep several of the suckers in stock at all times. The individually-wrapped wedges make for excellent snacks, and are wonderful when melted over just about anything edible. I’d be careful about straight-up American cheese, though – it’s oil, but not necessarily as good for you as (say) a slice of cheddar would be. I have yet to find something as calorie-light and filling as Laughing Cow (I don’t know how they do it).

8 Tell your family. You’re not going to lose the weight alone, even if you ARE alone in losing the weight. If you’ve got a family at home, talk to them about it – initially, not incessantly. Let them know what you’re going to do, and that you want (and need) their support. If you don’t let them know, you’re running the risk of them inadvertently sabotaging your efforts. You want them to help you get to your goal(s). You want them to share in your happiness when you’ve made it past a certain mark. Who knows? Maybe some of your new habits will rub off on them and they’ll become healthier people, too?

John asks…

What is the name of the weight loss surgery?

I want to know the name of the weight loss surgery I think its new its not gastric bypass or the lap band theres another one what is it???

weight loss cardiff answers:

The formula for losing weight is easy – eat less and workout more – the difficulties arise when we really try to put that into practice! There are a lot of temptations in the big wide world aren’t there?! I uncovered some excellent help by following the site in the box below, they have a lot of tips, I lost 8 pounds by doing as they advised.

Robert asks…

Please tell me if this is a good workout routine for weight loss.?

I am a female approximately 20 pounds overweight and just joined a gym. We don’t have any personal trainers around here (very small town) so I have a routine online. It consists of 30 minutes of cardio then stretching then a strength workout with weights (3 sets of 12-15 repititions). I have no idea how much I should be lifting or how often I should do this for weight loss. Can anyone help? Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s hard to say, but if you feel it burning…then it’s working.

Your workout plan sounds good and every now and then you’ll want to change it up. The combo of cardio and strength training will definitely get you to your goal.

Just make sure your strength workout is spaced out…for example don’t work every body part every day. One day work on chest & triceps….another day do back & biceps….etc. I’m sure your online routine breaks it down for you.

You sound like you’re on the right track. Just remember…if the weight feels to easy, then bump up the weight. You want it to burn ….your last set should really burn!

It’ll help if you have a buddy to workout with….it’s a good support system and you can push each other.

Good luck!!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

Are TV dinners such as lean cuisine and stouffers healthy dinner options for weight loss?

I’ve heard they are good for losing weight (as long as you exercise) and good sources of protein. Are they good for weight loss and if not what are other options?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The two that you mentioned aren’t necessarily unhealthy for you, but read the labels carefully to see if they contain a lot of salt or partially hydrogenated oils (if the latter, don’t buy them if possible).

I would not call them “good for weight loss” but I wouldn’t say they are unhealthy, either.

In addition to exercise, the best way to lose weight is to prepare most of your own foods, so that you control the ingredients and because processed foods often contain lots of stuff that you don’t want to eat a much of (this is because of BAD doctors’ and government studies in the early 1960s that made cholesterol out to be the main cause of heart disease–and that’s a lie, it isn’t.).

So, prepare and eat:

*High protein
*Lots of fresh fruits and veggies
*Plenty of fiber (whole grain breads, cereals if you eat cereal for breakfast). My favorite bread is Roman Meal.

You can be grill master for the protein, fresh fruit can simply be purchased and put in a bowl, and veggies don’t require a lot of preparation (just steam them or cook them in water in the microwave for just a few minutes). So this is all quite easy to make.

Drinking green tea is also helpful. Sweeten it with honey, not sugar (brown sugar is okay, though).

I also recommend three supplements: ginseng; and those that you can find at the links below.

John asks…

What weight-loss exercises can you do on an injured ankle?

I sprained my ankle 2 months ago and am looking for exercises that I can do that won’t reinjure my ankle.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Definitely upper body weight training….

For cardio, maybe you can do something like the cycle machine of elliptical machine, since those are more low impact….your foot never leaves the pedals.

Last of all…. There is always pilates and yoga…… Very easy on the ankles for the most part.not sure how much weight loss is involved in these 2 though. I lost 75 pounds by dieting and exercising, and it only took like 6 months. I did cardio and lots of weight lifting…. 5 or 6 days a week.

Linda asks…

What are your thoughts on teenagers receiving weight loss surgery? Denies the real problem or life saving?

After recent increases in the number of teenagers getting gastric bypasses and other types of surgery, it is widely becoming accepted quickly. However, is it right? Do you think if it saves lives, of course! Or, alternatively, do you think that these kids should approach weight loss from a wholistic perspective (dealing with their emotions through psychological counselling, complimented with education about proper nutrition and exercise?)

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think the surgery is an extreme measure, and not really appropriate for teens. Teens can still change their lifestyle fairly easily. The surgery is the easy way out. Not only that, but 6 out 8 adults who have had the surgery that I know personally gained all the weight back within 5 years. Surgery is an extreme measure, but you still have to change your lifestyle. Without that change, it doesnt matter how many or what kind of proceedures you have, you will always gain the weight back bc you are still living the same unhealthy lifestyle.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

How do I tell a new friend that I’m having weight loss surgery?

I am having weight loss surgery next month and I recently started seeing someone. I’m not really sure how to tell him or whether I really need to tell him. I’m not really sure where our relationship is going and it’s not like I will be able to “hide” it. Just wondering if I should say anything and if so how do I bring it up in a conversation.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you think that this relationship will last, the conversation will inevitably come up… Either during your surgery and recovery or when the weight starts coming off. Since your diet will change significantly (what you eat, how you eat and how much you eat at each meal), you will not be able to avoid questions from a significant other.

A good way to begin the conversation may be something like, “I have made a decision that is going to greatly affect my life and I want to share it with you.”

You can then proceed to discuss:
* Why you decided to have the surgery (health and emotional reasons, but focusing on the health reasons often makes it “hit home” with someone who’s unfamiliar with the benefits of surgery)
* What it will mean to your day to day life (i.e. Diet changes… Despite what many think, bariatric surgery is not the “easy way out”)
* The support that you will need from those around you, especially as it relates to diet and exercise. The last thing you want is for your partner to tempt you with things that may be harmful such as sweets or unhealthy food. If they understand the implications, they’ll be more likely to be a positive influence rather than pulling you in the other direction.

After having the conversation, refer him to a resource where he can learn more about weight loss surgery, including the research that supports it, the health conditions it improves and what life is like for patients afterward. These 2 pages are good places for him to start:
* (Bariatric treatment overview)
* (Life after weight loss surgery)

If he’s a “keeper”, he’ll understand and support you!

Donna asks…

Is there a weight loss supplement that does not make you heart race?

I have tried many weight loss supplements, but everytime I seem to try one it makes me all wired and my heart races.

Is there anything out there that does not do that?

weight loss cardiff answers:


To achieve a gradual, steady but an easy weight loss without any side effects is certainly very difficult.

Hence a safer and a more secure method of modification in food consumption and lifestyle pattern are highly recommended to reach the goal of an easy weight loss program.

Therefore, right kind of food in right proportions is encouraged in a weight loss program.

Easy Weight Loss, Weight Loss Clinic, Weight Loss Drugs, Food Allergies , Food Labels and Safety , Soy Foods and Health , Knee Injuries , Nutrition

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Daniel asks…

Confusion about weight loss? How is it possible to have permanent weight loss if dieting slows down metabolism

well, i know that eating less will have the body adjust to the new calorie intake and thus, no further weight loss. So how is it possible to have permanent weight loss if eating less doesn’t work?

Please give tips and suggestions, people who have sucessfully lost weight. thanks soo much!

weight loss cardiff answers:

The trick of losing weight is to fool your metabolism into thinking it is getting fed normally.If you try to lose weight by starving yourself,then your metabolism kicks in to low gear and hangs on to every scrap you feed yourself,making weight-loss impossible.Plus,after you have managed to starve yourself and not die,the minute you start eating again,your body sucks up every calorie it gets,and you pack the weight back on.
If you want to lose weight,which is a very difficult thing to do,you have to eat proper food:grains;veggies;low-fat meat./fish;drink plenty of water;and do some exercise.It sounds very simple,but it is very hard to do when you are de-toxing your body from fats and sugars.
Ask your doctor for an appropriate food plan for you.Don’t use or think of the word”diet.” It only serves to defeat you because it implies deprivation.And as humans,we do not like to be deprived of anything.
I might also suggest that you join a weight-loss group,like Overeaters Anonymous,or better still,a group like Weight is easier to lose weight if you are partnered with people who have the same goal as you.
Good luck to you,and eat healthy!!
PS:If you are a young person and need to lose weight:Start now because with every year,it becomes more and more difficult to lose weight and keep it off.Take the word of an old geezer.I know whereof I speak,sadly.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mary asks…

How effective is drinking water with lemon, when it comes to weight loss?

It is told that lemon water helps with weight loss, but how effective is it? Not the detox diet, but just drinking lemon water throughout the day, how much weight could you possibly lose in a week? In a month? I am curious to know how effective it really is in losing weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I am a fan of this weight-loss trick. In my experience , i lost 2 pounds in one week by adding lemon to my water.Of course this isnt the only trhing to do if you are struyggling with your weight. Here is a link with healthy tricks and changes to a great weight loss plan.


IT helped me a LOT 🙂

William asks…

Has anyone had a positive experience using the Fullerton Drake Medical center Weight Loss program?

I am thnkng of using their weight loss program, but would like a consumer’s opinion before going in so i know what to expect, especially cost wise and effectiveness. Anyone?

weight loss cardiff answers:

There are lots of pills for Weight Loss which you can use them but the one i suggest you is Acai Berry i’ve used them and the results are great i give you the link for that but dont forget sports too:

Sharon asks…

How to get pregnant after weight loss surgery?

I just had weight loss surgery 5 months ago and seem to be having problems becoming pregnant. Can anyone tell me what I could do to better my chances of becoming pregnant?

weight loss cardiff answers:


It’s not recommended to even TRY until 12-18 months when your weight has stabilized. Your surgeon would FLIP OUT if you told him that you are already trying!

Between your rapid weight loss, limited capacity, and still healing from MAJOR surgery, your body IS NOT READY for pregnancy.

I’m not trying to be rude, but didn’t they go over this in detail before surgery?!? I had to sign a form specifically detailing that this was discussed.

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