Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

How to lose weight really fast in a couple months or even weeks?

I am almost 12 and I’m 15 pounds overweight. Does anyone know a good diet? Or what sport really burns a lot of fat. I am looking to lose weight really fast though, even if it may be hard. PLEASE HELP!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try to cut out on fast food and cookies and sugary foods. Regular exercises every day/other day will help you lose weight faster. Get enough sleep and stay away from extended hours in front of the computer. Good luck

Laura asks…

Any good diets that help you lose weight fast and easy?

So I exercise everyday and try to have a low-calorie diet, but I’m still not losing weight! It’s driving me crazy. Is there any type of easy diet that help you lose weight fast and effectively? Please and Thank you 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are exercising and being careful about what you eat and are not losing weight, most likely it means that you don’t need to lose weight.

Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we’ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.

Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.

Make a few additional small changes – walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.

Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can’t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one.

In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy.

Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate – in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don’t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies.

Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day.

Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.

Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body.

Vary your routines. Don’t eat the same number of calories every day (vary your calories from 1400 a day to 1900 or 2000 some days), eat a variety of foods, and do different kinds and amounts of exercise. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you mix things up from time to time so that your body doesn’t adjust to any one routine.

An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.

Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc. Here are a few helpful links.


Charles asks…

How are you going to try and lose weight for swim suite season?

I’ve been trying to lose weight by excercising and eating healthy, but it’s not working.

Does anyone know any diet plans or anything that helps you lose weight fast?

Poll: what kind of crazy diet are you doing?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The only time I lost weight was on a low carb diet. You are alloted 60 carbs a day. I tried not to go below 40. Like you could go to 0 carbs a day but ketones develop in your stomach and you get the foulest breath. You might be thin but you’d have no friends – well close ones LOL.
It is actually a very healthy diet as it cuts out high carbs but would also recommend a multi vitamin with it.
It allows meat, chicken, fish, bacon – all have 0 carbs. Same with eggs, cheese, etc. Not recommending that one eat these foods in abundance but it would kick start the slimming process along with 45 minute walk a day and some sit ups, etc

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

What is the best weight loss supplement?

I was curious as to the best and fastest weight loss supplements. I know they may not be healthy, so I do not want to do anything too risky. I have Crohns disease and a lot of other GI problems so I am not healthy anyway. I did see something on Dr. Oz about garcinia cambogia but not sure how well it works. Any suggestions? If you plan on responding with eating healthy and excercise is the only healthy real way to lose weight, just don’t respond.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I actually saw the same thing on Dr. Oz and got me some. I havent seen any weight loss difference with the pills yet, but I have only taken them a week and have NOT been exercising. (I’m moving to an apartment with a gym next week so I will begin then!) The pills have actually helped me change my diet. They do what they say they are going to do for the mental side that I can tell so far. I’m hungry less and no longer snack on foods all day. I don’t snack on foods when I’m bored anymore. I actually am motivated to eat healthier too. I’m not sure if its from the pills, or myself being aware of what I’m eating from taking pills 30 min. Before I eat. When preparing meals, I choose healthier options now and I don’t eat as much as I used to. I’m always at a happy full, never hungry and never feel bloated. And its easier for me to pass the local fast food joints without stopping for an ice cream or fries. So I like what they help me with because I am healthier. I’ll find out if they help with weightloss soon!

Helen asks…

What is the best weight loss supplement and work out routine for a new mom?

I am almost 6 months after giving birth. I had a cesarian section and that was my first child. I breastfed up until a few weeks ago, and all I did was gain weight from it; not that I mind because giving my son the best start in life is well worth it. I gained a whopping 65 pounds while pregnant and I was 130, 5’4 before I was pregnant and I have not lost 1 pound since. So, I’m still 195. I eat extremely healthy, I do not eat meat, only fish. I do take anti-depressants to help out with my PP depression. What is the best weight loss pill to help me? I know that no pill is a magic pill without exercise and proper diet, but I have tried OxyElite Pro in the past pre pregnancy but I never really had to lose weight so it never did anything. What are good weight loss supplements and a good workout plan that is realistic with a having a baby. I’d love to lose atleast 50 pounds by summer. Thank you

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight Loss supplements are just fraud methods. For many years they have lied to each of us. They actually love to see you fat so they can make more money. My advise for you is to plan your weight loss the natural way. It is quicker and best of all – safe for you. Find plans that offers realistic goals without starving.

Linda asks…

What is a good weight loss supplement and workout plan for a new mom?

I am almost 6 months after giving birth. I had a cesarian section and that was my first child. I breastfed up until a few weeks ago, and all I did was gain weight from it; not that I mind because giving my son the best start in life is well worth it. I gained a whopping 65 pounds while pregnant and I was 130, 5’4 before I was pregnant and I have not lost 1 pound since. So, I’m still 195. I eat extremely healthy, I do not eat meat, only fish. I do take anti-depressants to help out with my PP depression. What is the best weight loss pill to help me? I know that no pill is a magic pill without exercise and proper diet, but I have tried OxyElite Pro in the past pre pregnancy but I never really had to lose weight so it never did anything. What are good weight loss supplements and a good workout plan that is realistic with a having a baby. I’d love to lose atleast 50 pounds by summer. Thank you

weight loss cardiff answers:

The best weight loss supplement is water and as much sleep as you can squeeze in (I know, tall order). Lack of enough of both can lead to fat storage.

Eating “extremely healthy” is up for debate. Lots of people make that claim due to misunderstanding what healthy actually look slike. Look again to your protein balance to carbohydrates. Make sure you are eating a high-protein diet. Avoid things that say “low-fat”– they are NOT good for you, ever. That’s a common trap. Do consume healthy fats.

As an example, many vegetarians claim that their diets are wonderfully healthy just by right of all the veggies and such they eat. Bull. Do you know how many overweight and even obese vegetarians there are? I’m just saying, a diet needs to be balanced. If you’re not able to lose weight, it isn’t balanced in a way that works for your body. The general way to find the correct balance is to continue to increase protein/fat intake and decrease carbohydrate intake until you find a fat-burning level that works. Eating too few calories is more likely to lead to extra fat storage and a confused body rather than weight loss, too, so don’t restrict much. Only calorie-count if you suspect you aren’t eating enough or if you think you’re eating way too much.

When I first started losing weight 2.5 years ago, I was shocked to discover that the reason I had been steadily gaining was because I was eating too few calories per day and eating the wrong kinds at the wrong times. Balancing my diet properly toward higher-protein, eating MORE calories (yes, really!) daily and spreading them out throughout the day with the heaviest meals earlier on = steady weight loss.

Regarding exercise, I would recommend craigslisting for a jogging stroller (you can pick one up for $40-$50 instead of the over $300 they cost new) and downloading a Couch to 5K app to your phone. Running is the cheapest and yet most effective ways to lose weight–of course only when paired with a properly balanced diet. If you’re up to it, there are tons of wonderful workout DVDs these days. I love workout DVDs, but I’ll be honest that I didn’t much of them until after I’d joined a gym and experienced real classes. It’s hard to encourage yourself to really “do” the DVD correctly by yourself at home without stopping to take breaks too often. If you are capable of forcing yourself through whole DVDs– especially Jillian Michaels as a starter and then the Insanity types– you’ll see results. That’s something you can do at home with baby in the house.

I know with a new baby funds are probably tight, but at least spare a glance at your local gym options, too. When I got serious about losing weight, going to the gym made a big difference. Classes, access to trainers, being surrounded constantly by other highly-motivated people kicking their own butts really does change everything. And yes, I joined that gym about where you are now– when I was a 5’4″ 190-pounder. Yes, it’s very awkward the first couple of workouts, but then you get over it and feel right at home. 🙂 Many gyms tend to have special membership deals from time to time, even as crazy as “6 months for $20 a month” and stuff like that, and many gyms offer childcare on premises while you work out. So definitely consider joining a gym if you can find a good deal like that. It would be worth it.

It’s not AT ALL realistic to expect to lose 50 pounds by summer. It took me well over a year to lose that much weight with NO children and going to the gym 3 to 5 times a week. With a baby, and with hormonal challenges facing you, it’s absolutely not plausible to envision losing that much weight within just a few months. Be reasonable with your expectations and goals or else you’ll end up giving up when things don’t happen as fast as you want. Instead, expect small but steady weight loss week by week with occasional stalls along the way.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

Which weight loss supplements would be safe for people under 18?

I’m 5’3 and 165 lbs, I’m going to start exercising and eat healthier foods, and am wondering what kind of (natural) supplements would be safe for someone under 18.

weight loss cardiff answers:

None, they are all dangerous

David asks…

How big is for natural vitamins and natural weight loss supplements and currently existing in the US market?

Does anyone know about this? I have been google and yahoo search for a day but still couldn’t find the right answer. Thank you!

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can get vitamins and supplemetns from for really cheap. All of their items are low cost and they have low cost shipping too.

Sandy asks…

18 to purchase weight loss supplements?

I was just wondering if you have to be 18 to purchase over the counter weight loss supplements in California?

weight loss cardiff answers:

As acai berry is becoming a prominent among the dieters across the globe, many brands have come into this league. Acai Burn is one among several acai supplements being sold on the Internet. It is a blend of the extracts of acai along with several western diet supplements. As the users have mentioned their reviews and comments on the Internet, this product seems to be a great success. For instance the users say that with Acai Burn, they could lose up to 4.5 times more weight as compared to exercise alone.

It not only speeds up the process of weight loss, but also adds to your energy, health & fitness. It keeps your digestion system perfect. It detoxifies the colon & the bowel area. The users also say that they have undergone no side effects of the product. Acai Burn also facilitates several other health benefits.

Before Ordering Your Acai Product, Here Are Some Facts That Need To Be Considered

· You must go in for a free trial first.
· For that you only need to pay the shipping & handling charges. These are $5.95.
· Place order only on the company’s own website.
· Pregnant ladies cannot take this product
· Also you must be over 18 years of age to take this diet.

The Ingredients Of This Diet Supplement Are:

· Extracts of Acai
· Extracts of Garcinia Cambogia
· Extracts of Gymnema Sylvestre
· Extracts of Chromium Polynicotinate
· Extracts of Green Tea

The Dosage Of Acai Burn

· Take two pills daily – One before the breakfast and one before the lunch.
· You must not take it at night as it contains caffeine that won’t let you sleep comfortably.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Richard asks…

What is the best weight loss supplement for teens?

I’m 14 (15 in a month) and I have a serious weight problem. Well actually the doctor says i have average weight (I’m 115 lbs) , but i have a really big stomach. I know most girls have a pudge and they say “i look so fat” but I’m not one of those girls. I’m not exaggerating when i say i look pregnant. This has been a serious issue for me for a long time. I get made fun of at school, I can only wear really baggy shirts, I have to suck in my stomach all the time, and I can’t even wear a bathing suit without crying. I don’t know what to do!! And the thing is, It’s only my stomach. My thighs are pretty thin, and I have thin arms, it’s just my stomach. I’ve tried going on a diet, and I got into a serious exercising routine, but I cannot lose weight for some reason. I don’t eat unhealthy at all, and i am very active, I just don’t know why I can’t lose any weight. Yes I have already started my mestrual cycle (i know you can get a little fat before that) and after i started i lost a little bit of fat, but not really anything. I am extremely embarrassed about this, and it has caused me to be extremely self conscious. I am too embarrassed to even tell my own mother. So are there any prescription weight loss supplements I can take that I can mention to my doctor, or anything you can at the store or any special diet or exercise i can try? I have seriously tried everything, and I don’t know what to do anymore :,( please help!! Also another thing I want to mention, is my mom has a thyroid problem, so it is causing her to gain weight. She is taking pills and it helps her slim down a little bit, so I don’t know if it could be genetic and I could have the same thing. i just thought I might mention that.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Mariah, you don’t need weight loss supplements. They probably won’t work as well as having a healthy diet. Even if you do take supplements, it’s going to have ZERO effect if you don’t change your current lifestyle.

This is what I recommend for diet and exercise:

Diet: keep a food journal and write down WHAT you eat and WHEN you eat. Replace unhealthy food with healthy ones. Eat less during the night. Eat small portions but more frequently. All these help.
– take out white carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, pasta)
– focus on lean protein and fiber-rich foods (lentils, greens, beans, eggs)
– take out all the junk,
– give yourself one cheat day to relax and eat anything.

Exercise: try a home dvd workout program. The reason I suggest this is because the exercises are sessions are scheduled and it’s easy to do. No gym or equipment. Just follow the program and keep up. Even if you don’t feel results immediately, your body will be activated to burn fat. The key is to get your body moving. Try any program by Jillian Michaels or BeachBody. Make sure you stick to the program. If it’s too tough, just pause the video for longer breaks or repeat the sessions.

Last: drink A LOT of water. Green tea also helps weight loss but don’t over drink it.

Good luck


John asks…

What’s the healthy amount of calories I should burn during a treadmill workout session?

I’m 5’1 and 168 lbs. I’m trying to lose weight so I recently started working out on a treadmill (I can’t afford a gym at the moment). I walk 4 miles at 2.8-3.2 mph every day. I know it’s not much but I try to increase my speeds every day. I’ve been burning about 539-553 calories per session. Should it be more, should it be less? Any treadmill workout tips?

P.S. I’m also dieting and taking a weight loss supplement.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your story is similar to mine.

My brother and I lost a lot of weight during our first and second week of exercising. I believe in my case….it was mostly water weight. I lost 5 pounds in several days and my waistline was definitely slimmer.

Our morning and evening exercise routine consisted of a 30-minute combination of ab exercises, treadmill workout, walking, push-ups and Taebo-style aerobic workout.

It’s amazing because we were doing the same exercises that you are performing which are treadmill and walking.

However, after the third week of this, I noticed that the weight was not coming off as easily.

So, we decided to add the other 3 exercises (ads, push ups and Taebo) from tips we found in a fitness article from the website

It is called Burn The Fat and it is for both men and women.

My weight really started coming off quick with the easy weight training and we did it all from home. The heavy fat was melting off of me because I was burning hundreds more calories now.

And guess what…….

I ate the same food as before which consisted of:


3 eggs, yogurt, oatmeal, protein shake

Mid-Morning Snack

apple sauce, unsalted sunflower seeds, few pieces of cantelope


turkey or chicken sandwich (ingredients: whole grain bread with mustard, mesquite turkey or chicken, lettuce and tomato)
water or cranberry juice
tangerine or orange

Post Lunch

unsalted cashews


steamed or slightly boiled vegetables (squash, cucumbers, carrots, green beans, onions, garlic, red or green pepper)
water or protein shake


2 or 3 eggs
2 slices of tomatoes
small portion of torkey or skinless chicken

The simple weight training along with my meal plan burned the fat and calories like magic.

I certainly hope this helps you in your quest to slim down.

Keep up the good work and don’t give up!

Maria asks…

Is my workout good enough to improve my health and lose weight?

Is a 2 mile brisk walk 3 days a week, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, and Yoga on Monday, Pilates on Wednesday and Kickboxing on Friday a good enough workout. All the workouts last about half and hour. I’m really trying to eat healthy and start being more active every day. I have been putting on the pounds and have finally made it to where I cant even fit any of my clothes, so I could really use some weight loss. Is this good enough or should I be doing more?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Any type of exercise will be beneficial to you and your health. If you are wanting to lose weight, you must do a mixture of weights and cardio. I am not sure on what you are eating or how much weight you are wanting to lose, but if you are gaining weight then you are probably eating more or eating the wrong foods. … What I do is make a list of what I will eat the whole week, then go shopping only for those foods. I always keep a banana or protein shake with me if I get really hunger. As for my workout I run 3 miles 5 days a weeks, weights 3 days a weeks, and go to a boot camp class held at my gym once a week. It is not a easy workout plan, but I switch it up a lot with other activities so I do not get bored. Hope this helps. Good luck with your weight loss.Keep a great attitude and stay positive ! Remember: everyone would be doing it if it were easy …

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