Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

Can somebody give me some weight loss tips?

I’m sixteen, six foot one and play Volley Ball like nine months out of the year between School, Club and my Advanced Volley Ball gym class, but I can’t seem to get my weight under 200lbs. I know it’s not terribly bad because of my height but just knowing that I’m over weight puts a real damper on my self esteem can anyone help by giving me some weight loss tips whether they be exercise, healthy foods, or anything else you’ve used to lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Of course, physical activity helps lose weight, but do not over exert yourself. Do not skip meals either and do not try and starve yourself! There are plenty of healthy foods out there to eat. You can just stay away from fast foods, fatty foods, foods with lots of sugar and lots of salt. You can stay away from carbonated drinks. Water is really good for you. Do not try and lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, usually a rebound effect will happen and you will gain it all back. So, lose weight in a reasonable amount of time. I’m trying to drop some weight myself. I try not to eat as much, because I love to eat! It is better to eat in smaller portions more times a day than eating 3 huge meals daily. Like you can have a little breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner but in smaller portions. I like to get on my Wii Fit Plus because it records my weight and the exercises are not that intense. But you can try walking, running if you are in shape for it. Do not do more than you can handle. But while exercising make sure you drink plenty of water but NOT too much water! Just enough. You dont want to dehydrate yourself or overhydrate yourself. Plus it is a lot of online tips out there for weight loss. Hope this helps and Good Luck!

Mandy asks…

Quick weight loss tips for women at home?

Hopefully someone can help me out here. Could anyone recommend some tips for quick weight loss? I’m wanting to work out at home if possible and I don’t have a lot of money for equipment. Are there any exercises that anyone can suggest? Any help would be awesome!


weight loss cardiff answers:

Pushups, situps, crunches, squats, run around the block. The usual. If youre a beginner and pushups are too hard you can do them against your wall, or against a couch.
You could also watch tv then during commercials do pushups or situps until your show comes back on. Make it fun. Always stretch before you work out though (Roll your neck, wrist, hips, ankle, try to touch your toes, etc.)
Eat healthy. Put down the chips and grab an apple, or put down the soda and grab a water.
Cut down on the candy, if you crave chocolate, eat an alternative, like Nutella on toast. It taste EXACTLY like melted chocolate, and it’s healthy.

Laura asks…

does anyone know how weight watchers figures out their POINTS system? Or any weight loss tips/tricks?

I’m 5’6 and 190 lbs. Just curious if anyone knows how many points i should be eating in a day. I try to stay around the realm 1500-2000 calories a day, but i don’t get much exercise. If anyone has any weight loss tips that helped them I would love to hear it! I’ve had two babies and the weight just doesn’t wanna seem to come off. And has anyone heard of the weight loss drug Phydremine? Thanks for any suggestions!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Ash! There are two links below that will help you out. The first one is an article that explains how to calculate your points and do weight watchers. The second link is a great reference site for people doing weight watchers that has points for dining out, recipes, articles and more. Good luck with your goals!

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