Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mark asks…

Do you have any weight loss Success stories?

I am in the process of losing weight after being pregnant, and having a c-section. I actually gained most of my weight before I got pregnant. I had a hard time getting pregnant. I had PCOS, and some hormone problems that made me pack on the pounds, on top of taking meds to help with those problems, the meds I had to take caused weight gain. During my pregnancy I only gained about 35 pounds, which my doctor told me was the healthy amount to gain. Before all these problems came up I was used to being very thin. I always felt like I was very pretty, and I had a lot of confidence. I still think I’m pretty; I just want to lose weight. Also after I get my weight off I will be buying a completely new wardrobe, and makeup. So that gives me something to really look forward to, and makes me want to get it off that much more. I would love to hear some of your weight lose success stories, or makeover succes stories. Or if you have any kind of tips what so ever.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I lost about 45 pounds and went from 140 to 95 in a few months. It was actually easy for me because my body is very sensitive to weight loss. I just cut down on portion sizes and completely ruled out deserts, fatty foods, and became a vegetarian.

Good luck!

Ruth asks…

Any weight loss success stories? How did you do it?

I’ve tried so many things to lose weight, but I really haven’t had much success (at least none that lasted). I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share some success stories with me. How did you do it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I did it the old fashioned way, hard work, and less food. I worked outside in the heat and sweated it off. Also stopped drinking regular sodas. In a summer I went from 220 to 180. Good luck.

James asks…

Any weight loss success stories?

I’d really like to listen to your success stories for weight loss. Especially if you found a way to do it in five weeks. Maybe it’ll motivate me so that I’ll have my own success story one day.
By the way, when I lose weight, I practically melt it off. Like, I can lose 4lbs per week if I just cut out sodas. Would 12 lbs in 3 weeks being going too far, even though I hardly try? Or should I aim for like 3 per week?

weight loss cardiff answers:

This time two years ago, i weighed 155 lbs. (height of 5’5). But, i ate more veggies and limited calories to about 1200, and i switched between jogging and running for about 30 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week. I had gotten to 140 in about a month and a half. =]

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