Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Richard asks…

How am I supposed to lose weight when my family eats unhealthy?

There’s never really any fruits or vegetables in the house, only junk food, which I’m going to be tempted to eat.
I really want to lose weight, and my mom just doesn’t understand.
Can you give me healthy meals that I can stick to for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
I’m begging you for help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

As far as overall health goes diet and exercise are both important but as far as specifically weight loss goes, diet is actually up to 80% of the problem (or solution).
So exercise is very important, don’t get me wrong, and it’ll definitely speed up the process. But you are right that motivation is the biggest part of the battle, so your situation becomes rather sticky. But I’m a little confused. Does your mom refuse to buy anything healthy for you? Or simply refuse to join you in your dieting?
In either case, I suggest doing research and coming to your mom with concrete science about the dangers of being unhealthy AS WELL AS the benefits of being healthy and some tasty looking healthy recipes. If your mom has been refusing to buy you healthy food then that should definitely be enough to change her mind. If she has just been refusing to join you, it may or may not get her on board depending on how convincing you are with your research and recipes.
Since most healthier meals require cooking, you may develop a hobby out of it.

I’m no expert, but I know waay more than the average person about nutrition. So hopefully this helps:

What recent research has been showing is that there is a certain rule of thumb that natural or “whole” foods are almost always the better choice. For centuries humans have eaten what they can hunt, find on the ground, or grow, and then we sometimes hold it over fire. That’s how we’ve eaten forever and thats how our bodies evolved to eat, it’s what we’re meant for.
That being the case, there have been many cultures which eat only natural foods without any chemicals and they have very low obesity rates. Even Eskimo people ate pretty much nothing but seal meat, which is very high in fat, they were relatively healthy.
Why? Because our bodies are designed to eat natural foods, not fake preserved foods with unnatural chemicals like hydrogenated oils and processed sugars like corn syrup. Our bodies don’t have a problem adjusting to high fat diets as long as they are totally natural. Now, it may be easier to split the different between a high fat natural diet and a low fat fake one. So you ought to split the difference. Eat any whole food, but you can speed up the process by eating whole foods which are low in fat and high in vitamins. Avoid starchy types of foods like white potatoes (sweet potatoes are alright) and breads, but don’t completely eliminate them from your diet, and given the choice, always pick that over something unnatural. Even if it says “diet” on the front, the whole food is still better. Avoid high sugar foods but especially avoid corn syrup. I can’t stress that enough. Natural sugar makes you WAY less fat than processed corn syrup, and corn syrup also can give you cancer later in life.

AVOID SODA. Even diet soda, diet soda is a huge scam, it does virtually nothing better for your body than regular soda. Soda is basically like drinking candy. Dropping soda is a huge stepping stone. A 12 oz coke can has 40.5 grams of corn syrup. That’s almost as much as an entire package of skittles, which are pretty much made up entirely of sugar.
AVOID RED MEAT like Pork and Beef. They are not lean meats. Chicken, turkey, and fish are much healthier and are a great substitute for your sources of protein (especially fish, salmon is like a miracle food – low in fat and chock full of just about everything your body needs. Mahi mahi is pretty good for you and catfish isn’t the best, but it’s still better than beef or pork).

Also, most people think the vegetarian diet isn’t good because it lacks protein. I’m not saying go veggie but you should know that this is a myth. Very rarely do vegetarians lack protein because people need a lot less protein than most think. You do need it, but very few people in the U.S. Are anywhere near needing more. You will get the right amount. So don’t ever worry about trying to get more in your diet. It will just slow you down in weight loss.
Two more things:
Portion of food is a huge factor in weight loss. Sometimes overeating healthy food can be worse than eating the right amount of a food that is not quite as healthy. Overeating is definitely something to avoid. And I know you’re probably hating to hear that because you don’t want to eat a meal that doesn’t satisfy you and leaves you hungry but a good way to make sure that doesn’t happen is to eat more slowly. Your body takes a while to process the idea that it is no longer hungry, so if you eat more slowly, you will start to realize that you are full before you think you would be full, meaning you can eat less and still be satisfied.
Drinking lots of water actually helps speed up the weight loss process quite a bit.

Also, just to clarify, when I say natural foods, that doesn’t mean you can’t cook them. I count cooking as a natural process. I’m just saying that fruits, vegetables, and lean meats are much better for you than anything frozen or preserved that you find at the store.

Helen asks…

How do I stop feeling sick all the time?

I’m always feeling nauseous, sick to my stomach, and out of breath. I’m over weight and I know thats a part of it. However my constant feelings of sickness and dizziness effect my workout, and I know what I’m eating is a part of that too. What foods should I eat/ not eat to clear out my system and start fresh? and once my system is clear of whatever is giving it issue, what foods should I eat to fuel my body the best way possible and stay lean? I’d like to loose weight naturally, (no fancy weight loss medications and supplements that could be dangerous) so any help that you can recommend is welcomed. Any work outs that get particularly good results and please RECIPES RECIPES RECIPES!!! I’d like to eat healthy food that also tastes good as well, I know it has to exist somewhere. Please give me a hand here I’ve been trying to loose weight for a long time to no success.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Taking in mild and easy to digest soups and juices are recommended to allow the stomach to go back to its normal functioning. A simple consommé of vegetable with leeks, onions, garlic and ginger is a great option to start with. Progress to heavier soups made with starchy vegetables like squash, sweet potatoes, beans and corn. Alternatively, a porridge made with rice is also a good choice

William asks…

What kind of snacks should I eat to gain weight?

I’m trying to gain weight and I’m gonna start eating big meals and some snacks in between. What are some healthy snacks I can eat that are high in calories?
I heard that just eating a lot of small portions throughout the day increases your metabolism, making you LOSE weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It may be easier to eat six or more smaller, balanced meals rather than eating three large meals, especially if you’re not used to eating much at one time.

Protein powders and nutritional supplements such as Ensure can be added for in-between meal snacks. You can also make your own delicious protein shakes at home with a blender using milk, yogurt, frozen fruit, etc. Look for some easy recipes here:
Exchange the skim milk and fat-free yogurt for regular since you don’t want to lose weight. Most protein powders are not very tasty unless mixed with other ingredients.

Exercise is an important part of healthy weight gain. Strength training is especially important and will build muscles. This can be done at home or in a gym. Cardio exercises are healthy and should be a part of your routine, but they burn maximum calories and may cause you to lose weight if you don’t eat consume plenty of calories. Limit your cardio workout to 30 minutes. Consider activities such as: power walking, jogging, biking, swimming laps, jumping rope, dancing, skating, etc. Yoga and Pilates are excellent additions to your workout as well. Here are some exercises you can do at home to help target certain areas:

Some suggestions to help you gain weight:

1)Add healthy calories to your menu. Start breakfast with a slice of whole-wheat toast and peanut butter.
2)Trail mixes, nuts, dried fruits, and protein bars are healthy high-caloric snacks.
3)Drink healthy beverages such as milk and fruit juice. Avoid sweet drinks that add no nutritional value.
4)Choose the healthy option every time. Avoid fried foods. Eat larger portions of healthier foods such as baked potatoes, chicken, fish, etc.
5)Follow the food pyramid guidelines and make sure that you include all the major food groups in your diet.
6)Consume heart-healthy oils by eating olive, walnut, or canola oil in your homemade salad dressings. Add cheese and nuts to salads for additional healthy calories.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

An easy way to eat and prepare cucumbers, carrots, broccoli and chicken breast in to one meal?

Ok so Elliot Hulse told me in a video to eat this combo (maybe changing the chicken with fish or turkey for variety) for weight loss which seems right because from what i gather, besides the chicken, i can eat a lot of these and still lose weight with a exercise. However preparing them was a failure….

I did ok making sticks out of the carrots but tried to make sticks out of cucumbers and ended up having to make chunks. So steamed the chicken breast, broccoli and carrots together (blanching some of the carrots to see if i’d be easier to eat that way).

The whole thing ended up tasting like a mess, the chicken was fine considering how easy it was to cook but the broccoli, cucumber and carrot in one mix tasted like hell. I’m sure there must be a better way to prepare this. I mean the broccoli was soggy and reeked of broccoli and the cucumber would had made me puke. Still i want to keep going this feels right, this combo feel right but i feel like i’m doing something wrong.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Who is this nut case? Cook cucumbers with those other ingredients? I don’t think so. Cut your chicken breast into 1″ cubes. Season with sea salt and fresh ground pepper, fresh lemon zest and 1 tbsp. Olive oil. Cut the carrots and broccoli into 1″ pieces. Toss with sea salt, fresh ground pepper and 1 tbsp. Olive oil (use the good stuff). Heat a heavy skillet to medium/medium high. Add the chicken breast and carrots. Toss frequently until the chicken begins to turn white but still has some pink to it. Add the broccoli. Continue tossing until the chicken is cooked through – 5 minutes. The carrots and broccoli should have a nice char but still be a little crunchy. I would include course chopped yellow onions and celery cut into 1″ dice. Add celery with the carrots and onions with the broccoli. Serve your cucumber on the side sliced and seasoned with sea salt, fresh ground pepper and a drizzle of good olive oil.

This method of quick cooking keeps the veggies from becoming limp and gross. They maintain their texture, color and flavor.


My husband recently lost 130 pounds. He is on a maintenance program called the Paleo Diet. Check it out. The portion sizes in the cook book I have are too large for the 2 of us so I just cut back on the ingredients so that I have enough for the two of us to eat twice off of one recipe.

Robert asks…

How can I motivate my father to lose weight?

My father is about two hundred pounds overweight. In the past, he lost roughly one hundred pounds, but gained it all back. He has been working out quite a bit, but he won’t stop eating the processed sugars and fats that are hurting him. He knows his eating habits need to change, but they aren’t changing. I would like to find a way to help him, but I feel uncomfortable talking about weight loss and proper diet to him. I just love him so much, and I want him to be around for a long time, but if he keeps this up, that’s not going to happen. How can I help him?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I appreciate your love for your dad. Thanks for reaching out. Search for “Rachel Parent youtube”; she’s 14 and may inspire you. Best wishes!

He will continue to do what he wants, that’s his freedom and right as an adult, as long as he’s within the law, or can evade it. Here’s what I would do.

First, I would volunteer to go food shopping or go with whoever does it. There are some healthy foods that are cheaper than most all others (beans, brown rice, buck wheat, whole grain wheats, potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, tomato sauce), not all are low carb, but by fixing a lot of foods with these could free up dollars for more veggies, nuts. This also gives you complete control over all the ingredients and how much sugar is in them. I get mine at Costco and Winco (great bulk section and good veggies).

I would learn to cook, keep lots of good, low carb dishes and snacks available, at least as much as you can. Fixing a couple a week will be a good start. My two favorites are chili and Greek/Pico salads. Get a couple books to learn what is really healthy: Fit for Life (has recipes), and Forks Over Knives or Eat to Live.

Cooking beans with rice will create a complete protein, but rice is high in carbs, so only have enough to balance the diet. There are lots of different kinds of beans, peas, lentils, and lots of recipes online. I do a crock pot each weekend.

A fresh Chinese Chicken salad is mostly cabbage, a good Greek or Pico salad is in the middle, if you don’t add lettuce it will keep for a 2-3 days in the fridge. Then I fix my own breads and cakes (low-healthy-sweeteners), based on no-egg, no-milk recipes.

A lot of time when we think we’re hungry one of three other things could be going on:
1. We’re actually thirsty
2. We need some nutrition
3. Our stomach did not get the full feeling because we ate high density, high calorie foods, instead of more bulk, more raw foods. If you only ate veggies, you would have a hard time staying fat.

To give you the ideal end picture, I would stop buying any drinks from the store, only drink water and enough fruit to satisfy snacking. Then follow these tips…go for a walk with him, ask him to take you to a park or teach you to do something, or throw a Frisbee, 20 minutes a week.

Health rules I’m distilling:
1. Water intake is the biggest, easiest, cheapest thing you can do for your health, research Water Calculator
2. Most people should take a multi-vitamin
3. Food combinations & eating for your body type are the most important for food (book: “Fit for Life”)
4. Minimize manufacturer-processed foods, research the ingredients & side effects
5. Having raw foods and correctly cooking some of them maximizes your food value
6. Eat natural oils (raw nuts, seeds, avocado), limit extracted oils, use healthier oils, avoid solid fats
(books: Forks Over Knives, Eat to Live)
7. Organic is worth as much as financially possible, consider the alternatives when budgeting
GMOs – Ask your doctor if cancer is right for you (Natural News, Wells, 10/16/2012)
How to avoid genetic engineering at the grocery store (Farm Aid, 2011)¬oc=1&msource=adwords&gclid=CPSMg4nA5rgCFQE6Qgod7DkATg
Monsanto’s Roundup pesticides are linked to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, autism and cancer; they control crop acreage 40% and create pesticide seeds: corn 73%, soybean 90%, cotton 80%, canola, papaya, sugar beets, alfalfa (beef)– %s are U.S., multiple resources, research yourself
8. Exercise is important for mental health and weight loss, gains muscle, and slows total weight loss.
Exercise a minimum of 20min/wk, more vigorous is better, too much can be unhealthy

Donna asks…

How do I find the self-control/discipline to diet correctly?

I used to work for a weight loss company, so I know HOW to lose weight. I am practically an expert. And I have lost and gained weight many times in my 26 years of life. Now I have 2 kids so its even more important to me but for some reason I cannot find the self control or discipline to keep to a diet or healthy eating. I find an excuse every day. I don’t have enough time to find something healthy to eat, I don’t have enough money to buy the healthy things I want to eat, I will start tomorrow, etc… How can I MAKE MYSELF do this?? I am so unhappy with my weight and it’s ruining lots of aspects of my life. I need some tips!!! Help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Keep a journal/diary of your achievements. At the moment you might feel that you do not achieve anything. But with weight loss it is usually small improvements. If you keep a diary you can see these results and you will feel more that you are achieving something. Another way to keep you motivated is to place a reminder somewhere. For instance on your fridge. Ex. A picture or a note what you want to achieve. You can also ask help from others a “motivation partner” to keep you motivated on your goal.

With regards to the healthy food. Try to find easy and healthy food recipes you can make and which you like to eat. Prepare them in advance and put them in your fridge. This way you won’t have the excuse there is nothing healthy to eat. Swap candy/cookies etc.. For fruit. Hope this helps.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

any slimming tips dat make u lose weight fast but easily?!? x tanx?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Check this site out to see if you should be concerned with losing weight: It’s your BMI (ratio of your HEIGHT to your WEIGHT), set by the government to the standards for Americans. Healthy weight is not set using age and weight.

What you should do is change your eating habit to a healthier one and start exercising (people tell you this over and over because it WORKS!).

Disclaimer: I don’t recommend any diet to you or anyone, but I just wanted to share my experience. You should talk to your nutritionist/doctor before making any drastic changes to your body.

What I did was I went on an “eating-only-corn-flakes” diet. XD I lost the weight really quickly (~25 lbs). After a 2-3 weeks of eating only corn flakes with regular milk for breakfast/lunch/dinner (NO snacks whatsoever). (You can try it with skim, 1%, or 2% milk to lose even more weight.) I went off the diet and started eating normal, and healthy foods, with A LOT of water and tons of fruits. I’m able to keep off the weight I’ve lost for ~6 years now. At summer camp, I’ve also went on a cereal-salad-and-skim milk “diet”. For breakfast, I would only eat grain cereal with skim milk and drink another glass. For lunch and dinner each day, I had only a salad and two glasses of skim milk per meal. Camp was only 5 days, but I lost a considerable amount of weight for my father to notice my weight loss. XD

Currently, I’ve been exercising. I have an “air-stepper” at home, and I get on it for 15 minutes each day to get my cardio workout. I take my pulse at 5 min. Intervals for 15 minutes to see if I’m improving. ^_^ Then, I get on my Total Gym and start working on my arms and legs (pulling, pushing, etc.). To tone my abs, I do 200 crunches (I lay on my Total Gym at an incline, so it’s VERY easy and no back strain!); they are much easier than sit-ups. ^_^ Lastly, I do 100 of those “standing-up” crunches. I don’t know what to call them, but I saw it on Hip-Hop Abs. You can see a sample of it here:

The lay down crunches and the standing up crunches that I do gave me the flat stomach I have now. ^____^ Very happy with the results. You can do as many as your body can tolerate for ONE day and feel your stomach flatter immediately afterwards (at least for me)! It’s incredible!

If you do not have gym equipment, just jumping around and running place for 15-30 minutes will get you your cardio workout. Eat yogurt, fruits, and other health foods. Drink tons of water and your daily dosage of milk. ^_^

Good luck! 😀

Charles asks…

How can i lose weight fast?

Is there a way to lose weight fast and easily…?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Loosing weight fast is always an unhealthy thing.
There are many diets who tell you that you can loose a lot of weight in no time. And it is working, but you are doing no good to your body. And there’s also the Jojo-effect.
The best thing to lose and hold a healthy weight is healthy food, less sugar, lots of drinking water, and sports.
Diet has to begin in your head. And you already started to think about your nutrition. That’s an important step. It is too easy just to make a magazine-diet for 2-3 weeks and loose some weight. But it will come back soon again. If you are over-thinking your nutrition and activity, you will have a constantly good result. Isn’t that much better and healthier than a crash-diet ?

Steven asks…

How can I lose weight easily?

I am 13 and SUPER DUPER self conscious of myself!! I’m about 5’7 and weigh like 130 pounds!! I really want to wear a bikini but im WAY to self conscious to!! And please don’t tell me like your fine or you don’t need too lose weight i cry like every night because of it! Whats a simple way I can lose weight fast??

weight loss cardiff answers:

Let me tell you the truth. You feel self conscious right? Which means you feel ugly and fat? Did you know its not weight that matters but confidence? Everything shows in the way you smile and the way you hold yourself up. Trust me no matter how skinny you get, you will feel unsatisfied. I suggest you drink hot tea or water instead of soda, and when eating protein, eat alot of vegetables. Exercise regularly not excessively.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

How can i lose weight without exercise?

sometimes i dont feel like working but i at least run once every week and thats basically all my exercise i just want to know how to lose weight without exercising

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try this

The Baby jack workout really works 🙂

William asks…

how to lose weight without exercise?

I am in college and I barely ever have time to go work out, but i still want to lose weight. I have been eating very healthy mostly vegetables, skim milk, wheat bread, water, occasionally coffee. I dont seem like dropping any extra pounds. Got any tips that will help me lose weight without exercise?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Anyone who tells you that there is a way to lose weight other than dieting + exercise is trying to sell you something, and that something is probably unhealthy. I hate to say it, but exercise really is the only way…

Paul asks…

How do i lose weight without exercise?

I am 14 and i would like to lose weight before summer gets here and I do not want to go on a crash diet but I need some suggestions on what to do. I have tried eating healthy food but I cant seem to stick to it. I have also tried exercise but my schedule is crazy and I cant seem to find time. Do you have any suggestions on things like healthy food that will help and be easy to stick to?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi, well exercise does help, but it’s basically what you EAT that’s more important! Make sure you eat a lot of fiber. I eat diet cookies (yummy chocolate chip) that are packed with fiber, so it makes you go to the bathroom at least 2 times per day, so it cleans out your body. And also I replace 1 meal per day (lunch or supper) with a diet shake and a diet cookie.
If you are ever interested in my diet, get ahold of me on here!!

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