Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

How much weight could I lose in 2 weeks?

I am 5’6 and currently 185 pounds (overweight with an obese BMI yuck) I want to lose more weight, but as of now my short term goal weight is somewhere around 175 before or somewhere close to 2 weeks.

Would this be possible? I’m already reducing my calories and exercising for 2 hours at the gym. I’ve also heard that overweight people lose weight quicker than someone of normal weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It could be possible with the right exercise and calorie intake. If you are obese then yes sometimes ppl with more fat tend to loose it a bit quicker at first. I would say at the most you could loose 6 lbs at a healthy rate in two weeks.

Susan asks…

If I eat only fruits and vegetables for 2 weeks, will I lose weight?

I am 17 and 5’6″, 133 lbs I want to lose at least 10 lbs. If I only eat fruits and vegetables , plus one protein shake (150 calories) every day, do you think I will lose weight in 2 weeks? How much?
uggg is that really the only answer I’m going to get?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m sure you will…i’m going to start eating only fruits and veggies tomorrow until i lose all the weight i want and then just continue to eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Someone else on here said they lost like 30 pounds in 3 months and they had a ‘cheat’ day a week where they hadd other things too lol…google fruit fast for some more info and good luck!

Lisa asks…

How much weight can i lose in my arms in 2 weeks?

Just curious. But I’m simply trying to lose weight in my arms. How much weight can i lose in 2 weeks if i lift dumbells everyday?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Choose low fat substitutes or no fat substitutes. There are plenty of low fat or even no fat substitutes available in the market so why not choose wisely. It is much better for you heart too. Many people just go for shopping and pick up whatever they can. They do not bother to find out if there are nay substitutes for the thing they are looking for. In the markets of today, you will be astounded at the range of goods that manufactures have to offer. In fact with all the hue and cry that is being made about weight loss, low fat substitutes and no fat substitutes are hitting the stands faster than mushrooms that sprout after the first rains. So the next time you head for the stores instead of picking up what you have always picked up, see if there are better substitutes. Remember that our bodies need nutrients and not just calories. Fats give us nutrients but with more calories than what proteins or carbohydrates do.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

how to lose stomach and possibly thigh fat with out pills or weight loss plans?

i have some chub in my lower stomach that i am looking to lose by summer time. or lose some of it. so anything you can think of that doesnt include weight loss pills or plans. diets are open but they cant be like jenny craig or something in that area. i would also like to lose some fat in my thighs but that isnt the biggest problem because i know how to do that somewhat. please help (:

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eat less than you burn, keep moving as much as you can. Give up all drinks but water. Give up eating bread and take up eating raw celery instead.
Go swimming once or twice a week,.. Try going for some easy strolls.

Ken asks…

What are some good weight loss meal plans?

I’ve been preparing for a 5k run and I’ve lost some weight, but I want to make sure I’m in tip top shape and I need to lose a little more weight. So I want to know what are some good meal plans for weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You want to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, but you also want to eat the right kind of carbs. Don’t eat any processed foods or anything with white flower in it. You want to eat carbs like brown rice, beans, and sweet potatoes. Here’s a great video that goes into a lot more detail on the types of meals that you should be eating….

William asks…

where can I get safe weight loss plans?

I am looking for a site about safe weight loss plans. Can anyone recommed a good one? Thank you all

weight loss cardiff answers:

Okay, so let me tell you what I learned. I learned that if I used Metamucil that i would eat less, add healthy fiber to my diet, cut my cholesterol, and suck up some of my dietary fat. This might be an option for you too.

I have written 3 big and detailed articles about why and how Metamucil works in each of these ways. Here are the links to these articles. I wrote these in hopes that what I have learned would somehow help somebody else.

Oh, by the way, I lost 40 pounds in a healthy way over 9 months or so, with no diet pills!

Lose weight with metamucil article:…

How Metamucil helps you to lower your cholesterol levels without the use of cholesterol drugs:…

How Metamucil sucks up some of the fat in your diet article:…

I hope that the knowledge I have learned helps somebody else out!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

How can i lose weight fast without diet pills or shakes?

I have been going out with this guy for a month and school starts back up again soon and i wanna look good for him cause he has a great body and i dont. I wanna lose weight fast without diet pills or shakes. HELP PLEASE!!!!
hes a good guy i love him

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is no magic formula or quick fix. I’m sorry but, what you’re asking for simply does not exist.

The best, the most effective, the safest and the only real way to lose weight is by dieting, exercising and being patient.

Joseph asks…

Exercises that I could to to lose weight fast? Diet tips?

Besides running ’cause I’m running a mile at least a day. I need to lose some pounds fast before July approaches. Any suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Green tea is one of the popular home remedies for weight loss. Drink three cups of green tea to deal with the extra weight. It is an ultimate fat burner. Green tea will help to boost your metabolism making it easier for the body to burn fat. It also helps to prevent your body from absorbing fat from the foods you are eating. Along with these you should have lots and lots of water because it has no calories at all. Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself. Increase your fiber intake & Stay away from fried things.
Minimize your carbohydrate intake. Avoid rice and potatoes. Also do not consume oily and fatty substances like clarified butter, butter and sweet potato.
Exercise is extremely important in weight loss. It is necessary to indulge in mild physical activity after each meal even if you cannot make time to go to a gym. Vegetables and fruits (avoid banana and cheeku) are low calorie foods, therefore, eating more of them will help in weight loss. Do not add salt to fruits and vegetables for taste. Reduce the salt and sugar intake to the minimum.

Here’s a list of Foods NOT to eat when trying to lose weight…..
Fried foods
Fast foods
Pasta made with white flour
Potato chips
All deserts

Exercises to lose weight fast
1. Leg Raises. Try leg raises. Lie on your back and raise both
legs at the same time. Lower them until they are about a foot
off the ground and hold it there to the count of 10. Repeat 8
times. When that gets comfortable, repeat 10, then go to 15.
These work your abdominals, especially your lower two abs.

2. Push-ups. For your arms and shoulders, do push-ups. Aim
for 25. Your goal is to do full, military style push-ups. It’s okay
if at first you start out with half style push-ups– the kind
where your knees are on the ground and you only push-up half
your body weight.

See this :

Sandy asks…

How to lose weight fast? (diet,exercise etc)?

what kind of diet and exercise are helpful in losing weight? (I don’t have time to join a gym for at least 2-3 months as my exams are due)

weight loss cardiff answers:

10 lbs should be your average weight loss each month if you stay within these 3 guidelines. only steamed lean meats, eggs, healthy fruits ,vegetables, nuts, grains, & yogurt..2. Drink only water, juice, & milk..3. Walk or do some physical exercise 1-3 hour every day.

(btw, recommend you also to buy an electronic food steamer ((Very cheap)) and a rice cooker as makes it very easy to prepare healthy meals)

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

How can I lose my weight easily?

How can I lose my weight easily? Im a 13 years old boy, and i want to remove my fat. Please Suggest me what to do daily to lose weight easily and how much I would lose in 2 months. I want to look good when school comes.

weight loss cardiff answers:

First off, start by eating healthier. Eat mostly fruits and vegetables, with plenty of protein, fiber and carbohydrates. A good trick to not eat so much is to not pile food on your plate over one inch high, and not to finish everything on your plate. Also, stay away from foods high in sugar, salt, preservatives, and fat. This means limiting or cutting out all chips, sodas, cake, ice cream, pizza, french fries, hot dogs, or anything fried. Instead, go for a salad, something grilled, veggies, fruit, and drink lots of water.
For snacks, I recommend non-fat yogurt, fruits like grapes, oranges, and bananas, or low calorie gum. The snacks will come in handy if you start getting hungry and need a snack, to prevent possible binging later. Switch your carbohydrates to whole wheat, and switch over to lean meat, such as fish. Try to keep your food as natural as possible.
Also, don’t forget to count your calories. This will help you in keeping a careful eye on what you’re eating.
As for working out and exercising, I recommend doing a variety of all sorts of activities, like jumproping, jumping jacks, hula hooping, crunches, situps, pullups, pushups, planks, jackknives, stretching, lifting weights, yoga, pilates, squats, lungs, bicycling, swimming, running, work out CD’s, and strength training. Doing as many different activities as you can that use different muscles is important- it will help you get so much more toned, and lose more weight. Just try and fit as much exercise as you can in a day.
Another thing that wouldn’t be a bad idea is getting a personal trainer, if you can afford it. They can personalize plans just for you, to get the body type you want.
And last, but not least, believe you can lose the weight, because you can!
Good luck! 🙂

Mandy asks…

How Can I Lose Weight Easily?

I’m 13 years of age, around 150lbs, 5’3 – 5’4ft. I want to lose weight and slim down or gain muscle. Are there any ways of easily doing this? I have a good diet but that doesn’t seem to be doing that much.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Advice to losing weight avoid starch foods and food made with flour basically
also exerscie at least 1 hour a day if you want to lose weight
and then do some research to tone your body depending what you want

Linda asks…

How do I lose weight easily over the summer while still having fun?

Next year, I start high school, and I want to change myself completely, and losing weight is one of the most important things on the list, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips and things i can do to lose weight over the summer? Thank you in advance, I will pick the answer that helps me the most. Thanks(:

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cut down to 5 cheeseburgers a day instead of 10.

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