Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Robert asks…

What are some quick effective ways to lose weight?

Does anybody have any quick effective ways to lose weight, not including anything unnatural such as weight loss pills? If anybody has personal experiences they will be greatly appreciated 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

Here you go mate, my experience:

Have a daily regiment, follow it strictly. Make a workout plan and stick to it.

If you drink soda – stop it, and if you like junk food and I advise detoxing: drink Master Cleanse:

-mix of 1 litre of water + one fresh lemon(squeezed) + maple syrup(2 table spoons) plus a little sprinkle of Cayenne pepper(easy to find).

Drink that 2 litres a day, and eat vegetables(less greasy food, fried meat and etc.)

Lost 10 kilos during exam month, by stopping to smoke, going on this diet and working out.

Joseph asks…

What is the best nutrition and weight loss book or website?

There so much $h%t out there, from parasite cleansing formulas to super ab routines. I just want something in plain English?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Definitely Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures books. They are easy to read and are not like anything else out there. I will never look at nutrition the same again. After reading it, I’ve naturally migrated to a more healthy lifestyle simply because I’m a lot more informed on the facts.

I applied the things in the book, such as a great colon cleanse program: You can get a free trial at I feel a lot lighter and my body is able to absorb nutrition much easier now

Best wishes!

Lisa asks…

How is the easiest way to lose weight without expensive equipment and expensive food?

Hi I wanna lose some weight before the summertime sp I can wear the cloths that I want and not feel self conscious. I don’t have alot of weight to lose..I can lose like 10 to 15 pounds!! I’m not trying to lose my curve just flatten out my stomach and work on my legs aka cellulite!! Thank u

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m sure you’ve heard about this amazing fruit called the acai berry with “mystical” weight loss qualities that help you lose weight fast, the natural way.

However, combined with proper diet and exercise, the acai berry can be an excellent weight loss aid. Its natural combination of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, phytosterols, and amino acids work together to help your body function better, process food easier, and burn fat more efficiently. Let’s break down how the acai berry helps people reach their perfect weight…

The acai berry contains Omega fatty acids – the same medically recommended fats found in fish oil, olive oil and flaxseed. These fatty acids can’t be produced by the body, and must be obtained from the food we eat. Instead of being stored as fat, they are used by the liver to “kick-start” the metabolism. If you’re a slow starter when it comes to losing weight, or if you’ve reached the frustrating “plateau” phase of weight loss, adding some form of acai to your diet might be just the ticket to get over the hump.

The acai berry contains a generous amount of fiber which promotes a healthy digestive system and helps cleanse your system of fatty foods.

As mentioned above, the acai berry has a generous amount of fiber. High fiber foods like acai help you to feel fuller faster and cut down on nagging cravings, needless snacking, and late night trips to the refrigerator.

Final Word on Acai Berry & Weight Loss

Although it’s not the miracle weight loss solution that some claim, the acai berry has been medically and scientifically proven to contain ingredients that aid in weight loss. Not only does it provide a valuable boost to the metabolism, it also suppresses appetite, helps build muscle, and gives a much-needed shot of energy and stamina for those fat blasting workouts.

Visit the url in the box below to get a free trial and get additional information. FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today!!!


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

I am trying to lose 100 pounds but have a hard time sticking to losing weight, have any good advice?

I have been on and off diet plans for years and at 5 feet I now weight 215 pounds. I desperately need to lose weight but have a hard time staying focused. I can lose weight easily at the beginning but then I am always back to pizza and fried foods. I could use any help and advise out there. Just please don’t be rude or mean to me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey! It seems like the problem is with your motivation and willpower. You said that you can easily lose weight at first, but then get tempted by foods like pizza.

I’m not going to give you more diet and exercise advice like everyone else here. It seems that you already know what you need to do. The problem is just in getting yourself to do it consistently.

It really helps to start asking yourself before you do anything: Is doing this going to take me close to or farther away from the person I want to be?

Ask yourself this question every time you feel the urge to eat something fried. Will this take me closer to the person I want to become? Ask yourself this question every time your are thinking about blowing off a workout. Will this take me closer to the person I want to become?

Is it really worth it to have that short-term gratification of the pizza? Or would you rather run into an old friend that you haven’t seen in a long time and see the look on their face when they see you 100 pounds skinnier?

I know you can do this! I’ve been there myself. All it takes is the willpower to get through those first few weeks. After that, you get in the habit of eating right and exercising and it just comes naturally.

You can do this!

Good luck.

Steven asks…

what are some super effective ways to lose weight?

Wrestling season is now over, so i’ve gained a bit of weight.
and i want to lose it NOW. in wrestling we were in a small room and run with the heat turned wayyy up, so we would lose weight easily.. i cant exactly do that at my house…
how should i go about losing weight the most effiective way?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Diet Solution Program – That’s all I can say. It helped me lose almost 30 lbs.
I’m not sure this is what you are looking for but check it out, it has helped a lot of people.
I used to try all the “house cures” like lemon water, potaoe water etc, the list is long.
I urge you to have a look this, it will help you to lose weight I’m sure.

Chris asks…

what are fast and easy ways to lose weight?

I wouldnt say i am fat, but i want to weigh less since most of the girls in my school are super skinny. Are there any ways for me to lose weight easily without completely starving myself and working out until i pass out. I already do work out and diet, but are there any specific things i should be doing?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cut out your carbs. You don’t have to measure or count anything. Well count no more than 20 carbs per day. No more rice, bread, pasta, peanutbutter, potatos for a month or two.

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