Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ken asks…

How does birth control affect weight loss?

I have been on a strict weight loss program. I eat generally healthy and go to the gym 5 to 6 times a week and about three times with a personal trainer.
However, soon I am planning on getting into birth control pills. I have been told that your hormones go crazy with the pills… Would this affect my weight loss? I know it reacts differently with each woman… but what are the possibilities?

Thanks in advance!

weight loss cardiff answers:

When I took them I didn’t notice any significant weight gain or loss. I had a friend who gained 30 lbs, but she was about 100lbs to start, always been one of those bone skinny girls when she was younger. Other friends, maybe 10 lbs or so, but like I said if anything I might have gained 5 lbs. I think its because the hormones affect your appetite, making you hungrier more often, but as long as you pay attention to that and keep doing what you’re doing you’ll be fine.

Susan asks…

What Do you think of plastic Surgery for weight Loss?

I have tried Diets and weight loss programs and private trainers and i have loss weight however I have a problem area in my lower stomach. (maybe because I had 3 kids and 1 was a c-section. So do you have any other suggestions? if not my only other option is weight loss surgery what surgey would you recomend? Lipo? tummy tuck? I have heard awful stories about tummy tuck.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Clearly we have some spammers here…lol but if you’d like my honest opinion, would say tummy tuck. There will always be scary stories for everything, but this kind of surgery is ideal for what you’re describing. Because it’s not really “fat” that you’re trying to get rid of, right? It’s that skin that’s been stretched beyond natural repair, so lipo won’t do it, nor will weight loss surgery. And tummy tucks don’t cost an arm and a leg either!! I’d speak with a professional in each of the areas (lipo, tuck, weight loss surgery…) to see what makes sense to you.

George asks…

What are the keys to a successful weight loss program..?

Hello Everyone,

What are you looking for when trying a weight loss program?

Thank you for your time.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The key to weight control is education and finding a way of eating that

1 – Matches your metabolic type and

2 – You find enjoyable enough so that you can stay on “the diet”

Actually a better way to look at it is your “diet” is what you are going to eat from now on. Not something you are going to “go on” until you lose so many pounds.

Good luck!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

How can a 14 year old loose weight and get abs easily?

I’m 14 years old, and i am around 175cm tall. i weight 72kg, which is more than most people, although i don’t look that fat, if i took off my shirt, they would be surprised. I just want to know an easy way to loosing all of this extra weight and getting abs. also i have some man-boobs tye things going on which i want rid of. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

U can increase your activity as u can drink more water eat more vegetables and fruits don’t drink soda or snacks and u can also read these articles at
these articles will help u to know how to get the abs u want and how to lose your weight and several diets u can follow any one best wishes

Susan asks…

Is a stationary bike a good cardio workout?

I want to know if a stationary bike is a good cardio workout vs. running or jogging. I really like the ones at the gym but am not sure if I am doing enough work on them to make a difference. My legs burn, and I get out of breath, but I slow down until the burn goes away and it’s only burning about half the time. I usually do about 5 miles on the bike. Will this help me lose weight just as effectively as running? Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

A stationary bike is a good cardio workout as long as you keep that burn! Though you may want to stop, don’t! That’s the message telling your brain that your getting a good workout 🙂 If it’s hard to not stop and wait for the burning to fade, try holding it longer each day. Never run out of breath until you can’t breathe anymore. Make sure you drink plenty of water as well to keep yourself hydrated. If you can’t breathe as easily, you are probably doing an anaerobic exercise, which means that you’re exercising without oxygen and you’re burning sugar fuel. If you’re exercising and you can breathe, such as jogging, walking, and biking, you are exercising aerobically. This means you can breathe but you are burning fat instead. Running tends to burn more fat, but biking is still very good too! Just remember to switch it up; keeping the same workout isn’t good for your body nor weight loss 🙂 Hope this helps!

Charles asks…

I have a few questions pertaining my health?

I’m trying to get healthy and I have a few questions on the subject:

1. My Vitamin D level is 13, how much time should I spend in the sun in a day? My doctor has subscribed me to Nature Made, D3, 1000 I.U., 100 Tablets; she told me to take them twice a day, one in the morning and one at night (My last appointment was May 8th, that’s when she told me to take them two times a day). I’m planning on sitting outside in the sun for a certain amount of time each day and I was wondering how long I’d need to sit outside to get a healthy amount of sun light.

2. Since my D levels are so low, I get sick easily. I’m currently sick at the moment with the common cold, how long will it last with my D level being so low? Should I still go to school while I’m sick, or should I stay home while I’m sick. I’m already on truancy and I can’t miss any more days (I’m in my junior year of high school).

3. I’m overweight (217lbs), turned 17 last month, and my height is 4’9”; what is the ideal weight for someone of my age and height? I’m already doing 50 squats, 50 crunches, and 50 arm rotations (back and forth, in small circles) before I go to bed; what more should I do that will help me lose weight? How long will it take to loose all this extra weight?

4. As I said in question 2, I’m sick and I need to wear retainers at night (just had my braces taken off in august). Should I continue to wear my retainers while I’m sick? Or should I wait until my cold is over?

That’s all the questions I have, I would appreciate it if you would answer the questions in order! 🙂

Please and thank you for answering~! 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

1 – between 11am-1pm – as much as possible but at least 20min with 40% skin exposed
2 go to school
3 <115# no sodas, cookies, cakes, candy, cereal, bread, potatoes, sugar, juice lots green vegs
4 wear retainer

I recommend to lose weight, cut out all sugars & starches. As healthy as fruit may be, it's natural sugars do not only not promote fat loss, they actually promote fat storage (fructose is the most lipogenic carb).

Make sure half your meals are green non starchy vegs & eat lots of protein & good fats, limit your complex carb portions to no more than your protein portion.

Studies have shown that some people can gain fat stores even on a semi starvation diet of 1000 calories a day – if it's composition is high carb, low fat. So obviously, calories aren't the key to fat loss.

Despite the abundance of sunshine in the Middle East allowing vitamin D synthesis all year round, the region registers some of the lowest levels of vitamin D and the highest rates of vitamin D deficiency worldwide.


*Even if* you get sufficient sun exposure, if you wash within 48 hours of sun exposure, you wash off the oil that would have converted to vitD.

To prevent vitamin D deficiency, one should spend 20 minutes daily in the noontime sunshine with 40% of the skin surface exposed. High concentration of melanin in the skin slows the production of vitamin D; similarly aging greatly reduces skin production of vitamin D. Use of sunblock, common window glass & clothing, all effectively block UVB radiation.

Vitamin D3 deficiency has become an epidemic, probably because people are washing daily. If you wash skin exposed to the sun within 48 hours, you wash off the oils where the vitamin D production starts. In northern latitudes (above that of Atlanta, Georgia) the sun is at too low an angle for half the year to provide sufficient UV radiation. If even available, UVB rays are only accessible while the sun is directly overhead.

With exposure to sunlight in the summer, the body can generate up to 20,000iu of vitamin D per hour with no ill effects. In addition, no adverse effects have been seen with supplemental vitamin D intakes up to 10,000 IU daily.

Vitamin D3 is not a vitamin at all but a necessary hormone that effects the immune system, bones & nearly every aspect of health. Having low Vitamin D levels greatly increases risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS & being deficient can create or greatly exacerbate health problems. Many researchers claim that optimized vitamin D levels are more effective than a flu shot in preventing viral infections.

Some prescription vitamin D supplements are the wrong type (ergocalciferol – vitamin D2). As warned by the National Institute of Health –
As of 2012 doctors can prescribe vitamin D3 capsules from Biotech Pharmacal – which are far more effective

Luckily you can buy vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) over the counter and the upper limits are extremely high. U.S. RDA are much too low. Current recommendations from researchers are for 35iu per pound – a 143# person needs minimum of 5000iu per day (which is for minimal needs and does not replenish depleted stores) & the rda is 600iu for most adults.

Research published by Grassroots Health from the D*Action study shows that 97.5% of the adult population needs to take 9,600 IU's of vitamin D per day in order to elevate their levels above 40ng/ml, which they believe is the absolute minimum for disease prevention. Need 14,100 IU/d to get 97.5% of the population above 50 ng/ml Universal intake of up to 40,000 IU vitamin D per day is unlikely to result in vitamin D toxicity.


Your vitamin D level should never be below 32 ng/ml, and any levels below 20 ng/ml are considered serious deficiency states, increasing your risk of as many as 16 different cancers and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, just to name a few.

They found that the body does not reliably begin storing cholecalciferol in fat and muscle tissue until 25(OH)D levels get above 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L). That is, at levels below 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L), the body uses up vitamin D as fast as you can make it, or take it, indicating chronic substrate starvation—not a good thing. 25(OH)D levels should be between 50–80 ng/ml (125–200 nmol/L), year-round.


In a study published in 2004, the authors saw a 60% improvement in insulin sensitivity in healthy, vitamin D replete adults

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

How do i incorporate weight training with my cardio training?

I have been using cardio equipment and exercise DVD’s for the past 8 months and have lost a total of 65 pounds. Two months have gone by and i am still doing the same type of workout but have peaked and have only lost 5 pounds in those two months. I have heard that introducing a weight program accelerates the weight loss. I do the cardio and DVD’s 5 days a week for an hour a day. I want to know what is the best way to get started with the weight training and how I should break down the weekly routine. I have bought my own weight set and bench with all of the plates and dumbbells. Any and all serious answers would be appreciated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight training is certainly a good thing to incorporate into your regime to get over a weight loss plateau. I would suggest that you meet with a trainer for a weight program specific to your goals, especially if you haven’t done any weight training. Ideally you should bring the trainer into your home so he/she can see your new equipment. If meeting with a trainer is out of the question, I suggest you read up on proper form before you start. You can do more damage than good if you don’t use the proper technique. Especially if you’re using free weights (i.e. Dumbells). The easiest way to start a weight lifting program is to use machines designed to force the proper form (such as Hammerstrength and Nautillus).

Assuming you know the proper form and function based on your new equipment, you should shape your routine around your goals. If weight loss is your primary goal then you’re going to want to incorporate light weights and a high number of repetitions (or “reps”). For example, if you’re doing squats, you should set up a light weight (which varies by sex, fit level and other factors) and do three sets of fifteen to twenty reps. You should feel “weak” but you should not go to the point of muscle failure.

The only other recommendation I have for you is to try pilates or yoga as well. I have a friend who hit a weight loss plateau and then lost an additional 30 lbs by incorporating pilates into her workout. It is very low impact but surprisingly difficult.

Good luck!

Maria asks…

What is the best way to loose weight fast?

Okay i know weight loss isn’t supposed to be easy or fast. But if you were to have an important get to gether (or something) in a week or two, what is a good way to loose noticable weight??

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi vbplayer,

If your really looking to lose weight within a week or two then you need to get into gear and get to work. Dont worry, im not talking about anything to extreme here. Im just talking about a few key things:

-If you do not exercise you need to start. You need to run at least a half mile per day 5 days per week. Ideally you should run a mile per day 5 days per week, but what ever you can handle.

-Make sure you start your day with Quaker Oatmeal as it supresses your hunger. If your hungry like I am this really helps. Its also full of fiber and whole grain which are good for you.

-Drink Green tea as it also supresses your hunger and is good for you.

-stay awaway from complex carbs, junk foods and all fast food.

-eat at least 3-6 times per day, but make your meals very small (around 300 calories each). Make sure you only eat lean meat, veggies, fruits and low fat foods.

-Start working out right away, the more muscle you have on you the more fat you burn. I suggest you lift heavy one day, light the next, heavy the next etc. You might want to even go with every other day as I know I build muscle quicker doing this.

Bottom line is eat several small healthy meals per day, run, workout and eat foods that supress your hunger. If you have any medical conditions please consult your doctor before doing this though.

I might also add that starving yourself will actually make you gain weight. It slows down your matobolism and you will gain weight or stay the same for the first week. The only way you lose weight with starvation is if you are truely starving, but you then build it back double sadly. If your body thinks you are starving then it prepares for the next time you “starve” to keep you alive longer. That makes sense right?

All in all I hope this info helps you lose weight. I also wish you good luck. Talk to you later 🙂

Richard asks…

How do I maintain my weight after losing it?

Okay so i was on a fairly healthy diet and lost 20 pounds in two months. (i just checked the scale yesterday) The weight loss was hard, but the harder thing is probably how to maintain the weight. Do I continue to do strenous exercise like before and eat like a bird?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Congrats on your weight loss, that is pretty significant! And you are exactly right, maintaining your current weight is the hard/fun part.

If you lost weight with the intention of getting healthy, remember your intention every day of your life going forward. This will help you make healthy food choices. You don’t have to be as restrictive as your were, but you obviously can’t go back to how you were eating before you lost the weight. If you feel good now, ask yourself if (eating an ice cream sundae/drinking a 6 pack/having a bowl of pasta every night) will help you maintain this good feeling? The answer is pretty easy.

When people do strenuous exercise as a means to weight loss, they almost always gain their weight back when they stop. That is why nutrition should be the primary means to weight loss.

Calculate your daily calorie needs. This number will tell you how many calories your body needs to maintain your weight for the amount of activity you do. You can adjust the amount of exercise to be less, but realize the number of calories you need will be less so you do have to eat less, sorry!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

Does any creation myth explain why the deity(s) in question chose this particular set of natural laws?

If there isn’t some clear reason, then that deities choice and everything that follows after (including us) is just as much blind luck as creationists (falsely) accuse atheists of believing in. Anyone know what the reason(s) are?

weight loss cardiff answers:

And if there is a clear reason, then it shows that there is some higher natural order than the deity itself. Gods get you nowhere.

Sharon asks…

How does anybody get the idea that belief in deities is equal to a scientific theory?

There is zero evidence for the existence of any deity. A book of bronze and iron age myths compiled by a pagan emperor and mistranslated under the orders of a European king isn’t evidence. A scientific theory requires evidence, and must be repeatable. Ever try raising the dead or turning water into wine? I’m all up for seeing a virgin give birth, but that isn’t happening either. What thought process allows anyone to even attempt to compare religious stories with scientific theories?

weight loss cardiff answers:

No thought process; just plain lack of education and blind acceptance. Humans generally want to believe whoever or whatever comforts them or makes them feel strong or gives them the illusion that they will live forever. Therefore many of us are suckers for whatever religion or belief appears to fix our problems. As you say, scientific theories must be visibly proven or else they are labeled as false. “Woo woo” concepts of the mind are just woo woo concepts. They are spiritual ( if you will) and not material. No matter, because folks of all faiths will defend their beliefs to the death because their God told them to do so. I have no quarrel with anyone, but don’t try to inflict your ridiculous ideas upon me. My opinion: we’re all kids of the universe, and we all have the right to be here. And live in peace.

David asks…

How is it valid to practice the occult without the belief in a deity or deities?

I am not in hope of disprovition. I am an atheist an do not contemplate the rationality of the existance of higher “divine beings”.
If a deity is unessential please tell why and how scientificly and theoreticaly.
What about palmestry and astrology?
Labriynth of knowing is illogical. One must try to discover the meening. Not just let it be unknown and untampered

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well I am an atheist who is also an occultist. Does that answer your question?

I don’t believe in deity, I don’t do palmistry or astrology as I consider those to be pseudoscience.

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