Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

Does any creation myth explain why the deity(s) in question chose this particular set of natural laws?

If there isn’t some clear reason, then that deities choice and everything that follows after (including us) is just as much blind luck as creationists (falsely) accuse atheists of believing in. Anyone know what the reason(s) are?

weight loss cardiff answers:

And if there is a clear reason, then it shows that there is some higher natural order than the deity itself. Gods get you nowhere.

Sharon asks…

How does anybody get the idea that belief in deities is equal to a scientific theory?

There is zero evidence for the existence of any deity. A book of bronze and iron age myths compiled by a pagan emperor and mistranslated under the orders of a European king isn’t evidence. A scientific theory requires evidence, and must be repeatable. Ever try raising the dead or turning water into wine? I’m all up for seeing a virgin give birth, but that isn’t happening either. What thought process allows anyone to even attempt to compare religious stories with scientific theories?

weight loss cardiff answers:

No thought process; just plain lack of education and blind acceptance. Humans generally want to believe whoever or whatever comforts them or makes them feel strong or gives them the illusion that they will live forever. Therefore many of us are suckers for whatever religion or belief appears to fix our problems. As you say, scientific theories must be visibly proven or else they are labeled as false. “Woo woo” concepts of the mind are just woo woo concepts. They are spiritual ( if you will) and not material. No matter, because folks of all faiths will defend their beliefs to the death because their God told them to do so. I have no quarrel with anyone, but don’t try to inflict your ridiculous ideas upon me. My opinion: we’re all kids of the universe, and we all have the right to be here. And live in peace.

David asks…

How is it valid to practice the occult without the belief in a deity or deities?

I am not in hope of disprovition. I am an atheist an do not contemplate the rationality of the existance of higher “divine beings”.
If a deity is unessential please tell why and how scientificly and theoreticaly.
What about palmestry and astrology?
Labriynth of knowing is illogical. One must try to discover the meening. Not just let it be unknown and untampered

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well I am an atheist who is also an occultist. Does that answer your question?

I don’t believe in deity, I don’t do palmistry or astrology as I consider those to be pseudoscience.

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