Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

What is the best weight loss supplement to help you lose weight fast?

Need to know what really works in weight loss supplements.
I hear Apidexin is good, but I dont know….Some say Hydroxy Cut,
but others say it isnt…….ANy help with this

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hydration is the most important aspect of weight loss because your body uses a lot of water when burning fat. Supplements are unnecessary with a well balanced diet.

John asks…

What types of food will help with weight loss?

I am currently trying to lose weight and I was wondering what foods can and will help me with weight loss. I I am trying to lose weight I gained from an injury I am still suffering from. So please ensure that this food is not to heavy. The only exercise I can do know is some yoga and walking! Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

A good healthy diet high in fiber, lean meats, eggs, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, antioxidant foods, healthy beverages and low in added sugar and salt help people lose weight, gain weight, lower cholesterol, increase energy, improve brain function, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and have a more positive lifestyle!
You need to eat a lot more food and a lot more fiber!
Diets that exclude foods from any food group are fad diets and do not lead to permanent weight loss or solve any other health issues.
First, try to kick your fiber intake to 40 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Whatever you do, get your fiber from your food, not from a jar.
Fruits and vegetables have good fiber in them.
Try a breakfast cereal with at least 20% of recommended daily allowance of fiber in it. They are usually low in sugar so there is a double benefit. Blueberries or raspberries on top add more fiber and antioxidants. But fresh or frozen, not the kind in syrup.
Raw nuts are a great source of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Avocados are the best.
Lots of beans, peas, and grains are high fiber. Whole grain breads. Fiber kicks up the metabolism so you actually burn more calories. These foods will give you more gas in the beginning but if eaten daily, the bacteria in the digestive tract will elevate lowering the gas output.
This will get you on the path for a healthy daily bowel movement. This helps clean the system and aids healthy digestion.
I know it goes against everything you’ve heard but eating lots of the right foods will actually help you lose weight!
Next, take a basic daily multivitamin. Don’t look at your multivitamin as nutrition but more as an insurance policy. Think of it as filling in the gaps in your daily diet as opposed to a primary source of nutrients. If you are a woman, you may want a plus iron formula.
Last, you HAVE to drink lots of water to be healthy. But you can disguise it. Fill your glass all the way full with ice before pouring low sugar beverages. Try iced green tea with a splash of orange juice in it for sweet. More antioxidants. Add lemon juice to water for flavor. Slice up a cucumber and float it in pitcher of water. Gives it salty fresh taste. But you must drink up to 100 oz of water daily to help your body get rid of waste and the toxins it contains.
You must combine a healthy diet with exercise to multiply the benefit. Whether an hour a day in the weight room or just a 30 minute brisk walk every day, the added benefit of a regular exercise program really do increase and accelerate healthy weight loss. Add exercise as your injury allows.
You will get motivated when the changes start happening, I promise.
Good luck.

Maria asks…

What is the best brand of fish pills to take for weight loss?

I’ve started taking fish pills to help with weight loss, but recent found out that low grade pills will cause you to gain weight. So I just want to know that some of the best brands are. Thanks(:

weight loss cardiff answers:

“Fish pills” do nothing to contribute to weight loss.
Eat sensibly and exercise and worry less about the supplements.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

How did you go about losing pregnancy weight?

What worked for you? I’m still pregnant (26 weeks) and am already thinking of things I can do to get the weight off. I know everyone is different but looking for some ideas 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

I also breastfeed. (Absolutely no formula.) I eat whole, real foods. For the most part, I avoid enriched (white) flour, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, hydrogenated oils, artificial colors, artificial flavors and anything that looks as though it was created in a lab by humans and not in nature by God.

Some days, I don’t eat as much as what I should. These are days when my 8.5 week old son wants to spend his days eating, or I take advantage of his naps and catch up on housework thinking I could technically eat while he’s eating, or we’re busy and I don’t get a chance to eat much. I am already down about 25 pounds from the 50 I gained. (That being said, I was at least ten pounds underweight when I conceived.) Also, like I did pre-pregnancy, I do go out, but on the next day, lighten up a bit. Last night we went out for dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I chose the veggie stir fry with fried rice, guacamole, beans and three tortillas. (I had more fat in that meal than what I had all week.) My husband talked about having pancakes tonight for dinner, and we could eat them around his meeting. (Whole wheat banana pancakes are our Sunday dinner.) l said I had been thinking about that, but we should eat a little lighter today since we’re eating out tonight. (He is overweight and trying to lose weight as well. However, he has much more to lose than even my initial 40– I don’t count the ten that was lost just from giving birth.) So, for dinner he and my daughter will have hot dogs from the local organic meat market and I will have a veggie burger and we will have it with whole wheat bread and baked beans.

I’m just basically doing what I was doing before my first pregnancy three years ago– Eating whole real foods. When our Christmas tree comes down (probably today) and we put the living room back, I’ll have room again to work out. However, that might just be dependent on when both kids are napping, or my husband has our daughter, etc. Yet, when the weather warms up and we can go outside (even in pants, sweaters and jackets), we’ll go out for walks and to play. I miss doing my yoga and will look into a friend’s Holy Yoga class at a local YMCA. Even if I feel more comfortable bringing my son, so we don’t have to worry about him not eating, it will still be nice to get out.

When I was pregnant both times, I didn’t worry about my weight or taking it off. I just figured it would come off when it was supposed to. When I found out I was pregnant the second time, I was about 25 pounds lighter than what I was when I found out I was pregnant the first time. Granted, I didn’t eat much at the time and I actually gained ten pounds just to try and get pregnant. I don’t want to be that skinny again, just small enough that I can fit into more of my clothes. (Oddly, only one of my 12s fits, but two of my 11s do, but I think that is due to the khakis and the jeans being a cut that just goes over my hips and both have stretchy material. This morning to church I wore my khakis that were slipping down because I couldn’t easily get my belt through. However, I did deliberately wear my black underwear to go with my black shirt, and wore a long cardigan, just in case.

I digress.

Charles asks…

Is the selling of carbon offsets nothing more then a scam?

There are some things you just gotta do yourself. Someone else can’t lose your weight, quit your addiction, parent your kids, or confess your sins.
You have to do it. And, just as you can’t buy indulgences that allow you to go right on sinning without any consequences, you can’t buy carbon offsets that allow you to go right on polluting without any consequences, either.

Neither God nor science works that way.
Yet, the selling of “voluntary carbon offsets”—eco-indulgences—is a $55 million per year industry, involving over three dozen companies worldwide. Total sales are anticipated to double both this year and next, and entrepreneurs are clamoring all over themselves for a piece of the action.
And it’s all a scam.,_green_guilt,_and_the_selling_of_indulgences

weight loss cardiff answers:

Watch the movie below, and you’ll understand the incredible hoax that is man-made global warming, these carbon credits are a clever scam to enrich the people who want even greater control of the world economy.

First, the paltry millions of dollars you cite is nothing compared to where the global warming elite want to take this. Sooner or later, they’ll have practically every business contributing. I’ve even heard that companies would be taxed based on number of employees, and how far they must drive to work. Yes, it’s insidious, just like the Tollway system, which was first presented as a SHORT TERM way to pay off the tollways. We were told after 10 years they would be eliminated. Ha! That was fifty years ago.

Here’s what’s happening. There is a sinister group of people like George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and others who believe that capitalism is bad, and wars could be prevented if our robust economies were hobbled by extensive taxation, under the theory that if a country does not have a lot of money to spend freely, they can’t afford to wage war. (obviously, they don’t remember Nazi Germany and the Treaty of Versailles)

When the Cold War ended, these people realized an ingenious way to get more power. The anti-war crowd (who had no cause to champion once the USSR dissolved) joined forces with the rabid environmental crowd. Their plan? Tie capitalism with destruction of the planet. Squeeze capitalism to death while funnelling the profits to areas that will supposedly help the environment.

It’s easy to verify this. Now that more and more scientists are bravely stepping forward to denounce the global warming hoax, the proponents of man made Global Warming are switching tactics. They will say, “even if we are wrong, and global warming is not caused by man, we will be doing the environment so much good”. That…. Is like a chess player proudly announcing “Check, and MATE !”

Who is going to reap the benefits of these carbon credits? Al Gore and others who have established companies to accept these carbon credits.

If you had one major volcanic eruption, it can easily spew out more CO2 than all of mankind’s activities for a whole year. Therefore, my suggestion is this: to placate the rabid Global Warming crowd, let’s find an active volcano, and cap it by throwing in lardbutts like Al Gore, Michael Moore, and George Soros. I regret that Sean Penn is such a scarecrow, but he can hold hands with Rosie O’Donnell.

Ken asks…

How to lose 50 lbs by the time school starts?

Um, anyone know if and how i can lose about 50 lbs by the time school starts? I really want to go back and have people looking at me like i’m a new person.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey I know how ya feel so do I and my 10 year old cousin answer my question about her!(see it on my profile) to loose weight here
1. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. This means either eat fewer calories, or exercise more. Preferably both. (Weight loss is not for anyone who is pregnant or nursing, nor is it for growing children unless advised by their doctor to do so.)

2. It is not how much you eat that puts on the pounds, but what you eat a lot of. You cannot get fat on a mostly raw food diet. This means you can eat all of the raw veggies, sprouts, salads and fruits that you want. You need never be hungry while losing weight.

3. An easy way to lose weight even if you don’t want to become a raw food vegetarian is to become a regular vegetarian. Meat contains fat, and even lean meat is over 10% saturated fat. Drop meat, and you drop weight.

4. Another easy way to slim down: simply skip desserts. Whenever I want to drop a few pounds, I drop dessert. For me, doing so results in a sure-fire one-pound-a-week in weight loss. If that does not seem attractive to you, remember that it means 10 pounds off in 2 1/2 months; over 50 pounds in a year. Instead of ooie-gooies, end your meal with fruit, especially dried fruits. Yes, they do contain sugar, but no fat. Now you just try eating two handfuls of raisins or dates. It is very hard to do, because the natural mix of sugars, minerals, and fiber in fruit have a self-limiting effect on the appetite.

5. Sweeten with honey or molasses. Again, these are sugar sources but you simply cannot eat a lot of either. I know I could gobble up a box of chocolates easily, yet the very thought of eating a half cup of honey stops my appetite cold.

6. Want to control your appetite without even giving up dessert? Adopt the motto of a 94-year-old Vermont friend of ours: “Life is short: eat dessert first.” Seriously, if you do eat a bit of sweet food about 15 minutes before your meal you will eat less at the meal. This is at least partly because appetite is linked to blood sugar levels. Do you remember what your mother said? “Don’t eat that candy now; it will spoil your appetite.” Exactly!

7. Yoga stretches are one of the best forms of exercise I know. The basic postures are described in books at the library, such as The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga. Yoga classes are inexpensive; check your local high school or college for a beginner’s course. I learned yoga on board ship while crossing the Pacific in 1973, and I’ve used it ever since. As a college student, I could JUST BARELY touch my toes. Now with my kids headed for college, I can touch my palms to the floor. I can’t wait to see how flexible I will be at age 100!

8. We all have learned to walk by about age one, and most of us have since forgotten how. Walking is probably the greatest exercise of all. Did you know that a mile of walking burns just as many calories as a mile of running? And the walking is easier on your knees and ankles.

9. Good weight loss need only be one, perhaps two, pounds per week. Crash diets often crash right back, with weight gained back almost as quickly as it was shed. Take your time. A pound lost each week is 50 pounds a year (with a two week vacation allowed for!)

10. The ultimate weight loss plan is vegetable juice fasting. It is nourishing, safe, and feels great. I’ve written about this at length in other articles posted at this website. A search for “fasting” from the mainpage will quickly find them all for you. Books by Paavo Airola, N. W. Walker, and Dick Gregory also contain very helpful information on fasting.

As with any weight loss diet, vegetable juice fasting results in permanent weight reduction only when combined with regular exercise. Exercise seems to reset the appetite at a lower point.

11. You’ve seen those weight-loss powders and liquid meals. How would you like to make your own? Here’s what I make mine with. It is a modification of the breakfast developed by Dr. Jacobus Rinse to help clear plaque out his arteries. (It worked, by the way.) I used this approach to lose 25 pounds myself.

Combine two tablespoons of lecithin granules (a lipotrophic or fat-transporting substance), half a teaspoon of vitamin C powder, and a teaspoon of calcium-magnesium powder with your favorite sweet fruit juice. Stir it well and drink it. I usually follow it with a “chaser” of some more “undoctored” juice. This stops my appetite for hours, easily taking me to lunchtime. To improve the value of your breakfast drink, you can add a teaspoon of nutritional yeast for the B-vitamins. Alternatively, you could take a B-complex supplement. I always take a multiple vitamin and 800 International Units (I.U.) of natural vitamin E along with the mixture.

12. Please remember that if you walk away from all of this at some point, you have not failed. You only fail by not coming back. We’re in no hurry. Nature has been patient with us for years.

There is no trick to losing weight. It is simply a matter of deciding to, knowing how, and following through. I’ve worked with people so overweight that they had difficulty squeezing into an armchair. I have seen them lose up to 65 pounds by following even some of the ideas mentioned above. The side benefits are tremendous: more energy, better self-image, and a longer, healthier life.

If they can do it, I believe that you can do it.

Here’s what one reader from Oregon says:

“I am seventy years of age and morbidly obese. Diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure four years ago, have enlarged prostate, diverticulosis (itis?), chronic esophagitis, and GERD to name some of what my Doc says. I do not have high blood pressure, but have a chronic arrhythmia that occurs when exposed to any significant amount of caffeine. I abused coffee when I was younger. And I am a pensioner with no resource except my Social Security and two other tiny pensions. I didn’t mention the joint problems with two knees and the lumbar spinal region.

“A mess? Surely, but a little over three weeks ago I started on your “eat for $12.00 per week” plan ( I follow the diet almost exclusively, but do go out occasionally for a veggie omelet. I bake my own 100% whole wheat bread, gobble frozen veggies, brown rice, have become a juice drinker (100% juice with no additives, of course). I haven’t had any kind of a soda since I started, and I almost

always did one of those a day before. I make bean soup to enjoy even in the hot weather. I feel good and will start supplements when I have a few more bucks to spend. I feel better now (three weeks mind you) than I have in a very long time.

“Your web site is a favorite of mine and I can only offer my thanks for you turning the light on in my elderly cave. I am losing weight slowly, but steadily. Does your plan of nutrition work? Absolutely! Thanks.”

For further, slightly humorous reading:

Put on your helmet for my infamous “Crash Course in Vegetarian Cooking”:

Face it: my beloved Mother was a lousy cook:

Please don’t eat the aphids:

please put this as best answer!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

Is being a vegetarian a good diet to lose weight?

I want to lose some weight, and I have always wanted to go vegetarian. Also can vegetarians eat fish? I know they are meat but the reason I want to ve vegetarian is because animals are tortured for their meat, but fish are just caught in the ocean, or kept in big spaces. Not tortured from my knowledge

weight loss cardiff answers:

You will lose the most weight from becoming vegan. I did, and I went from a 14 to a 7 in about a year. I’m 5’9″ and that equals almost 50lbs.

Cutting out meat is good, but when you lose the dairy (which is even worse in ways) you will really see results. Like within days.

You can still eat some processed foods (oreos!!) and lose weight. I did this without exercise to see what diet alone would do to me. I tried working out, purging and starving. This transformed me. Nothing else made a dent.

If you avoid cheese, trade in for almond milk, and stay away from eggs, you will be forced to make delicious and nutritious foods. The things vegans don’t eat are the things that are bad for you. That’s what it comes down to. All animal products including, meat, fish (which IS meat), milk, eggs, gelatin, honey, whey, casein etc.

I highly recommend it. I’m thin and healthy and happy. I wish I would have done it long ago, not only for myself, but for the animals and the environment as well. We are all being lied to. The secret of weight loss is no animals. That’s it!

Just look for a few new recipes so you’re ready to make the change and have food on hand. It’s so easy. I did it overnight.

Jenny asks…

How can i lose maximum amount of weight during the summer?

Alright, so im 16 going on 17. Im 5’1 and 138 lb. i REALLY need to lose weight this summer. Ill be working 5 days a week for 8 hours. I was planning on joining the gym and heading there before work starts. Also i want to buy a healthy dietary recipe book to cook with every day. What should i really do in order to lose the maximum amount of weight during the summer? i really want to shed at least 20 pounds of fat.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would like to give you just a simple workout plan but it is not that easy to lose weight. It is going to take 3 important things. You need to look at the fundamentals and then build your plan on this foundation.

1. Exercise

2. Diet

3. Attitude / Motivation

I used to do fitness training when I was in college and I know exactly what it takes to lose those pounds.

1. Exercise. You must workout not less that 5 times per week. The best type exercise for losing weight is aerobic exercise. That means you have to get your heart rate up and breathing rate up. You should do a min. Of (5) 30 minute aerobic activities per week.
*walking is good but keep up a very fast pace and pump your arms to increase the blood flow and burns more calories! Biking is also good. Treadmill is also good.

2. DIET: You have to watch your calorie intake. Simple formula says: If you eat More calories than you burn you will Gain weight. If you eat Less calories than you burn you will Lose weight.
Eat salads with fat free dressing. Eat lots of fresh foods, carrots, celery. Eat high protein low fat meats like chicken breast out the car. Go to the deli and get lean roast beef and turkey and make sandwiches. Eat rice with no butter and no rich sauces. Stay away from ALL fast food! All the exercising won’t help if you don’t watch what you fuel your body with.

3. Attitude is glue that binds this weight loss formula together. Losing weight is not easy. It takes discipline and a positive attitude. It is not easy to change your eating and activities habits but you must do it. You have to target your goal and stay on track. A positive attitude will keep you on course!
fitness trainer

Lisa asks…

How to lose weight and gain muscle fast?

I’m 15 and 165 pounds. I know I have a lot of body fat and I just want to lose them. I want to gain muscles too as well. Is there any free diet plan which will allow me to lose weight and also have enough energy and strength in my body? If yes, please give me the full diet plan chart. Is going to gym effective and fast? How long and how many days should I work out a week? Please provide any extra information.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss with Meal Plans and Easy Recipes

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

David asks…

What are the best books about religion in World War II?

I am writing a research paper for a class, but I’m unsure where to begin. My school’s library has a meager selection of books on the subject, mostly about the Holocaust and the Catholic church. I’m looking to include the Eastern Orthodox Church, Shintoism, and Protestant Christianity as well, but I haven’t come up with much on those subjects. What are the best books for researching Religion in World War 2?

weight loss cardiff answers:

One of the leading protestant clergy of Germany during Hitler’s regime was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a professor of religious studies and one of the founders of the Confessing Church. He was implicated in the ‘Valkyrie’ plot (even though a pacifist) which caused him to be martyred at the end of World War II. He was an author in his own right but one of his students, named Bethge, wrote a biography on his life.

Some felt Hitler had the Church of Rome in his pocket (not all agree with this). One book about his relationship with the Church of Rome is: Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII by John Cornwell.

Albert Speer, while imprisoned for war crimes did some writing and one of his works, Inside the Third Reich, speaks about how Nazism took over the churches of Germany under Hitler.

During the interwar years cooperation among Christian denominations came to the fore and this led to many Christians espousing pacifism. Those who were reticent to go to war in England, France and North America, for instance both helped shape this sentiment and were affected or infected by it on a religious basis.

Linda asks…

Commentaries, please: “A god who let us prove his existence would be an idol.”?

Quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906 – 1945): he was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, participant in the German Resistance movement against Nazism. His involvement in plans by members of the Abwehr (the German Military Intelligence Office) to assassinate Adolf Hitler resulted in his execution. Bonhoeffer was arrested in March 1943, imprisoned, and eventually executed by hanging shortly before the war’s end. He was only 39 years old when assassinated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Very interesting statement and I’m so very glad you didn’t come up with the concept all by yourself ..lest yahoo answers would be getting higher praise from me .. I was scared for a moment there .. True that if we knew without faith that god was an absolute than it wouldn’t leave room for disbelief …
Although the depths of sin ought to account for something here .. Possibly we have no concept of hope deep the wounds our sins inflict on the hidden realms of which we know not yet.

Carol asks…

how did the German public react to Hitlers opposers?

I am writing an essay on Opposition to Hitler in Germany but I can’t seem to find anything about how other people reacted to the opposition. I do know that when news of opposition reached other countries (the allies) that they had more sympathy with German civilians but that doesnt seem like enough information. I would also be interested in knowing things like what happened to some of the resisters. (camps,…) thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

The German Resistance movement consisted of several disparate strands, which represented different classes of German society and were seldom able to work together – indeed for much of the period there was little or no contact between the different strands of resistance.

One strand was the underground networks of the banned Social Democrats (SPD) and Communists (KPD).

Another strand was resistance based on minorities within the Christian churches, both Catholic and Protestant. Protestant pastors Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemöller (the latter after having initially supported Hitler), and the Catholic Bishop Clemens von Galen, and their example inspired some acts of overt resistance, such as that of the White Rose student group in Munich. The Catholic Church as a whole opposed the regime only when its own deepest values were challenged, as in opposition to the Nazi T4 “euthanasia” program.
Http:// (read about his imprisonment and death)

A third strand might be called the “unorganized resistance” — individual Germans or small groups of people acting in defiance of government policies or orders, or in ways seen as subversive of the Nazi system. Most notably, these included a significant number of Germans who helped Jews survive the Nazi Holocaust by hiding them, obtaining papers for them or in others ways aiding them. More than 300 Germans have been recognised for this kind of activity. It also included, particularly in the later years of the regime, informal networks of young Germans who evaded serving in the Hitler Youth and defied the cultural policies of the Nazis in various ways. In Munich in 1942, university students formed the White Rose resistance group. Its leaders, Hans Scholl, his sister Sophie Scholl, and professor Kurt Huber were arrested and executed in 1943 for the distribution of anti-Nazi leaflets.
Http:// (read about the students’ beheading)

Finally there was the resistance network within the German state machinery itself, centered in the Army, the Foreign Office and the military intelligence organisation, the Abwehr. These groups hatched conspiracies against Hitler in 1938 and again in 1939, but for a variety of reasons were unable to take action. After the German defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942, they were able to make contact with a significant number of Army officers who were convinced that Hitler was leading Germany to disaster, although fewer who were willing to engage in overt resistance. Active resisters were drawn largely from the old Prussian aristocracy, since this was the only social class which had not been successfully penetrated by Nazi ideology.

Almost every community in Germany had members taken away to concentration camps, as early as 1935 there were jingles warning:
“Dear God, make me dumb, that I may not to Dachau come.”

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