Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

i need a fast & good diet to lose weight?

ok i’ve had a not week and have been have in chocolate and now I’ve put on some weight(i know, i know) I was 8st 5lb but now i’m 8st 9lb and i just want to know what is a good and fast diet i can go on to lose weight and also what exercises i can do……plaez help cus im very unhappy about it…

if you got something rude then please keep it to yourself.
i don’t have the time for it!!!!!
just to add i do exercise(gym)…

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It’s not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym – a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

Thomas asks…

Best fad diet, need to lose weight fast!! ?

i have just over a week! (9 days tomorrow) as i am going on holiday and i need to lose weight fast! has anyone done slim fast? apparently its safe and fast.. any reviews? if not what fast working diets worked for you! thankyou xo

weight loss cardiff answers:

What are the best fad diets? It’s a question I’m often asked. Unfortunately, I’m not really in favour of fad diets, so it’s a difficult one to answer.

It’s not that I’m against all fad diets on principle. But if there’s one message I’d like you to take away from my website, Obesity, it’s that there’s no silver bullet. No one shot cure … No best fad diets.

That’s the message I hope you take away from this article.

Your ideal weight loss solution should comprise a basket of cures, each chosen to suit your specific needs. A diet, fad or not, may be one ingredient of that basket. But one size does not fit all.

However, if you are going to choose a fad diet as part of your weightloss basket, you should at least be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diets

Millions of Americans have joined the low-carb craze and started high-fat, low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet and the Zone Diet. They are made up of about 60% fat, 10% carbohydrate, and 30% protein. These fad diets say you can eat high amounts of fat and protein while getting very low amounts of carbohydrates in the form of vegetables.

The main premise of the low-carb diet is that a diet low in carbohydrates leads to a reduction in body’s production of insulin.

The end result is that fat and protein stores will be used for energy. So you stuff yourself full of unlimited amounts of meat, cheese, and butter, and only eat a small portion of carbohydrates.
People who start the diet usually lose a great amount of weight, but it’s not permanent weight loss. Instead of burning fat, they lose water and precious muscle tissue.

Furthermore, these diets are low in several nutrients and contain excess amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats, substances that increase the risk of heart disease.

Plus, regardless of what they claim, the enormous amounts of protein put a strain on your kidneys.

Not exactly a promising contender for the best fad diets title!

Moderate Fat Diets

Next, there are the moderate fat diets. Moderate fat diets include diets like Weight Watchers, the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, Herbalife and Jenny Craig.

These diets are made up of about 25% fat, 60% carbohydrate, and 15% protein. They encourage the intake of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and essential fatty acids found in foods like olive oil and salmon.

John asks…

How can I lose weight fast?

I have 2 kids and the youngest is 5 months old and oldest is 18 months old. So I didnt really have a chance to lose weight from the first pregnancy. I am currently about 40 lbs overweight. It seems like its all in my stomach area though. Any tips on losing weight(particually belly fat) fast without taking any dieting pills?

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It’s not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym – a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Richard asks…

How can i work this math problem out?

A slimming clinic promises its customers a weight loss of between 8% and 20%. If they claim is correct, what would be the most a person who is currently 191 kg weight after treatment?
How can i work this out?
what is * ?
How come when i try to calculate it with my calculator i get a different answer?
Sohini this really helps BUT what did you do to get 15.3?
191 – 191x 8% = 191 – 15.3 = 175.7(least)
Thanks for that ^ really helped.

weight loss cardiff answers:

* is used for multiplication i.e. X
191 – 191x 8% = 191 – 15.3 = 175.7(least)
191 – 191x 20% = 191 – 38.2 = 152.8 (most)

PS- u might b getn difrnt answr in ur calculator bcz u might b tryn wrong way to calculate 8% of 191
try- 191 X 8/100

Jenny asks…

How can I tell if I’m retaining water or gaining weight?

I’ve noticed that my weight goes up and down daily. For example on Friday my weight was 1_3, Saturday my weight increased by 3oz’s and then on Sunday my weight increased to 1_9. I haven’t been over eating however I’m not on a healthy diet plan and I could drink more water. I am also bloated and gassy which is why I refused to weigh myself today. Could my up and down weight loss/gain be water retention or a combination of all of my symptoms. How do I get rid of all of these symptoms?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Check your body fat! If your body fat is the same but your weight keep changing drastically then is water. Any GYM will be able to measure you for you body fat. Or you can go to:
This is just an estimate, to get your real body fat go to a pro.

Lisa asks…

What is the “normal” weight for a 13 year old girl?

I’m like, desperate to lose weight xD i’m 13, about 5’3 ish and around 180 sumthin pounds $: please help! I want to lose at least 50 or so pounds before High school… I’ve Legit been sitting here alone for 4 hours on Google looking for something useful :/ anyone have any good tips to loose 50lbs in less than 8 months? Also i have a mild Thyroid condition which kind of interrupts my attempts to weight loss. It’s sooo embarrassing being like me in Grade 8. I have 3 pretty good friends, but i don’t feel like i fit in :/ Help? 😀 It would be much appreciated. Thankss! <3

weight loss cardiff answers:

Ok firstly calling someone VERY FAT is pretty mean. Instead of normal weight for years normal weight for height is the way to go. BMI charts and calculators can help you determine what a normal weight is for your height. I am between 120 and 125 pounds and I am overweight and I’m 13

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

Teenage Weight Loss Question?

Teenage Weight Loss Question?
Teenage Weight Loss Question?
Question Details: I want to lose 20 pounds. I am 130 pounds, 5’3”, and 16 years old. I am a size 8. I want to lose 20 pounds and go down to a size 4 at least. I also want to tone up my body for the winter sports season. Does anybody have any ideas for diet and exercise? Please all suggestions welcome. Why does it come so easily for others? I hate sitting with my friends while they are all size twos and eating brownies, cookies, and chips.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Teenagers losing weight can be a dangerous thing. If your body has not fully developed you could be causing harm. Depending on if you have finished growing in height determines whether or not you should try to lose weight. A Dr can tell you this. But if you eat properly and exercise your body will do the rest. Size 4 may not be your ideal size. And because clothing manufactures all vary in their idea of size, you can not judge what SIZE you really are by clothing. If think your body is too big in some places exercise to tone the muscles in those areas. This will burn any fat there. And don’t worry about those supposed size 2’s If they keep eating like that, they will find themselves size 12 by the time they reach adulthood.

William asks…

How do I lose weight? FAST!!?

– Okay Im 14 going in to high school freshmen…I really want to look good and last summr i weighed in at 130 last year and i was 5′ 1″ and a size 4/5 now I’m 5’4″ and weigh 140 and now im pushing size 5 and no longer fit my size 4 pants i need to slim down everything within 3 weeks… i want to be a perfect size 4 and have a little room in my size 5 pants…. I’m not the skinniest or chubby im pretty fit….well not anymore…..i have a curvy body and now its starting to look straight and i want my curves back…and i really wish my thighs would be thin and and toned:))) iif even better i dont want them touching and ill workl on my stomach myself if you cant find advice please help plus i need a diet i can stick too! i’m a teenager…its hard!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Step one * Water –

Before every meal drink 16 ounces of water prior to eating. Doing this can help you lose weight, as you will eat less but still be full. This helps to encourage you to get the recommended amount of water daily and lose weight.

Step two Eat Less Calories Then You Burn –

In order to lose weight quickly you need to eat less calories then your body actually burns. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories, so you need to burn more calories each day in order to lose weight. All during the day, even in your sleep your body is burning calories. You can easily burn more calories then you eat by increasing activity and cutting calories in your daily diet. Just by cutting 500 calories a day and increasing exercise you can lose weight quickly. This is the best way to lose weight and remain healthy. So cut out the bad food and increase the good foods.

Step three * Increase Fiber –

Eating more fiber each day will help to increase weight loss. Include whole grains, raw vegetables, slightly cooked vegetables, fruits, fiber enriched cereals, whole wheat pasta, beans, etc. In the beginning if you eat to much fiber you may experience bloating, cramps and gas, so do it gradually day by day. Also increase the amount of water you drink as it helps your body to digest the fiber more efficiently.

Step 4 Stop Eating Sugary Foods –

Just dropping the sugar from your diet can help you lose weight quickly. Make sure that you stay away from it all together if you want to lose weight quickly. This means no sugar in your coffee, on your cereals, or eating that candy bar!

* Cut the carbs from your diet. Carbohydrates turn into sugar inside our body’s and makes you hold onto body weight and fat. Omitting carbs from your diet can help you drastically drop the unwanted pounds. These days there are many alternatives to diets without carbs that are tasty and nutritious.

* Increase fiber into your diet.

* Incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet.

* Make sure you eat your dairy items. You can choose to have low fat or even fat free milks and yogurt’s.

Step 5 Watch Your Portion Size –

Many people have no concept of the amount of food that hey should be eating. Here are some helpful tips about portion sizes…
3 ounces of meat, fish, chicken, etc. Is about the size of the palm of a woman’s hand or a deck of playing cards.
An ounce of cheese is about the size of your thumb.
A teaspoon of butter is the about the size of your thumb tip.
Learning the correct portions that you should consume can greatly improve your weight lose.

* Stay Away From Fried Foods –

* Watch the calories, they count when you are trying to lose weight. Stick to a diet within a certain range of calories consumption ideal for you.

Step 6 Exercise –

Many of us may feel that we simply do not have the time to incorporate exercise int your busy lifestyle. That is just an excuse! There are many ways to get the exercise that you need. When you are at work take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park a little farther then normal so you walk farther. Instead of going out to the movies where you just sit, do something physical like bowling, golfing, dancing, etc. Every extra bit of exercise helps!

Remember that any diet that promises you a fast and easy way to lose weight without even trying, is a fake! They are relying on the hopeful ones that want to believe there is a miracle cure to lose weight out there to get themselves rich. They are selling you a fantasy and that s the bottom line.

Or what you can do is try this this just go to the link here

Daniel asks…

Colon cleanser for teenager??!?!?!?

Hey I’m a teenager girl my weight is 150 and I’m 5’1 I wanna lose 5-10 pounds maybe even more… So my question is.. How much will I lose?? Is it safe?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes you can lose weight with cleanser, you can easily lose 4-5 pounds with colon cleanser, but if you want to lose more than 5 pounds then you have to do the workout also.

It is completely safe if you choose the right product. Always select a product which are made up of natural herbs, plant roots. More the product is herbal, less is the side effects;

some time before i have tried one product, which is good and found efficient for detoxification. As per my experience it is delicate with our system.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

How to make losing weight a little easier?

How to make the whole process of losing weight a tad easier? How can goal setting, motivation and lifestyle help a weight loss hopeful?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Is it possible to make weight loss a little easy? How can goal setting, motivation, and attitude help a weight loss hopeful endure the tasks of losing weight? (I am not talking about invasive weight loss surgery or weight loss pills.)

The key to making weight loss a bit easier is to find activities you enjoy, and use them to satisfy your exercise requirements. This is particularly important in the beginning, as many can feel too intimidated to go into a commercial gym initially – and that’s fine, there are plenty of other ways to get in exercise. If you have a treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, or other piece of cardio equipment at home, certainly take advantage of that, and perhaps watch television while exercising (I know some read magazines or books as well, but I personally think if you’re able to read a magazine or book, you’re not likely working hard enough). And it’s also the small things that count – park your car near the back of the parking lot to force yourself to do some extra walking, take the stairs instead of the elevator… There are a million ways to incorporate a little more exercise into each and every day, without making your life notably more difficult.

In terms of diet, the one thing you want to avoid is a binge, and the best way to do this is to drink lots of fluids (mostly water and unsweetened tea), and avoid starving yourself. Eat smaller meals frequently, and try to incorporate components of your favorite foods – if perhaps you really like spaghetti and meatballs, make spaghetti squash with a tomato sauce with extra lean beef. If you like pizza, make yourself little pizza’s on portobello mushrooms (not for everyone, but it’s surprisingly good). Or if you like taco’s, grill up some veggies and lean meats, and use cabbage leaves instead of taco shells. Of course, you are still certainly making a sacrifice here, but by allowing yourself to at least have something that resembles your old favorites, you can potentially beat those cravings.

Is losing weight easy? Of course not – if it were, we wouldn’t have the obesity epidemic we do today. It is, however, very doable, and the only person stopping you from reaching your goals is yourself. Some things that I’ve found helped clients included creating a schedule for exercise and eating, and along with completing a detailed journal (particularly in the early stages, as you work on developing better habits). When you cheat, which will inevitably happen, don’t be too hard on yourself, and just get right back on the wagon. And if there’s a special occasion where you really have the desire to indulge, allow yourself the indulgence. In all likelihood, you will eventually reach a point where you’ll no longer be interested in ‘cheat meals,’ but the occasional cheat isn’t going to hurt anything (in fact, some studies even show an occasional cheat meal to be beneficial in stoking your metabolism).

Best of luck!

Mandy asks…

Weight loss?

What are good excersizes or weight loss methods of burning off fat? I have somthing big to go to in about a month and i want to show everyone how good I can look. I only want to lose about 35 pounds. Everyone has there different methods. but i need something that doesn’t invole taking pills. or a clever excersise.. SOMETHING. please help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Do it for yourself : easiest way to lose weight is to decide for yourself that you really want to lose weight if you are not motivated enough than nothing is going to happen
Exercise : do cardio exercise, yoga, pilates its great to burn fat and it will tone ur body as well, Dancing can be one of the ways of a work out and you may not even get bored of it.
Diet wise : drink 8-10 glasses of water. U should have a healthy balanced diet have more fibre and protein in your diet they keep you full and energized and you should have small meal every 3 hours and don’t eat before 3 hrs of going to bed and soup it make u full and has less calories just avoid the cream and make the soup in this way mix veggies and water sort of a thick soup its very filling and sometimes tasty. You should look at how you are eating these days. Eating healthy food lets you have a healthy body. You should stop using food that has fat and contains sweets in it. You should prefer having fruits and vegetables over them along with some work out. Check the below articles for weight loss tips. Http://

David asks…

Weight loss!?

I am 21, male, 175 lbs, endomorph body type, and having been living in the gym for the last 2 weeks! I know weight loss can be a long process (especially for an endomorph), but I want to lose weight before my next drill because of a weigh in, which will be in another 2 weeks.

I have been in the gym every day this year, and I run 30-40 minutes with around 160 heart rate, followed by a day where I slowly jog 25-30 minutes, 10 minutes stair steppers, and 15 minutes on a bike. I have alternated that way for the last 14 days. I also lift 3 days a week, 2 rounds of 10-20 reps of upper body exercises. I do these after I jog. I also drink a whey protein shake.

I’ve cut fast food and soda. This diet began Jan 1. I eat about 1700 calories a day, and I have recently started munching on carrots and grapes throughout the day and eating 6 small meals rather than 2 (I used to skip breakfast)

I have not seen any weight loss, any suggestions? When can I expect to see a drop off in weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Successful weight loss does take some discipline and it does take getting used to living in a new way and with a new relationship to your food and to your body. But the results are worth it.

In the past seven months, I have lost over 72 pounds by doing just a few things:

1. Keep a daily journal of every single thing you eat. Get a calorie book so you will know how many calories each thing has. Studies show that just doing this causes many people to automatically reduce their food intake.

2. Reduce calories to 1600 calories a day. It might seem a bit low as if hunger is inevitable, but see the next tip to resolve the hunger problem. By the way, the average person in the Western world eats two to three times as many calories each day…and that’s why the most common causes of death in these countries are related to high calorie, high fat lifestyles.

3. Hunger isn’t a problem for me on 1600 calories a day because I eat fresh, organic fruits and vegetables whenever I feel a bit peckish. If you get your daily recommended minimum servings of veges and fruit i.e. 5 servings, you’ll find that you just aren’t particularly hungry for most of your day. If you go beyond the minimum, you will find it nearly impossible to find room for junk food.

4. Limit fat intake to 40 grams of fat a day. This is quite easy to do just by eliminating processed foods and relying primarily upon fresh, natural foods. In other words, try really hard to eliminate anything that comes in a box and has a long list of complex ingredients that you don’t even begin to know what they are.

5. Eat only fresh, organic, lean forms of protein. Keeping the meat lean lowers the fat content and thus makes it easier to stay at or under your daily 40 gram fat limit. While organic products are quite controversial in the U.S., the simple fact is that organic meat is a. Pesticide free whereas regular meat is loaded with it, b. Is free from even the risk of “mad-cow” disease as it has not been fed contaminated feed, and it has been demonstrated to have much higher nutritional value.

6. Exercise one hour a day. Every single day. After all, one hour a day isn’t a lot of time compared to all the benefits of saving your health and your life.

7. Finally, don’t forget to consult a doctor before you begin a diet and exercise program.

Good luck! You can do this. I know you can because I’m already 70% of the way to my goal.

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