Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Joseph asks…

Easy ways to lose weight?

i have been looking into losing weight. i wanna lose at least 10 pounds. i am going to start running and eating better. are there any tricks to make the weight loss go faster?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Motivation. Consistency. Dedication.
That’s about it.

Ruth asks…

Help with Weight Loss?

Anybody know any easy tricks to help burn a few extra calories?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Exercise is the simplest and effective method to burn calories.
More information you can read the article below.

Steven asks…

do you think these 10 Rules to Lose 10 Pounds and Cut Belly Fat are good and safe ?

here is the website i got it from .

this is what the site said to do

“Here are 10 simple rules to lose 10 pounds and cut belly fat in 2-3 weeks.

1. Eat a big breakfast with protein and fiber.

This helps you to start the day right so that you don’t have to play calorie catch-up later in the day using high calorie convenience foods.

2. Start each meal by eating a fruit such as an apple, grapes, or a grapefruit.

This helps to fill you up before you eat your meal… a meal which is more likely to have higher calorie, bad foods.

3. Eat beef jerky or string cheese for snacks.

These are some good protein snacks. Much better than carbohydrate snacks with simple sugars in them.

4. Take fish oil pills.

The healthy omega 3 fats in fish oil help with long term weight loss. Ideally, you take 6-10 grams each day with a meal.

5. Take a cold shower.

Or if you can’t do that, just rinse your body with really cold water for 15 seconds after your normal shower. This causes your body to slightly raise it’s internal core temperature. When that happens, the elevated body temperature becomes a more hostile environment for fat cells. Fat doesn’t like heat.

6. Eat 3 apples a day.

Kinda similar to another rule, but apples are incredibly powerful for weight loss due to their high water content, low calories, and high fiber. Using this rule alone would probably help you to lose 2 pounds a month without changing anything else.

7. Use a hula hoop at home.

Yep, the good ol’ hula hoop is actually a pretty good weight loss tool… works great for toning your hips and waist. Do it for 5 minutes a day.

8. Do high intensity interval training (HIIT) at the gym.

This is different from typical jogging on the treadmill. You’ll want to do whatever cardio exercise really intense for 10-15 seconds and follow it with 20-30 seconds of going slow. Keep repeating that and you’ll get an “afterburn” effect. That means you burn calories at a higher rate even after you’re done.

9. Eat 1 can of black beans everyday.

I consider black beans a super food. High in protein and fiber. Each 15 ounce can has 25 grams of protein and 25 grams of fiber. For just 48 cents at Wal-Mart, that’s quite good… especially considering the rapidly rising prices for most other foods these days!

10. Cheat

Hey, if you’re on a strict diet, if you don’t cheat you may “down-regulate” your metabolism. What that means is you will slow it down and burn less calories than you normally would. You avoid that by cheating once a week. The cheating helps to spike up your calories for 1 day which actually boosts your metabolism. Just don’t think eating a lot of calories everyday will do the same thing. It won’t.

So there you have it… 10 rules to lose 10 pounds and cut belly fat.

If you’re sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice on how to lose 10 pounds and cut belly fat… you know, like “Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise more, and blah blah blah”… then you found the right person. I’ll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you… AND NOT BORING!

First, click to get your free 19-page report “How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success”. This will give you a jumpstart on how to lose 10 pounds fast.

Second… after you get the free report, you’ll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics. These unconventional tricks are a “shortcut” way on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks… no mention of eating carrots or celery. I promise.

Third, with my advice, you won’t starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life. Listen, I understand you want to lose weight and cut belly fat without changing much in your diet or exercise plans… I get it. I have this completely covered. I’ve worked with over 3,700 clients. I know a 1 size fits all plan doesn’t work. So I’ve come up with lots of “tricks” to personalize weight loss specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Fourth… there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website. If you don’t lose 10 pounds with just my free information… I’d be amazingly surprised!

Article Source:”

so what do you think , is it safe, are there side affects, is it really fun and easy,and is there anything better


weight loss cardiff answers:

I think rule number 2 & 6 are not right because no food is good in excess. Eating one apple a day and eating any of the berries family fruit or grapefruit a day is more affective & good for weight loss.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Paul asks…

do ya ll know any easy at home workout ROUTE to loss Weight on thighs and abs?

ever sense i was small i was know as fat and ugly now i want to start a new me like a new year

weight loss cardiff answers:

The best way to burn fat is to consume less food and exercise more often, the issues arise when we really try to put that into practice! There are lots of temptations in the real world don’t you think?! The sole diet that clearly delivered for me was wu-yi tea, it can be viewed in the resource box underneath, they have a small number of free trials left, it has been reported in Reader’s Digest and USA Today. I shed 30 pounds, it clearly does produce success!

George asks…

any easy, working weight loss drinks?

im not even fat or anything but i feel like i would like to lose like 10 lbs, also any fast 10 min workouts for everyday?

weight loss cardiff answers:

WATER!!! WATER!!! WATER!!! Drink tons of water!!! Also, make sure that you sleep well. As far as ten minute work outs: ab routines are fun. No breaks in between crunches as the ab muscles heal stupid fast. Do them 3 to 4 times a day. NO BREAKS in between crunches!!! I’m serious! Make it hurt!!! WATER!!! WATER!!! WATER!!! Cardio is good for you too if you can squeeze in the half hour. Good luck! Be healthy, not skinny! 😀

Linda asks…

Easy ways to lose weight?

Hello! I am 20 years old and I just hit the 150lb mark. I have been wanting to lose weight for sometime now but I have been so busy. I work 40-45 hours a week and I also go to school 5 days a week so I don’t have a lot of time to workout or eat really healthy. Any ideas for easy weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The below tips are useful for you.

Try to include fibre content food in your daily eating system.
Swimming is the best way to burn calories. So, try swimming at least once in a week.
Try walking, jogging, skipping, etc. Try to do lot more physical activity. Involve in a game like Badminton, Tennis, etc.

The below links are more useful for you.


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