Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

do weight loss pills only work on people who are overweight?

please no lectures on health- i’m not considering using weight loss pills, i’ve just been wondering about this.
i thought i said this already : I’m NOT trying to lose weight. I was just curious about how these pills work.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pill is a generic term. You can lose weight with medication in several ways.

1. Increase metabolism (e.g., caffiene, ephedra). Burning more calories than you take in makes you lose weight.

2. Decrease appetite (e.g., fenfluramine). If you don’t take in as many calories as you burn, you lose weight.

3. Block absorption (e.g., chitosan). If you can’t absorb fat, you will have trouble taking in more calories than you burn.

4. Lose water (e.g., Lasix, diuretics). If you lose water, you lose weight, up to a point. Lose too much water and you get sick.

Losing weight happens when you use more energy to stay alive than you take in through your diet. Weight loss pills that cause this effect by any of the above means will work on anyone.

Susan asks…

Where is the best and cheapest place to get Capsiplex weight loss pills?

The sun is shining today for the first time in ages, i have noticed a few people walking around in t shirts for the first time in like 6 months!

Anyway i want to tone up my body so i can walk around and attract some girls. My best friend who is a girl has tried these capsiplex weight loss pills and she said they are the only thing that worked for her.

My question is do they work for men as well and where can i buy capsiplex for the cheapest price.

weight loss cardiff answers:

First off…… They work for me and im a man. I have tried all sorts of different pills to bulk up and then get my body ripped for the summers and i have had fairly good success by using creatine and whey protein at the same time as using capsiplex. I do work out every 3 days in the gym for between 30 minutes and 1 1/2 hours. I also go boxing twice a week. So if you do some exercise then these pills should work.

You cannot buy capsiplex in the high street nor my local gyms you can only get them online.

Ebay and amazon sell them but generally you do not get them any cheaper than the official site. Sometimes you can get a bottle or two on ebay that someone has bought and they don’t want them anymore but this is quite rare.

I get mine from the official site in bulk and use a discount code to save 20% off the official site prices. By doing this i manage to get them for £17 per bottle which is far cheaper than £30 without buying in bulk or by using the discount code.

Haven’t tried the plus version yet.

The best place that i found for coupons and discounts that actually work (most discount sites don’t actually have a working code) for capsiplex is the capsiplex discount code website which is in the resources link. They update their codes regularly.

My sparring partner introduced me to these supplements.

Robert asks…

Weight loss pills do they actually work?

I have Jillian Michael’s Fat Burner weight loss pills.
I was just wondering, if anyone from experience could tell me whether or not they work.
xx. Please Help .

weight loss cardiff answers:

I don’t know about the pills but i will advice you not to take any pills as they might harm you. There are some things that you should follow and you will certainly loos some weight and get toned. Http:// here are some weight loss tips that anyone can follow and loose their weight over some time. The best part about it is it has no side effects but the pill may have. If you still want to take any pills do take it under proper medical guidance.

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