Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

Diet plans, 5-9 pounds a week?

So I was reading a magazine and it said if I followed this diet plan that I will lose 5-9 pounds a week depending on how much I exercise
Breakfast-either yogurt (lite) or two egg whites with load of Cheyenne pepper
Lunch-an orange, or other fruits, besides bananas
Snacks during the day- all veggies, or one of those small baby bell cheeses
Dinner-a salad with a slice of grilled chucked and a small side of lite zest italian dressing.
I’d be eating this and exercising 4-5 times a week
I’m currently 16, 5’4 and 153 lbs. Would following this diet plan really help me lose 5-6 lbs a week. If not how much would it? Thank you 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your diet and exercise plan seems very unhealthy.

HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS IS A VERY SLOW PROCESS! You should only lose a maximum of 2 pounds per week! Losing more than 2 pounds a week is dangerous: You will be REDUCING your MINIMUM nutritional requirements for good health! Plus, you are more than likely gain all the weight back because very low calorie diets are hard to sustain for a long time!

One pound equals 3500 calories. Two pounds equal 7000 calories. So if you eliminate 1000 calories a day from your diet, you should lose 7000 calories per week which is 2 pounds. If your diet is mainly unhealthy, eliminating 1000 calories a day should be easy BUT if you already eat healthy cutting that many calories a day is not recommended because your probably getting the correct calories you need each day! You can also burn calories/fat by doing aerobic exercise.

The AVERAGE recommended daily calorie intake is 2500 calories a day for men and 2000 calories a day for women. But remember this is the AVERAGE amount! Each person is different! Your calorie intake may be lower or higher depending on your weight, muscle mass, and activity levels. To make sure you are eating the right amount, you would need to calculate your “personal recommended calorie intake”.

There is NO NEED to do a SPECIAL DIET and to completely give up junk food! When it comes to eating, learn MODERATION and PORTION CONTROL! When eating UNHEALTHY foods/drinks limit intake to ONE SERVING PER DAY! Look on the package label to see how many ounces/amounts equal one serving. Buy foods marked LOW FAT, LOW CALORIES, LOW SODIUM, REDUCED SUGAR! Do research to find out how to select LEAN MEATS for eating because they are lower in fat! Fresh Fruit is naturally sweet and healthy and can help replace sweet desserts and candy. Try raw vegetables and dip instead of chips and dip. Limit intake of greasy/fried foods and frozen meals. Only eat one meal once or twice a week at fast food restaurants. Drink approx. 64 oz water each day and limit intake of soda pop, alcohol, sugar drinks.

Still not losing weight? It is time for a serious food analysis! Keep a food journal to see what you are eating in EXCESS. Do research and find out how much sugar, salt, sodium, unsaturated fat, saturated fat, calories is needed for your age group. Monitoring the previous things found in FOODS AND LIQUIDS will greatly help with weight loss!

Aerobic/Cardio Exercise will get rid of FAT located ANYWHERE on the body! Burn calories/fat by doing aerobic exercise at least 30 to 45 minutes per day, 4 or 5 days per week. Each person is different! You may need MORE or LESS exercise depending on your age, body weight, and calorie/food intake. Do a Warm Up and Stretches BEFORE exercising to prevent injury! Do a Cool Down and Stretches AFTER exercising to prevent body stiffness! You must continue to SHOCK YOUR BODY to keep losing weight! If you do the SAME exercise routine for months, your body will get use to that routine and not work as hard to burn calories/fat, therefore you will not see results! Easy INDOOR aerboic exercise includes dancing to your favorite music, step aerobics using a step bench, rebound aerobics using a mini trampoline, or doing aerobic exercise videos that can be bought at Amazon website or Collage Video website.

Lisa asks…

Need a diet plan?

Ok, so I’ve let myself become disgusting. I was depressed for almost a year and I gained almost 80 pounds. I am only 5’0″ and I weigh 195lbs. Despite being gross, I have found a wonderful man who has asked me to marry him. My wedding is in about 6 months and I would like to lose a little weight, not only to look better, but also for my health. I have an exercise regiment in place, but I need a diet plan. I need something I can follow exactly, because I have a hard time following anything. If anyone knows of anything that I can use, please let me know.
I can’t afford anything professional

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is a diet plan called the perfect plan. Made by a nutritionist. I have lost 14 pounds in two or three weeks I could of lost more but I cheated alot. It is great!!! This diet takes all the preservatives out of your diet so you do have to cook but the food is good and you never get hungry. Good luck I hope you can find out about it.

William asks…

P90X without the diet plan?

Hi! I was just starting P90X today, and I was wondering if it is useless if you don’t do the diet plan. Could I just eat my normal a day and still see some sort of results? I usually eat around 1500-2000 cals. Would this really make a huge huge difference?
And just putting it out there that I am kind of okay with my weight. I’m 5’9″-10″ and about 155lbs

weight loss cardiff answers:

The P90X diet is quite flexible. I dont stick to it strictly and you can determine for yourself which phase you are on.
But it is basically broken up into 3 phases, with a certain proportion of carbs, fat and protein in each:

The first phase is referred to as the ‘Fat Shredder’ phase and will help you with strengthening the muscles while also losing all that excess body fat that’s on your body. This part of the P90X nutrition plan is composed of 50% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 20% fat.

After that, then you have the energy booster plan, which is for those who are looking for additional energy to increase their performance. This part of the plan contains 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% fat.

Finally, the third phase in the P90X nutrition plan is the endurance maximizer phase and is for those who are looking to perform high level endurance activity. Since energy needs are greater for these individuals, this plan is made up of 20% protein, 60% carbohydrates, and 20% dietary fat

You can read more about the diet here

Hope that helps!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

Know any really good fad diets?

I know people say fad diets don’t work, but there have to be a few that really do.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Low carb, but still have some good complex carbs.
Fat’s should be limited and non-animal fats if possible.

Paul asks…

Are there any exercises or diets to slenderize my thighs?

I have big, fat thighs. Are there any exercises I can do to slenderize my thighs without them getting muscular? Are there any diets that can help? Thanks for your help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weight
evenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight in
specific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they are
your problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will have
to work double on them. The best approach is this:
1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normal
weight, lower for overweight).
2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.
3. Target your problem areas with exercises.
Side Lunge Slide
Stand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate.
Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot to the side, torso
upright and abs in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position,
repeating 8-12 times. Switch legs and repeat for 2-3 sets.

Lunge Slide
Stand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate.
Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot back into a lunge
position, keeping the right knee behind the toe, torso upright and abs
in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position and repeat 8-12
times. Switch legs and repeat on each leg for 2-3 sets.

Front One-Legged Squat
Stand on a step or small platform. Lift left leg out in front of step
and bend the right leg, bringing the toe of the left foot to the
floor. Touch the floor lightly and keep the knee of the bent leg in
line with toes. Straighten the right leg and repeat 8-12 times. Switch
legs and repeat for 2-3 sets.

Chair Squat
Stand in front of a chair with feet hip-width apart, abs in and torso
straight. Slowly bend your knees and lower and until you’re almost
touching your butt to the chair. Hold for 2-3 seconds, knees behind
the toes, and straighten. Repeat for 12-16 reps, 2-3 sets.

Heel Drops with Leg Extension
Stand on step or platform with left leg on the step, right leg
hanging off the side. Bend the left leg and lower the right foot
towards the floor (a few inches). Straighten the left leg and bring
the right leg out to the side, foot flexed, in a leg extension. Repeat
8-12 times, switch legs for 2-3 sets.

Hip Extension
On a flat or inclined step or platform, lie facedown with hips on the
edge of the step, legs straight out behind you with toes resting
lightly on the floor. Squeeze the glutes and hamstrings and straighten
the legs until they are level with the hips. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and
lower letting toes lightly touch the floor. Repeat for 2-3 sets of
8-12 repetitions.

Lizzie asks…

What are some good easy diets that actually work? Any personal experiences? Any websites?

I am seeking a manageable diet in which I can eat my own food and manage it without it demanding a lot of my time. I have heard that the nutrisystem works but it is not my own food. Could I have some feedback on some diets and if you all have tried some and have before and after pictures it would be nice to see them. Also, give the time rates in which how long the diet took to work and to have an effect.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have read a lot about diets and experienced some of them.
Hereafter the best advises to loose weight that I have put together myself and that I experience mostly every day. It’s more than a diet; it’s a manner to live and to appreciate tasty, healthy meals preferring quality to quantity.
This diet is long lasting, not annoying, not too difficult and without negative effects. It helps you to loose weight and to stabilize your weight, which is, I assure you, more difficult.
I think that the point 16 is for most people the most important. Nevertheless you find seldom something about autosuggestion in a diet plan.

First your normal weight (not the ideal weight) following to the BMI.
Body-Mass-Index = weight
height x height
The Body-Mass-Index increases with the age.
19-24 years:19- 24/ 25-34 y: 20-25/ 35-44 y: 21-26/
45-54 years: 22-27/ 55-64 y: 23-28/ 64 years and more: 24-29
An example: You are 1,74 m tall (5’7”) and you weight 83 kg (183 lbs).
Ft = 30,48 cm/ Inch = 2,5 cm/ Pound = 453,59 g = 0,45359 kg.
BMI: 83/ 1,74×1,74 = 27,41 (183/ 5’7“ x 5’7“) = 27,41
It’s ok when you are 64 years old and more. It’s not ok from 19 to 54 years.
Ideal weight: 174 cm – 100 = 74 kg. It is tolerable if you have 10% more or less. More than 20% more or less is considered as problematical. But this scale is very rough and ignores important points as sexual characteristics, little stature.
1. Eat what is at your taste. Have excellent meals with several dishes.
2. Choose what is healthy for you. I give here only advices that are healthy for normally healthy people.
3. Try to find out by what dishes you loose weight and by what dishes you put on. People are different in all, what makes put on weight the one, doesn’t necessarily put on flesh to the other one.
4. Don’t eat more than 1500 to 1800 kcal per day. It depends on your objective. If you want to loose about 5 kg (2,265 lbs) in a week, eat only 1200 calories.
An adult woman needs about 2100 kcal a day.
An adult man needs about 2600 kcal a day.
The best is to eat 5 small meals during well dispersed all over the day. But many people lack of opportunities to do so. And many others fail because they are hungry, as they eat less. So they haven’t often enough willpower to stay to their calories-limit.
People who are good fat burners (high metabolism) can eat more calories without putting weight on. But with growing age the metabolism weakens and people put on weight faster. The metabolism weakens also by wrong diets, when you loose weight too quickly. After that the metabolism changes because you eat less food. And when you begin afterwards to eat normally a maximum is extracted out of the food and you put on weight more quickly than you have lost it.
So the best is to avoid an unfavorable change of the metabolism by eating aliments with little fibers and many calories (sweets, meat, sausages, hamburgers, fish, cream, French-fried…).
However if you eat aliments that have many fibers and little calories (vegetables, fruits but no bananas, whole bread, whole rice…) you will not change your metabolism negatively, but you will loose weight less quickly.
5. Try to get a table of food-calories by downloading it out of the Internet, for instance.
6. Fix a maximum of weight you will absolutely not pass beyond. Weigh you every day, the best in the morning. So you can easily find out what makes you gain weight or loose weight. It’s much easier than counting calories every day. And the result is the same if you weigh you every day.
7. Eat slowly and without stress. Let smelt tasty dishes on the tongue. Remember that you eat too much and without control under stress.
8. Do prefer good tasting dishes with few calories to dishes with many calories: fruit, vegetables, meager meats, meager fish, sweets with less sugar or sweetening or sugar mixed with sweetening 1:1. For myself I prefer good savory meats and fish and then I eat less or I eat several dishes.
9. Before breakfast start with a cup of lukewarm water. Then eat what you like.
10. At least an hour before the main meal, start with fruits of the season. Or eat a salad an hour before the real meal. So you will be less hungry before the meal. It is much healthier than taking powders diluted in water to fill the stomach up.
By the way fruits taste better if you put half a strawberry on a slice of a nectarine on a slice of an apple. Half a berry of a grape, to put on a slice of a pear, to put on a slice of a peach. Or make a salad of fresh fruit.
An example of several dishes prepared very quickly: Fruit / smoked salmon with salad/ main dish/ dessert.
Prefer fresh fruit and fresh vegetables, or frozen vegetables, to fruits and vegetables in cans and glasses.
11. Drink at least 2 liters of beverage without calories. Water / Water with lemon juice and sweetening / Water with fresh fruit juice and sweetening / Water with a spoonful of apple vinegar, or apple cider vinegar.
After getting up drink a glass of warm water.
Drink sometimes water with a spoon of apple vinegar.
12. If you discover in the morning that you have put on weight stop eating the same day five hours before going to bed. Easier, don’t eat anything after 16 o’clock.
13. Don’t eat much at the evening. Or dishes with few calories: salads, soup of vegetables without butter or cream, prefer milk.
14. Prefer fat and oil made out of vegetables: olive oil and colza oil. Do not heat over 100°, then it is not healthy anymore. So it is not good for roasting, grilling…
Sunflower oil is good for everything, because healthy and neutral of taste.
Restrict fat made out of cream and extracted out of animal protein.
15. Mental preparation is important too: be proud that you eat now very controlled, that you prefer quality to quantity, that you make a healthy and a tasty choice of dishes, that you eat like people who know much about good food, that you are self-controlled and have got a strong will to do right, that you have made new experiences and that you know more than many others about good food, that you can share your experiences with others and give them good advices.

16. At evening, when you sit before TV, and when you are unoccupied, you risk to succumb under your desires to taste and to eat something you like most. When you succumb now by exciting your gustatory papillas by the slightest peace of food, even of very few calories, it becomes very difficult for you to resist. The only thing, which can help you then, is autosuggestion. Remember that if you develop good habits of eating and resisting to eating desires, it will get easier and easier to make the good choice and to resist to desires, but unfortunately the contrary is true also if you succumb. (By the way true for every habit).
Try autosuggestion on the three dimensions: body, feelings and thoughts.
Body: Drink a lot of water or tea (peppermint, chamomile etc.) without sugar or sweetening,
washing and cleaning your teeth could stop your envy, take sweetless chewing gum, start an activity the best outside or wherever there is no food.
Avoid by all means to stimulate your gustatory papillas otherwise it will be very difficult to retain the desire to eat something.
Soul (feelings): Just say and repeat so often than needed: “I am not hungry”.. “I am not hungry”… “I have enough will and will not eat sweets”. “I have already eaten this”. I have no desire to eat chocolate or …”.
Mind (thoughts): “I will eat that tomorrow morning…I will eat that for lunch. I won’t eat this in the evening. I won’t eat anything after four o’clock”…
The principle is that you active your sub-conscience which acts on your behavior by saying and believing in these sentences. The stronger you believe in your sub-conscious powers the more you will succeed to realize your aims (everywhere and not only in your diet). It is a sort of placebo effect. As I said, it functions only when you believe in it.
But there is a secondary effect, which is, I think, more important then the placebo effect. When you repeat these auto-suggestive sentences very often, you think about your problem. And by thinking about your problem, you normally start to do something like the propositions I have above under body, soul and mind.

17. Mostly all diets have negative and only short effects.
18. Make sports, I mean physical exercises, which make you transpire.
Fact is, that if you are able to make sports during three hours a day, you loose mostly water, you build up muscles and you loose more or less 1000 gr. One hour of exercises is a loss of 300-400 gr.
Be aware, that the higher you’re overweight, the more you are able to loose weight at the beginning of the diet.
Don’t get disappointed when you find out that there are days you haven’t lost weight, despise of your efforts. It’s quite normal because men don’t make progress continuously but by steps. After some days of stagnation you will go on loosing weight at the condition that you won’t have lost your courage and your will. Then the mental conditioneering is most important, on this page the point 16.
19. Tips for dishes:
– Buy vanilla ice cream, mix fruit (strawberries or mangos or kiwis or.) in a mixer, freeze it, and mix the half frozen fruit with the ice cream 1:1. And you will get an ice-cream, better than those you can buy, with half fewer fat and half fewer sugar, and very easy to prepare.
– Mix fresh fruit; add low fat yogurt and sweetening. Mix all.
– Eat whole grain bread and rice. If you ask me on this side, I will give you an excellent recipe for whole grain bread easily to bake.
– Eat only chocolate of more than 75% cacao.
20. Last and efficient advice, try this:
Fix your objective and limit the amount of calories per day according to it.
Eat what you want in the morning and at noon.
But in the evening eat fruits, or vegetables, or vegetable soup, or salad, or meat, or fish.
Don’t eat at your last meal milk products, or sweets, or food made out of flour, or potatoes, or rice, or nuts, and I guess you will loose weight rapidly. This is similar to the so-called “food separation diet”. This diet has the advantage that you feel light after the meal. But here, as well as anywhere else, you must avoid, to take more calories, that you are able to burn. Otherwise you will surely put on weight.

Don’t ever forget that people are different. No diet and no advices are necessarily adapted to you.
So every diet has to be adapted to the patient, and not the patient to the diet. That’s what I would like to write on the door of every school: The pedagogical principals must be adapted to the different pupils and not the pupils to the pedagogical principles.

P.s: It exists a variation. Eat as described above the first day, but stop eating at 16 hours. The second day eat only vegetable soup. And go on like this as long as you want. This is also a perfectly healthy and efficient diet.
A recipe for an excellent soup: put in a pan olive oil and half an onion cut in slices. Let it blanch. Add a small potato cut in small pieces and vegetables. The best are all sorts of cabbage, kale, cauliflower and others with few calories salad, spinach, celery and tomatoes… Use eventually deep frozen vegetables; it’s less preparation and they have at least as many vitamins. By blanching the vegetables get more taste. Boil water. Add soup tablets (I prefer vegetable powder) and salt. Add the vegetables. Let cook. Mix all up. Add cream (more calories), or milk (less calories), or water (no calories).
A last idea: if you eat this or a similar soup during several days and nothing else, and drink 5 pints of water you will loose more or less two pounds every day. It’s a healthy diet (I give only healthy advices), but it is dull.

Good luck, much patience, much will and the more you believe in yourself the more you will be successful.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

Tips for sticking to a change of lifestyle to lose weight?

Any tips on sticking to a lifestyle change to eat healthier and be more active? I’m sick of being fat, and I want to turn my life around. I’m 17 years old, and I’ve been overweight my whole life. Recently I’ve been gaining weight like crazy. I’m tired of this. I want to be a healthy, active person, but my willpower is very low, so if anyone has any tips on sticking to a plan, I’d greatly appreciate it.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Two suggestions – 1) substituting foods; and 2) incorporating exercise into your daily routine INSTEAD of going to the gym. I was able to lose weight and maintain my weight loss easily by doing these two things.

First, if you cut out certain categories of food, you probably won’t stick with it. Same for “going vegetarian” just to lose weight. When I committed to losing weight, I was able to drop the weight quickly and painlessly by substituting foods. If I ate spaghetti, I used ground chicken or ground turkey instead of ground beef. Instead of Frosted Flakes, I ate corn flakes. Instead of soda, I drank water. Instead of fried fish or chicken, I ate baked. When I ate a salad, I ate fat-free dressing. I substituted regular cheese, yogurt, milk, etc. For fat-free. All of these things helped me reduce the amount of calories and fat I was taking in every day without feeling like I was depriving myself or on a diet. That’s why I was able to maintain it.

Also, I have a weakness for cheesecake. Now, when I go to a restaurant, I’ll make a friend split a slice with me instead of eating it by myself. That way, instead of 700 calories, I’m only getting 350. Still not great, but half as bad :-). And when it comes to restaurants, check online to see what the calorie and fat content of the food is before you go. This will make you want to choose the healthier selections.

As far as exercise goes, I tried the gym, but committing to 2 hours a day plus travel, having to change clothes and get there, was just too much extra work. Plus the monthly fees :-(. Instead, I just incorporated exercise into my daily routine. At work, I took the stairs instead of the elevator. I work on a college campus, so instead of calling someone in a different office I just get up and walk over to their office, even if it’s in a different building. I don’t take the closest parking space in parking lots. Instead, I’ll park further away and walk. When I’m at home watching TV, during commercial breaks I’ll do 25 crunches or stretching exercises. Recently, I had a flat tire, and instead of calling AAA, I changed it myself. Also, I needed to have one of my bedrooms painted and instead of hiring someone, I did it myself. All of these things burn calories, but since I incorporate them into my daily routine, it doesn’t feel like I’m taking extra time out to get it done. Also, you can easily add an extra 15 minutes per day of exercise doing this, which amounts to over an hour and a half of exercise per week (the equivalent of walking 20 minutes per day 5 times per week).

Just think: most little kids stay healthy not by going to the gym, but by staying active throughout the day. That’s the way it’s supposed to be as we get older, too.

Donald asks…

What is the best way to lose weight in 6 months ?

I know the basics. Eat healthy, exercsie.
But I get discouraged very easily.
Are there any fun exercises I can do ?
Its cold out so I cant do any running/ walking.
Any tips ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Quit sodas, chips and all that junk food, it really helps! Instead of chips, snack on fruits and nuts. But remember to give yourself one day of the week to splurge on your favs. Do house cleaning, it may not be fun but simple house cleaning is good exercise and keeps you busy, not thinking of snacking and staying in front of your pc or tv. Stretching, waking up earlier than usual, we tend to wake up late since we don’t have school or work, but just by changing your sleeping habits (we don’t really need more than 8 hrs of sleep) will make a difference. Playing with your siblings, kids, nephew, nieces, pets, gives you and everybody exercise and makes everyone happy.

Charles asks…

How many minutes of “hard core” cardio would I have to do everyday to lose 15 pounds in 3 months?

I weigh 143. I’m trying to lose face weight, and i heard that cardio is the best place to do that. I went jogging this morning for about 10 minutes, but my heart was racing for 20.

Is this enough??

weight loss cardiff answers:

Firstly you can lose as much weight as you want in a short time period, however, you will gain it back. I am speaking from experience from someone who has been there done that with fad diets. There is the obvious liposuction, however, the recovery time is 3 – 6 months and it sounds as though that you’re in a rush to lose the weight for possibly an event with no downtime to spare. I am and have been on weight watchers for 2 years and lost 25 lbs. It was a slow and steady race, however, I haven’t gained the weight back ‘cause my diet has been stabilized and so was the weight loss from 0.5 – 1 lb/week.

Remember the weight gain didn’t happen overnight, it happened slowly over time, the same is with proper healthy weight loss, you can’t have/perform miracles over night.

These are some things that I do.

1.Drink lots of water as it kept me full longer.
2.Used an appetite suppressant like hoodie to make sure I don’t go over my daily calorie intake.
3.Did cardio and toning 3 – 4 times a week.
4.Made meal and recipe modifications as I cooked.
5.When I dined out, I made sure that I wasn’t shy about asking the kitchen to make modifications like dressing/sauce on the side, half portion ordered the kids meal etc.
6.Brushing teeth after every meal, the mint acts like an appetite suppressant and without the taste in your mouth, you can easily forget about the food.
7.Never drank diet cola, the aspartame actually made me crave food more for some reason.
8.At work I take a break before lunch and either take the stairs in the building or just general toning without weights. We have a gym at work so I do about 15 minutes of weights which not only gets my blood flowing but releases tension from a**hole customers.
9.Bought snacks in bulk (to save money) and properly measured what a cup or portion was and made individual baggies. There are some snacks on the market that are 100 calorie snacks, however, I find those to be too expensive than just buying in bulk and separating the portions yourself. Also by physically separating them yourself, you get an idea of what a portion is supposed to be and you learn to properly eye ball correct portions.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

David asks…

How often do I need to exercise to lose weight?

I am 20 pounds overweight from what the average person my height and weight should be. I’ve replaced the soda I’ve been drinking with green tea and water. And I eat a lot healthier. I lost a 3 pounds from eating right and now I’m ready to work out.

How often should I work out to lose weight? I am able to workout 3 days a week (Tues, Thurs, and Fri) but I can rearrange my schedule to workout on other days (weekends aren’t an option). How many days a week should I workout and for how long?

I hate the treadmill but don’t mind the elliptical. I tend to rest my arms in between the two handles because it helps me exercise longer. Should I start using the handles even though they make me more tired? Also what stretches should I do after to flatten my stomach?

Also, what should I eat after I workout because I tend to get pretty hungry and don’t feel like cooking. Should I eat a snack and then eat dinner later on or should I eat my dinner right after?

weight loss cardiff answers:

First of all, you should always give your body one full day of no exercise. 3-5 days a week would be good.
You should do 1/2 hour of cardio and then do some exercises but make sure you rotate what you do each day. Ex: cardio and arm exercises one day, abs and legs the next…etc etc.
On the elliptical you should use the handles because that will give your arms an extra workout.
After you work out if you’re hungry, you should eat something healthy. Don’t binge!
Also, I heard this a couple years back and it seems to have proven true. You should only eat when you’re hungry, and when you do eat, fill yourself up. Repeat that to yourself when you’re tempted to eat because you’re bored, as so many of us do.
Good Luck!

Jenny asks…

How to lose weight off my hips and thighs?

I play volleyball for 1 hour 3 days a week and I jog/walk 3 miles 2 days a week. I heard you can’t target weight loss, is that true?

I also eat healthy (1550) calories a day to help lose weight.

How can I tighten or firm my lower body?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes you are correct target weight loss isnt possible. You cant choose what fat cells to draw from. Cardio is the only weigh to burn fat. If you want to loose fat in certain places you have to lose fat overall.

Nancy asks…

How many pounds can I lose with water fasting in 3 days?

I would like to lose some weight because I don’t like it. The BMI thing tells me I’m at a healthy range but my weight bothers me. I am 5’6″, 120 pounds and am 14 years old. I am planning to fast for 3 days and maybe a bit longer after that. I just wanted to know how many pounds I can lose because it differs on the height and different weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Fasting can be useful, but your approach to it is horrible.

If you are going to fast, I’d say fast 16 to 20 hours, and consume your food in a smaller time window.

What people don’t realize is, fasting isn’t a diet. You still need to consume your daily calorie intake or you could be at a caloric deficite, maybe 200-300 calories less than what you’ve been eating. Which would put a diet into the effect of fasting.

But basically, if you want to fast properly, you need to costume your daily calories in a smaller window.

It is very unhealthy of for your body to fast for as long as you are wanting to. Everyone is different, but generally fasting for over 48 hours will make your body go catabolic. Your body will turn from stored fat to burning muscle fibers for energy if you plan on fasting for over 2 days. So I wouldn’t recommend it.

The reason your body does this is because, think about this (if you have a regular or large muscle mass, that current mass is going to costume a lot of calories and stored fat, so if the body turns catabolic, (burning muscle) the body can try to prolong it’s stored fat so you don’t die lol.

So take my advice, fast for 16 to 20 hours, or if you really want, you can go nuts and fast a little longer, but no more than 48 hours.

Eat all of your daily food needs after you break your fast, so you fast for 20 hours and eat for 4, then fast again.

Your body still gets all of the calories and gives your body a little more time to burn fat while fasting.

P.S. Don’t listen to these morons that preach about catabolic states. “Oh, yer gonna go catabolic if you don’t eat for 6 hours, or right after a workout, because it’s BS.

You only go catabolic after an average rate of 48 hours with no food.

As for pounds, well you”re not going to get far in 3 days, it has to be a prolonged effort. Basically your just going to be losing and gaining water weight, your body won’t be burning fat as fast as you think.

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