Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

How do I lose weight fast but stay fit toned and healthy?

I am not fat but my hands and legs are flabby. How do I lose weight fast and stay toned and healthy? I am always busy so I do not have time for more than 30 minutes exercise.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Stop worrying about your Weight. If you do not want to be overweight you only have to watch what you eat and exercise moderately. Ride your bike or walk rather than drive. Make a commitment do do this everyday for the rest of your life. If you don’t you will be overweight and unhealthy. You will feel better too and after a while you could not imagine eating a bunch of crap and not exercising.

Charles asks…

How can I lose weight fast so I can enlist in the Navy?

I want to enlist, but the only problem is that I am a 6’1 female that weighs in at 276. They said I need to weigh 189 tops. How can I lose weight fast where I can hurry up and enlist?

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It’s not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym – a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

Susan asks…

How can a 13 year old girl lose weight fast?

How can a 13 year old girl lose weight fast?
I’m 13, and I want to lose weight. The last time I checked my weight was on Tuesday, and I weighed 128 pounds. In height, I’m around 5’0 – 5’1. I don’t do much exercise, except in gym. I know it’s a grave mistake I have made by not exercising that much, so I’m planning on exercising more. What kind of daily routine would you recommend me to do? Also, what type of exercises should I do? I don’t like push-ups, because I can barely do one without falling down. I’m not allowed to really run around and jump in the house, since it makes a lot of noise. Also, I can’t go outside because my parents prohibit it, since it’s still winter.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Without cardio you will not lose fat composition. That’s the most basic rule. You could get a jump rope and get a very good cardio burn if you have to stay inside. Weight training and calorie tracking are fine, but you won’t get that tone, cut look without lots of cardio. Lobby your parents, or get into a sport at school or gym. Best of luck!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

Tips for sticking to a change of lifestyle to lose weight?

Any tips on sticking to a lifestyle change to eat healthier and be more active? I’m sick of being fat, and I want to turn my life around. I’m 17 years old, and I’ve been overweight my whole life. Recently I’ve been gaining weight like crazy. I’m tired of this. I want to be a healthy, active person, but my willpower is very low, so if anyone has any tips on sticking to a plan, I’d greatly appreciate it.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Two suggestions – 1) substituting foods; and 2) incorporating exercise into your daily routine INSTEAD of going to the gym. I was able to lose weight and maintain my weight loss easily by doing these two things.

First, if you cut out certain categories of food, you probably won’t stick with it. Same for “going vegetarian” just to lose weight. When I committed to losing weight, I was able to drop the weight quickly and painlessly by substituting foods. If I ate spaghetti, I used ground chicken or ground turkey instead of ground beef. Instead of Frosted Flakes, I ate corn flakes. Instead of soda, I drank water. Instead of fried fish or chicken, I ate baked. When I ate a salad, I ate fat-free dressing. I substituted regular cheese, yogurt, milk, etc. For fat-free. All of these things helped me reduce the amount of calories and fat I was taking in every day without feeling like I was depriving myself or on a diet. That’s why I was able to maintain it.

Also, I have a weakness for cheesecake. Now, when I go to a restaurant, I’ll make a friend split a slice with me instead of eating it by myself. That way, instead of 700 calories, I’m only getting 350. Still not great, but half as bad :-). And when it comes to restaurants, check online to see what the calorie and fat content of the food is before you go. This will make you want to choose the healthier selections.

As far as exercise goes, I tried the gym, but committing to 2 hours a day plus travel, having to change clothes and get there, was just too much extra work. Plus the monthly fees :-(. Instead, I just incorporated exercise into my daily routine. At work, I took the stairs instead of the elevator. I work on a college campus, so instead of calling someone in a different office I just get up and walk over to their office, even if it’s in a different building. I don’t take the closest parking space in parking lots. Instead, I’ll park further away and walk. When I’m at home watching TV, during commercial breaks I’ll do 25 crunches or stretching exercises. Recently, I had a flat tire, and instead of calling AAA, I changed it myself. Also, I needed to have one of my bedrooms painted and instead of hiring someone, I did it myself. All of these things burn calories, but since I incorporate them into my daily routine, it doesn’t feel like I’m taking extra time out to get it done. Also, you can easily add an extra 15 minutes per day of exercise doing this, which amounts to over an hour and a half of exercise per week (the equivalent of walking 20 minutes per day 5 times per week).

Just think: most little kids stay healthy not by going to the gym, but by staying active throughout the day. That’s the way it’s supposed to be as we get older, too.

Donald asks…

What is the best way to lose weight in 6 months ?

I know the basics. Eat healthy, exercsie.
But I get discouraged very easily.
Are there any fun exercises I can do ?
Its cold out so I cant do any running/ walking.
Any tips ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Quit sodas, chips and all that junk food, it really helps! Instead of chips, snack on fruits and nuts. But remember to give yourself one day of the week to splurge on your favs. Do house cleaning, it may not be fun but simple house cleaning is good exercise and keeps you busy, not thinking of snacking and staying in front of your pc or tv. Stretching, waking up earlier than usual, we tend to wake up late since we don’t have school or work, but just by changing your sleeping habits (we don’t really need more than 8 hrs of sleep) will make a difference. Playing with your siblings, kids, nephew, nieces, pets, gives you and everybody exercise and makes everyone happy.

Charles asks…

How many minutes of “hard core” cardio would I have to do everyday to lose 15 pounds in 3 months?

I weigh 143. I’m trying to lose face weight, and i heard that cardio is the best place to do that. I went jogging this morning for about 10 minutes, but my heart was racing for 20.

Is this enough??

weight loss cardiff answers:

Firstly you can lose as much weight as you want in a short time period, however, you will gain it back. I am speaking from experience from someone who has been there done that with fad diets. There is the obvious liposuction, however, the recovery time is 3 – 6 months and it sounds as though that you’re in a rush to lose the weight for possibly an event with no downtime to spare. I am and have been on weight watchers for 2 years and lost 25 lbs. It was a slow and steady race, however, I haven’t gained the weight back ‘cause my diet has been stabilized and so was the weight loss from 0.5 – 1 lb/week.

Remember the weight gain didn’t happen overnight, it happened slowly over time, the same is with proper healthy weight loss, you can’t have/perform miracles over night.

These are some things that I do.

1.Drink lots of water as it kept me full longer.
2.Used an appetite suppressant like hoodie to make sure I don’t go over my daily calorie intake.
3.Did cardio and toning 3 – 4 times a week.
4.Made meal and recipe modifications as I cooked.
5.When I dined out, I made sure that I wasn’t shy about asking the kitchen to make modifications like dressing/sauce on the side, half portion ordered the kids meal etc.
6.Brushing teeth after every meal, the mint acts like an appetite suppressant and without the taste in your mouth, you can easily forget about the food.
7.Never drank diet cola, the aspartame actually made me crave food more for some reason.
8.At work I take a break before lunch and either take the stairs in the building or just general toning without weights. We have a gym at work so I do about 15 minutes of weights which not only gets my blood flowing but releases tension from a**hole customers.
9.Bought snacks in bulk (to save money) and properly measured what a cup or portion was and made individual baggies. There are some snacks on the market that are 100 calorie snacks, however, I find those to be too expensive than just buying in bulk and separating the portions yourself. Also by physically separating them yourself, you get an idea of what a portion is supposed to be and you learn to properly eye ball correct portions.

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