Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

How can I lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks?

Currently, I weigh 135 lbs. Long story short, I need to lose at least 10 lbs in two weeks. I’ve had weight loss success before, and I’m better at counting/restricting calories then I am meal-planning, so specific numbers per day would be helpful. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

You sound pretty mature, with that said, I think you don’t need to lose weight.. 135 Is good for a male/female.

Nancy asks…

Does anyone have weight loss success story after stopping zoloft? I have put on weight on it despite dieting?

I also exercise regularly. I am convinced it is the Zoloft that has caused the weight gain. Please, I would only like to hear from people with personal experience of weight loss after stopping Zoloft. No diet or exercise advice. I have tried it all!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I totally understand what your talking about my mother has been on Zoloft for over a year now and recently she has stopped taking it. My mother has gained close to 30 pounds since she stopped taking it!

This has really been a struggle for her since she has never had a weight loss problem!

I too have tried to help her lose weight buy trying diet plans and diet pills.

We recently have got her on a Caloric Restrictor that reduces the amount of calories she takes in. That has helped her lose a few pounds a week. Its a miracle

I dont know if its right for you let me ask you a few questions.

How much weight do you want to lose?

Are you looking to lose weight without having to diet or exercise ?

Are you looking for something to help eliminate random cravings? Or stop overeating?

How fast are you looking to lose weight?

Do you carry most of your weight around the middle?

I understand what your looking for something that can help you lose weight a little faster than diet and exercise. Diet and exercise works but if you need to start losing weight like next week .

Cause you could start using a Caloric restrictor that automatically restricts the amount of calories in your body.

These caloric restictors even work without diet or exercise and even eliminates cravings for foods.

But if you do diet and exercise you will see even better results!I know people who lose 20 pounds in a month.

So you can still eat your regular foods but you’ll take in less calories and start losing a few pounds a week. Is that what your looking for?

She is using 2 capsules twice a day before i eat and I notice it reduces my appetite and its helped me burn the fat of my tummy and mainly my middle section.

Akavar helps with Stress, metabolism, overeating.

Plus its made with vitamins and herbs. Even if you want some free information on this caloric restrictor check

Hope this helps

George asks…

Can apple cider vinegar water be detrimental to your health?

While reading a series of articles about weight loss I came across an article about 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in 8oz of water.Then I bought some and made my own following the directions.My question is because it is also used for cleaning purposes can it erode or wear away my throat or stomach after long term use, and does anybody have any success stories.Thank You.

weight loss cardiff answers:

No it is very good for your health and most people find it hurts heartburn not causes it. I saw a site with many testimonies to vinegar helping their gerd and heartburn not the opposite.

The doctor who started the craze Dr Jarvis in the book in the 80s or so called Vermont folk medicine used it on so many of his human both children and adults and animal patients (he was also a vet) and found it only did good for the body. He went back to stufdy the hundreds of year old folk medicne in Vermont and doctor the people and animals.

He found that when used to try to change the urine from acidic to alkaline sick people always got well if they could get their urine to be alkaline Generally only produce is alkalizing and most grains, beans and animal products are acidifying.

You do want to be sure the apple cider vinegar you use is raw and not pasteurized as this kind is not really safe for the body.

Never use vinegar in plastic bottles as the plastic leeches into the vinegar since it is acidic environment (before it enters the body) if you must use pasteurized use Heinz

To find it check health food store like whole foods or health food section of the grocery store or buy online. Most common brands are braggs (she has a good book called apple cider vinegar on amazon–her dad opened the first health food store in America), eden or spectrum

Some people add a spoon of raw honey to it for its benefits.

Vinegar is one of the few negative calorie food..other foods that help metabolism are hot foods like cayenne and hot mustards

The average American thinks nothing of drinking coffee, tea, smoking, eating all kinds of artificial flavoring, colorings, junk and fast food but then questions if a natural food or treatment is gonna hurt them..far more damage comes from eating the average SAD than from vinegar

I have heard it gets rid of bone spurs and am currently trying it for this purpose and have been on it 5 days thus far. It has many many uses including making “runts of the litter” both people and animals grew taller and most of them go on to become blue ribbon winners (the animals that is) and it helps take calcium out of joints and flesh and into the b0ones and teeth where it should go..

Jarvis noted butchers that butchered both animals given no vinegar over rations and those given vinegar noted these animals were different.

Those not given vinegar has easy to cut through bones and hard to cut through joints and flesh and those given vinegar had hard to cut bones and tender flesh and easy to cut joints showing that the calcium was not going to the wrong place (source dc Jarvis book called arthritis)

In Vermont it was used to get rid of calcium deposit buildups on the inside of tea kettles and water heaters form the hard water found in Vermont,.

He also found animals loved and wanted it so much when poured on their rations they licked it dry and ate the dirt it fell on down several inches to get it and little kids instinctively sought out vinegar and sour leaves and drank vinegar straight on say cukes. I remember doing that as a kid and loving the straight vinegar on cucumbers. When we get older we lose our natural instincts

It has many uses including keeping the skin more tender and youthful according to Patricia Bragg’s book

My success story was being very ill one day with nausea and diarrhea and stomach upset and having a ticket for a concert that night I did not see how I could get through, I sipped vinegar water all day and by night I was fine again and able to go to the concert.

In fact, I am sipping it now.

Here are links to the right vinegars in my answer here

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