Ken asks…
How can I lose weight?
listen, i’m not good at sports, i’m a school kid, 14 6 foot and wanna lose my fat before summer, how can I do that quickly and easily. i mean how much can I lose, and how quickly
weight loss cardiff answers:
146 foot wow your huge!
Helen asks…
How should I lose weight?
I am 165cm tall and weigh 65kg.
I was a chubby kid and eventually got into synchronised swimming and lost heaps of weight. I haven’t done it in 2 years and have lost my muscle and have gained weight.
I want to lose weight.
I am an hourglass/pear figure. The main areas I want to focus on are my thighs, hips and tummy. I get bored fairly easily and i lose motivation unless I’m in a group or being coached.
What exercise would be best for me? Is there one I can do by myself? How regularly should I do it?
How can I stop snacking constantly?
weight loss cardiff answers:
My friend the best to lossing weight is excercise.
You must wake up early morning and go to ground or park near to your home and start jogging.
Avoid to extra sleep (you should sleep maximum 8 hours)
Avoid to lunch. Just have break fast and dinner.
Do not use potato, banana and all items which include colestrol.
The best way again excercise, excercise and excercise which has no side effects. Don’t use tablets or medicane for it.
God Bless You.
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Michael asks…
What should i so about my weight?
I’m only 13 but I stress over my weight a lot!! I’m uncomfortable yet comfortable about my body at the same time. The only thing that motivates me is the thought of the way my friends and television stars look and how I look compared to them. When I go shopping it takes forever for me to find clothes because all the clothes my friends and kids my age wear don’t come in my size and I end up shopping at adults stores. I am an extremely healthy eater but I need more exercise and that is my problem. How could I get more exercise? I have big arms legs and belly but how could I workout those specific spots? I’m 5’6″ and weigh 180lbs and I can easily lose weight but I need motivation and a form of exercise. I don’t like going for walks, playing basketball, or exercising in front of people. I don’t like the fact that when I exercise I jiggle a little bit and thats why I don’t exercise in front of people. please give some ideas!! 🙂
weight loss cardiff answers:
Alrighty! First of all, motivation is key to losing weight. When I decided to lose weight I had to find my motivation. My motivation was that I wanted to become a Police Officer. In order to become a Police Officer, I needed to get in good physical condition.
You mentioned that the only thing that motivates you is the thought of how your friends and television stars look. Good start here! Now you need to go exercise. You can get a Bicycle, Swim, Jog, Run, “Fast-walk” and any other exercise out there that you can think of.
If you do not like going for walks, you are going to have a difficult time getting the results you want. Walking is the easiest and my personal favorite exercise. I “Fast walk” which is walking at an increased rate for 5-6 miles every day.
I suggest that you find an exercise that you are comfortable and just do it.
Good luck! =)
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