Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

What evidence should we expect if an imperfect deity created the universe?

Let’s say the deity is very powerful but not infinitely powerful, somewhat good, very knowledgeable but not infinitely knowledgeable, etc.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It would be a world in which good people suffer. A world in which bad people triumph. A world in which most people live in poverty and disease. A World much like the one we live in.

Betty asks…

What religion is lack of faith in a deity?

I guess not really religion, but what belief that there should be no faith in a deity higher than one’s possibility?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Atheistic Judiasm. Yes there is such a category. Jews don’t have to believe in a God to be considered “one of the tribe” as they put it. You can be totally Jewish and not have a thought about God your entire life.

Laura asks…

Why do people need to bring a negative deity or a deamon into existance to understand ?

Why do people need to bring a negative deity or a deamon into existence to understand why the bad/ugly/dislike-able side of some people are stronger than the good/nice/like-able side ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

People love to blame “bad stuff” on deities and negative spirits. It’s the simplest of human minds that do so.

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