Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

what should and shouldn’t i eat to lose weight?

i’m trying to lose weight but this week i gained 1 kg. what should i specifically eat and not eat to lose weight easily?
and i also know that exercising is included aswell
i do 1/2 hour bike riding everyday (losing 500 calories) is that enough?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Today there is too much information available on losing weight that has become more confusing and sometimes difficult to follow. It’s actually very easy to lose weight if you follow my weight loss tips.

* Be in right frame of mind

* Eat whole food

* Eat fresh fruit

* Drink enough water

* Always chew your food

* Take small meals

* Include protein at meal

* Shut off TV while eating

* Increase your physical activity

Ruth asks…

will i probably lose weight easily?

so before September i weighed 201 lbs, however by November i weighed 188 lbs. i was exercising daily and eating whatever i wanted just in moderation.

but now i stopped exercising for 4 weeks (just a schedule change that made it impossible). yet even with all the holiday indulgences, i’ve stayed at 188 lbs. so if i start exercising again everyday for 30 minutes, will i lose more weight easily?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Doing any type of work out or something to get your body moving and burning things off will make you lose weight easy. But seeing how you havnt been doing much. You shouldn’t just jump in at 3 mins a day. May start at 10 or 15 then up it when your body starts to feel more better about it and up for it

John asks…

when do women lose weight most easily in relation to their cycle?

i heard it was the week following their menstration but i would like some confirmation.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes it is true because the high level of hormones before menstruation improve anabolism and weight gain and also premenstrual syndrome may cause some psychic disturpance resulting in increased appetite
the first week following their menstration the least in hormones and the first 2 weaks there is only estrogen
note:progestoren is the the one that increase anabolism and water retention

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

Help with determining concentration of diethyl ether?

2.5 L of diethyl ether was spilt on the floor of a lab with the volume of 486m3. The STEL (short term exposure limit), which is the maximum permissable concentration in air allowed of a substance in a workplace is 1520 mg/m3. The density of diethyl ether is 255. Assuming all of the ether will evaporate rapidly into the air. Will the concentration of diethyl ether in the air exceed the STEL?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The density of diethyl ether at 20 deg C is 0.7135 g/mL. (Your value of 255 – unknown units – is wrong).
2.5 L x 1000 mL/L x 0.7135 g/mL x 1000 mg/g = 1,784,000 mg
1,784,000 mg / 486 m^3 = 3670 mg/m^3
3670 mg/m^3 exceeds 1520 mg/m^3

John asks…

what is the force between hexane and diethyl ether?

Is it dipole-induced dipole because diethyl ether is polar? Hexane isn’t polar right?

weight loss cardiff answers:

There are only london dispersion forces between the two chemicals, because hexane is nonpolar, and cannot have any other intermolecular attractions

Richard asks…

How do you extract Diethyl ether from starter fluid?

I heard that it can simply be done with water but petroleum distillates do not dissolve in water and the distillates stay mixed with the ether but I dont know.

weight loss cardiff answers:

In short, not really. The only way to effectively separate petroleum distillates from diethyl ether in starter fluid is by fractional distillation. This requires appropriate equipment and training in relevant lab procedures, can be EXTREMELY dangerous, and is outside of the skillset of most people.

Some websites and experience reports mention a “water extraction” procedure that involves shaking a mixture of distilled water and starter fluid.

The so-called “water extraction” method is simplistic and ineffective, since petroleum distillates and water are not miscible (petroleum distillates do not dissolve in water), and the distillates stay mixed with the ether, because of their common chemical nature. In fact, if the components in the water-insoluble fraction were to separate, which is highly unlikely, the density of ether would put it at the bottom, closest to the water, at the water:non-polar interface, making it very difficult to isolate. Because ether is slightly soluble in distilled water, the volume of the ether in the water-insoluble fraction may actually be reduced by repeated shaking and separating.

Ether is slightly soluble in distilled water and heptane is insoluble. Hence, if one were to try to clean up starting fluid via repeatedly shaking with distilled H2O and then separating the layers, you not only don’t end up with very good ET2O, but you are actually reducing the amount of ether that you have.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

What can I do to lose weight fast? Are diet pills bad for me?

I’ve been trying to lose some weight, but have not been able to. I’ve also tried diet pills and they don’t work. I eat right. Could it be my age?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You are not violating the laws of physics. The reason that you are not losing weight is that you are eating as many calories as you are burning. To lose weight, you must eat less than you burn.

I lost 65 pounds in the last 13 months. Here’s my method. Calculate your target weight for every day and write it on a calendar. I lose five pounds per month, so I subtract one pound each six days. Weigh yourself every morning. If you are over your target weight, eat less and exercise more that day. That’s it! No calorie counting; no food weighing. Just eat a balanced diet.


Ideal body weight calculator for children and adults:

Experts recommend, “Slow and steady weight loss. Depending on your starting weight, experts recommend losing weight at a rate of 1/2 to 2 pounds per week. Weight loss may be faster at the start of a program.”

And, “Men and very active women may need up to 2,500 calories daily. Other women and inactive men need only about 2,000 calories daily. A safe plan is to eat 300 to 500 fewer calories a day to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week.”

This web site from the National Institutes for Health tells how to take charge of your weight:

Calorie Needs Calculator:

This page explains how to eat a balanced diet for different calorie levels. Although this page is intended for diabetics, this is the same balanced diet that is recommended for everyone. Http://

A healthy exercise program addresses all five aspects of physical fitness: aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body fat composition.

Suggested workout to accomplish this.
Five to seven days per week:
>Yoga, 20 min, 8 to 10 postures that work all major muscle groups
>Brisk walk, 30 min, walk two miles
Every other day, two to four days per week:
>Weight training, 20 min, one set of 8 to 12 repetitions of 8 to 10 exercises that work all major muscle groups

Exercise Recommendations for People Aged 18 to 64

Do both aerobic activities and strengthening activities.

Aerobic Activities
• Do at least 10 minutes at a time.
• You can combine moderate and vigorous activities.
• Slowly build up the amount of time you do physical activities. The more time you spend, the more health benefits you gain. Aim for exercising twice as long as the minimum times below.
• If you choose activities at a moderate level, do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes a week.
• If you choose vigorous activities, do at least 1 hour and 15 minutes a week.

Muscle Strengthening Activities
Do these at least 2 days a week.
• Include all the major muscle groups such as legs, hips, back, chest, stomach, shoulders, and arms.
• Exercises for each muscle group should be repeated 8 to 12 times per session.

From the U.S. Federal government:
Also see: explains how to design a healthy workout, gives directions for specific exercises, explains how to stay motivated, and much more. Http://

You may find it motivating to compare your progress to the fitness standards of the U.S. Military:

Robert asks…

How can I lose weight fast without diet pills?

I’ve been having a hard time losing weight, I’ve tried exercising for 45 min a day and it won’t help much, does anyone know of any home remedies for weight loss or anything of that matter.

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is no “get thin quick” secret. There are things that you could do that will make you lose weight fast… But things like crash diets and working out until you pass out are bad for your body and you will only gain it back. I know this from experience.

My best tips are to eat several small healthy meals throughout the day, your body need fuel, if you don’t feed it enough your body will think something is wrong and will try to store the food in case of emergency. When this happens you wont lose a pound. Change up your exercise routine every other day, work out your whole body, and keep active as much as possible during the day.

It’s not fast but it will work. Also set small goals. Try to lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days. The another 10 next month. It IS a process, there is no magic pill. And remember soda is not your friend.

Sandra asks…

If I went on a “lose weight fast” diet, but exercised during the day, would I not lose as much muscle?

If I were to go on a diet where I lose about 7 – 10 pounds in a week, but exercised my biceps, triceps and abs, plus drink loads of water, would it be healthier and more effective?
And I’m wanting to do this for free!

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you lose 7-10lbs in a week, it’ll be just water weight, so you’ll gain it right back.

So yeah, have fun with that.

Oh, did you want that to be a permanent 7-10 pound weight loss? If so, email me so I can straighten that out for you.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

Easy, fast weight loss plan?

I’m looking for help losing some weight I’ve recently put on. Just a few pounds at most and keep them off. I’m a seventeen year old girl, about 5’2″ and 110lbs right now.

I own an elliptical and currently am lacto-ovo vegetarian. (No meat at all, just eggs, milk and cheese.)

I want to lose about ten pounds, and want to figure out a schedule for eating and exercise to get rid of it. It’s winter here and very cold, so going outside right now wouldn’t be a good idea.

Any ideas or advice for losing the weight and keeping a schedule that would work for me?
I don’t eat chicken. Or any meat at all. :/

weight loss cardiff answers:

Davie Franks was just kidding. That “diet” is neither real, nor recommended, nor effective.

Use a simple free online calorie counter like the MyPlate feature on . (My favorite one.) is another popular one. It will help you figure out how many calories you personally need to eat each day in order to reach your weight goals.

Don’t forget that if you’re reducing your calories to a weight-loss level, you have to eat more on days you exercise. Otherwise, you’ll put undue stress on your body, asking it to do too much on too little fuel, and you’ll likely hang on to extra fat as a result.

Mandy asks…

How and what will be the easiest way to loose weight without going to any weight loss plans like Jenny Craig?

Its been 4 years since I have my baby and it have been unable to loose weigh as I want to. I’m over 240 pds. Need to loose at least 60 to 70 pounds, and even eating just lettuce or fruits or just 3 meals a day, I don’t see no results. Thanks for any help. Do not need “jokes”.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Diets do not work. 99% of people gain the weight back. Here is how it works. No one teaches the animal what to eat and what not to eat. He knows instinctively what to eat. Humans also have the same instinct. The way it works is just eat whatever tastes good and that will be healthy for you and non-fattening. That is why a baby tastes everything. So again whatever tastes good, is good for you. This is why you will spit out spoiled milk.

But wait!!! Man has the technology to create rat poison. It tastes like healthy food (good taste) but kills the rat. So man has done that to you. Note- any food unaltered by man (uncooked) that tastes good, is good for you. So if you are stranded in the woods, that is how you know what to eat (cooking changes that). So man has created fake fruit. It tastes like fruit that exists in nature but it is terrrible for health, addictive and fattening called sweets.

So it is natural to like real sweets called fruit, like a baby does, but they have fooled you just like the rat. But they do not want to kill you. They want you to become obese so you will buy lots of their foods. This is called GOOD BUSINESS. Remember the above (not on site) and see site below to re-learn how to eat so you can be thin and fit for life.


Laura asks…

Anyone have an easy, but effective weight loss plan I can follow?

I am considering gastric bypass surgery, but I promised my husband I would try it on my own first.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eat smaller portions. You have to think about this seriously, imagine you and your perfect figure in your head and let it stick or else you’ll just indulge! I never thought of weight loss in a healthy fashion, so if you don’t either, be motivated by what you can fit into later on. The best exercise I can suggest (am i getting a little too into this?) is standing and holding on to your husbands hands, and bending 5-10 times a day. Add on 5 more every day. Good Luck!

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