Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

What is the best diet to lose weight fast?

I am 27 and just over 80kgs and in the past I was 51kgs. In some years, I put on weight due to less physical activities because of tight schedules. I would want to start some diet and lose weight fast without compromising health. I will also get back to exercise. I am deeply low and I feel less confident looking too curvy and round. I heard about some soup diet. Anyone know about it? I would appreciate help. I am from Mauritius. I am very low..:(( Thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eating no sugar makes the body burn any stored fat. Get up half an hour earlier and walk. You’ll feel better all day because of it. My wife used to tell me how much I would have to exercise in order to burn off what I was eating. We have to burn 3500 calories in order to lose one pound no matter what foods we eat! Do little spurts of exercise throughout the day if you can’t do it all at once. Run in place while you are on the phone or drying your hair; do leg lifts while you are cooking; swing one arm while you are using the other one, etc.

Sandra asks…

How to lose weight fast without diet pills?

i wanna lose weight as fast as possibe. everyone says that more that 2 pounds a week is unhealthy but i wanna stretch that a little and go for 3, not too bad but in doin everthing i can but i knoe i cant starve myself. i knoe how to eat healthy, low cal fat and carb but i just wanna knoe if anyone has any little tricks i might not knoe about. thanks for your answers.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I can give you some tips about weight loss and exercise that I know to be effective. With the following tips you should lose 1-2 pounds or more depending on your level of exercise. Remember it is not good to lose weight too fast because if you lose the weight fast, you will gain it back fast as well.

Here are some tips and guidelines for weight loss:

You should first calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) and your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). These are two important tools that will become the foundation of any healthy diet plan. I will include links below for you to do this.

In case you don’t know, your BMI determines if you are in a healthy weight range and allows you to set goals for how much weight you should lose to achieve that healthy weight loss goal. Your BMR tells you the amount of calories you need daily to MAINTAIN your current body weight. You should try to cut that number down by 500-1000 calories depending on what the original number is. Remember males should not go below 1500 calories a day and females should not go below 1200 calories a day.

The most important thing is to make sure that you eat plenty of foods that are high in fiber and low in fat, sugar, sodium, and calories. These foods are also supposed to help sustain you and keep you from being hungry. These foods include learn protein, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat / no-far daily products. You want to avoid foods that are overly processed and filled with additives. Foods such as that have little nutritional value and can hinder weight loss.

You should aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. This helps to keep your body flushed, prevent water retention, and aid in weight loss.

You also asked for tips or little tricks, I have one that is proven effective when at big meals. Imagine that you have a peace sign on your plate. In the smaller parts of the peace sign you put your lean proteins and carbs. In the larger portion of the peace sign you put your vegetables. Using this method will prevent you from over eating and will guarantee you have a well balanced meal.

You may also want to take a daily multivitamin to ensure that you are taking in enough of the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

In addition, the experts recommend that you get at least thirty minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. This can be divided into three ten-minute sessions a day, not including warm-up and cool-down time. Your heart rate should increase and you should break a sweat during your workout sessions. In addition, you should try to do strength training three days a week, or every other day. This can be a more rigorous workout, or it can be simple push ups, crunches, sit-ups, lunges, and using lighter weights or canned goods to tone and build lean muscle.

If you follow these guidelines, you will lose weight and you can expect to become healthier. This will help you become leaner, keep your metabolism up so that you do not gain weight, and you will be healthier overall.

Good luck!BMR:
asyeraze/scripts/calories.php asyeraze/scripts/calories.p…

asnhlbisupport/bmi/ asnhlbisupport/bmi/

You can also view this clip below about losing weight, I’m certain It will aid you as well since it also aided me in losing weight. It is very effectual and very fast result.


Betty asks…

what is the best diet lose weight fast?

I would like to lose some weight. I feel uncomfortable with my body. Go to the gym, try to fasting but it didn’t work. All I have done but the only thing I can’t do is suppress my appetite. I’m so weak if I eat very little. Is there the best way to lose my weight without eat little? Please, help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

How to diet lose weight fast or so is a dominant question that is very much relevant for overweight and obese people.

Here are some tips :

– Losing weight can be about going to the gym and train for 2 1/2 hours with a reduced calorie diet for some people. Before you start to lose your weight, the first thing you should to consider is to start conditioning your system so that it is ready to undergo the changes that you’ll put it through in your diet program.

– To make more efficiently and lose your weight faster is you have to speed up your metabolism. You can start by eating some juices or grapes everyday. It can make your blood circulation run quicker around your body and detoxify your system.

– Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day will clean your system inside out. Make you younger than before and refresh your body. The other benefit of drinking water is can eliminating hunger cravings.

– Many ways to lose weight fast such as change your eating habit to remove red meat from your diet and replace it with chicken or fish. You will get the result pretty fast and you can combined with regular physical exercises at least three times a week. Fruits and vegetables, drinking green tea a day can burn your calories about 60 to 80 calories.

– When you are in diet program there are tendency that our body lose many proteins, carbohydrates or fiber which it can’t replace by your daily meal. We need some supplements. But remember you should be careful when choosing the best diet supplement.

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