Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Robert asks…

How long should I wait to see results?

I recently posted asking about how many hours weekly I should walk in order to lose weight and see results. Many people said that walking is great, and others said that with walking alone, I will not see results.
I do have 3 younger siblings who are my responsibility during most of(if not all of) my free time. So whatever I do has to sourt of be fun for them also. I thought up a plan that will help get us all active together…

I have scheduled the following in my weekly planner.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday we will be going swimming at an indoor pool. We have gone before, and usually spend about 2 hours swimming.
Because my only other free day is sunday, I will be trying hard to get at least a 2 hour walk into my day.

I am 4’11 and almost 195lbs. I already have healthy eatting habbits. I have been trying to lose weight for some time now and I think the reason for it not happening is lack of exercise.
I have to add that I work full time (40 hours a week) and I am a full time college student. Fitting this exercise into my schedule is going to be a challenge because already, i have very little time!

Suggestions would be fantastic… but please keep in mind that whatever I am doing has to be okay for my siblings (5, 6 and 7 years old) to do as well…as they are ALWAYS with me during my free time.

Thanks so much!
more details!! (I keep remembering things)

I’m only looking to lose about 10-15lbs at first. I tend to set my goals much higher, and then I usually get discouraged and fail.

How long do you think, with keeping my weekly plans the same (Swimming 4 days, walking 1 day) and eating healthy….how long should it take to lose 10lbs

I know that all of our bodies are different, im just looking for estimates

weight loss cardiff answers:

It Will take only a couple of days before you get results in your workout. You’ll notice that you’ll be walking easier and longer, swimming will become easier and won’t tire you as easily

but you won’t start seeing real noticeable changes in your body for about 6 weeks. Sounds like a long time, but generally this is why most people quit working out because they don’t see noticeable changes soon enough.

EDIT: A good rule of thumb for weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week because any more any your not losing fat your losing muscle or water so it will be easier to just gain that weight back. For the most part 1-2 pounds a week is more than good enough if you stick to your workout.

On last thing, the most important thing to remember is not to be discouraged by the number on the scale. Sometimes, especially if you do any kind of resistance workouts, you may not lose pounds but you may be losing inches. The reason is because you are losing fat and the muscle you are gaining is “preventing” you from losing weight, but don’t be discouraged. Losing inches is far more important than losing inches not pounds.

Steven asks…

How can you lose weight easily and affectively?

I’m 13 years old and want to loose weight. i don’t want to sign up or pay for anything (i’m also not aloud). Does anyone have any ideas or recomend anything? I play rep soccer and rep basketball so i’m fairly active. PLAEASE HELPPPP!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little “help” so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at , they give you a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.

Thomas asks…

What is the fastest way to lose thigh fat?

Im almost 16, 5’4″, and in 155 lbs. I really want to make cheerleading, but im very shy about showing my legs because of my inner fat. Im trying to lose weight by doing squats and leg lifts, but nothing is seeming to work. Please help me. I have until April until cheer season, and i would like to have decreased my inner thighs alot. Thankssss =)

weight loss cardiff answers:


Regardless of your leg, butt, hip, thigh and tummy goals from fat/flab/cellulite reduction to firming, slimming, building, toning, lifting and sculpting. The “right combination” of exercise variables will give you much better results in a shorter amount of time. Combine these variables improperly and you’ll just keep spinning your wheels, with no results to show for your efforts. Just a lot of frustration, anger and wasted energy.

You have several hundred muscles in your leg, butt, hip, thigh and lower stomach area. The major problem is, not exercising these muscles correctly will make your trouble spots worse and more pronounced, while risking serious injury. However, the right exercises that use these muscles in harmony with each other can bring definite results without spending unrealistic amounts of time on ineffective exercises and risking long term set-backs. You don’t need access to a gym because this type of approach doesn’t require weights and machines.

A year ago I was an out of shape with my lower body was the worst, carrying an extra fat on my stomach. My thighs and butt are quite big. After joining a program which i accidentally found while surfing the web for my consultancy project, i have made the dramatic changes and i feel young, healthy and sexy again. Even my legs are much more slimmer then before. The point is, there’s a much FASTER, BETTER and CHEAPER way to get fit and melt the body butter once and for all without gyms, weights or fancy shmancy expensive exercise equipment.

Previously, i have tried all kinds of workouts and spending a fortune just to look good while presenting my clients, but without success. I recommend this workout to you because it’s affordable and this is the program that finally boost my self esteem. The trainer is a real pro with a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology and Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science. He could easily be contacted by email or through toll free number and office address display at the site. Get your FREE copy of ‘The Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Enhancement e-Guide’ at the source below and you’ll experience the dramatic change that I have experienced before.

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