Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

Can I get a customized weight loss plan/routine to lose 1 pound week? PLEASE ANSWER-easy 10 points!?

Is there a site, or can you guys PLEASE give me one?

like for example: monday-50 crunches
tuesday-bike riding for 1 hr

something like that PLEASE!

I’m 13 btw.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The only way you’ll ever get a sexy, six-pack abdominal is by getting rid of the layer of fat covering your ab muscles, and if anyone tells you otherwise. Like those infomercials, they’re lying to you!

I’ve already introduced you to two of the best, proven ways on how to lose belly fat:

You lose stomach fat by eating clean and lean.

You burn tummy fat quickly with interval training.

Now, I’ll introduce to you the third piece of the puzzle on how to lose belly fat — strength training.

Strength training along with the proper nutrition will help you in building muscle. But how does that assist you to lose stomach fat? Well to put it simply, it takes around 30 – 50 calories to help carry 1 pound of muscle. So, by building muscle, you burn off tummy fat faster because the more muscle you have. The more fat you’ll burn!

What is the Best way to Build Muscle in Order to Burn Off Tummy Fat Faster?

The best way to building muscle, and build it fast is by stimulating your body’s own hormones.

When you hear hormones, the first thing comes to mind is sex. Then again, it’s probably on your mind already…

My point is when you hear the word “hormone” you wouldn’t immediately associate it with building muscle. But, there are thousands of different hormones with each one managing a different function of your body and one of it includes building muscle. So the more you know about this powerful connection between hormones and muscle building. The more you can lose stomach fat!

You don’t need a degree in endocrinology, which is the science of glands and hormones to know how to lose belly fat and build muscle. You just need to know what strength training techniques makes best use of your body’s hormones.

There are two important types of hormones in relation to building muscle: anabolic and catabolic. Anabolic hormones build muscle, while catabolic tears them down.

The most powerful anabolic hormone is testosterone followed by human growth hormone and insulin. Men, have more testosterone than women. So yes, men do have an advantage over women when it comes to building muscle and losing tummy fat. But, woman have an advantage in everything else!

Back to my point…

Catabolic hormones include cortisol and progesterone. Too much of these types of hormones cause your body to carry fat and muscle catabolism — which is when the body eats your own muscle. You don’t want this to happen.

What you do want is for your workouts to increase the anabolic/catabolic release ratio. So, you’ll build muscle and lose stomach fat, and not the other way around.

How do You Train to Let go More of Your Anabolic Hormones, and Less Catabolic?

One word: Intensity. The key to building muscle, and burn off tummy fat fast, the name of the game is intensity.

The higher the intensity you work at, the more you stimulate the endocrine system (where your hormones are produced and then released into the bloodstream) to clear your body’s anabolic hormones, as well as a host of other muscle building and fat burning hormones. Plus you’ll boost your metabolic rate to lose stomach fat even faster because you’ll burn additional calories for hours after your initial workout was over! See, how amazing your own body is at building muscle and burning tummy fat, if you know how to do it properly?

There are several ways to increase the intensity of your strength-training workout. Here are the best ways to do so:

Lift Heavy to Lose Stomach Fat Fast

The more muscle fibers you can recruit, the more muscle building and fat burning hormones you’ll release. Also, by overloading your muscles to its full potential, you build more muscle tissue resulting in a faster metabolism. Lifting heavier weights can only do this.

Lifting lighter weights with higher reps does not give you enough stimulation to get a response from the endocrine system. Lifting lighter weights also builds less muscle, and even worst can lose muscle. Which results in a slower metabolism.

But by lifting heavy, it doesn’t mean to do a lot of two repetition sets like many power-lifters. Instead, doing five to eight rep sets should be a staple of your strength training routines.

Key to Building Muscle and Burning Tummy Fat is Focusing on Compound Exercises

The majority of your workouts should be focusing on compound movements and not isolated movements. Compound movements are any exercises that work multiple muscle groups. Unlike isolated exercises which only target one muscle group.

This doesn’t mean single-isolated exercises have no place in your workouts. It just means don’t focus a big half of your workout on doing them.

Examples of compound exercises include:

Chest Exercises

Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)

Incline Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)

Decline Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell)

Dumbbell Flyes


Shoulder Exercises

Seated Shoulder Press

Standing Overhead Press


William asks…

Can you Guys Help Me come up With A Weight Loss Plan?

I just need a plan thanks easy ten points.

weight loss cardiff answers: for adults and for teens, totally free. I have lost 28 pounds in 2 months. Fun, interactive, tracks your food and exercise, gives you meals if you want them or turn it off and enter your own food like I do. Come check us out, it works! Tons of support.

Steven asks…

Could you help make a weight loss plan?

My friend and I are trying to lose some weight,
we are going to start eating well already.
But we need a good work out plan, that’s easy but effective.
If you can help, please do !

weight loss cardiff answers:

P90X works great – P90 is easier

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