Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Joseph asks…

How do you prove that a deity that has not been proven or disproven loves you?

in my previous question I asked “how can you prove or disprove the existance of something you can’t see, hear, or touch?” and a lot of people said that love exists but you can’t see hear or touch it…
so how can you prove that a deity that has neither been proven or disproven to exist loves you? since you can’t prove or disprove love, which clearly exists?

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you reread you question you will see that you answered yourself.

Charles asks…

How did the Jewish notion of a personal relationship and covenant with a deity?

How did the Jewish notion of a personal relationship and covenant with a deity mark a change in religious practice

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well, the Jews were the first to ‘find’ and spread the concept of an ‘invisible god.’

Prior, people only served idols… The sun… Trees… Stuff like that.

George asks…

what was the name of the chief deity at the kaaba when mohammad captured mecca?

after mohammad captured mecca. he distoryed all of the 360 gods that had been worshiped there for thousands of years. so what was the name of the main deity being worshiped there and what were the customs of the meccan moon god?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hubal was the name, actually, though he was also known as al Lah or the God and the Kaaba was known as Bait’ullah or the House of the God.

It housed the idols of al Lah, al Lat, al Uzza, and al Mannat.

The name of the main deity was Hubal, but, he was better known as al Lah.

The customs of the Cult of the bani al Quraish tribe, who were the Keepers of the Kaaba, to which tribe Mohammad bin Abd’allah al Muttailib al Hashim al Quraish , also belonged and he used to worship this God before he changed and became the Prophet.

The custom of the Tawaf, or walking widdershins, or the witches walk, or walking anti clockwise around the Kaaba was the custom from that Cult, like the practice of kissing the Kaaba Stone, aka al hajarul aswad, and the mandatory pilgrimage of the Haj, which is named after the meteoric rock which was believed to be the Sign from the Heavens, are all customs that Mohammad brought in to his Islam from his earlier Pagan roots.

Each and every one of these facts are verifiable and are from the details contained in the Sahih Hadiths and Tafsirs of Islam.

[This information is from an other Answer I read and stored in my memory. Credit goes to the original Answerer.]


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