Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

James asks…

I don’t know what to do with my life, help ?!?

I’m slipping on a downward spiral towards depression, I’ve never started to proper feel it until now but I’ve felt it building up in the last two months because of my situation.

Here’s the thing, I’m 22 and just come out of uni with a bachelor degree (a third) getting such a shitty mark was probably the first step, this grade will get me nowhere and I’ve just lost 4 precious young years of my life. I tried to find jobs with my degree in mind but all 3 interviews in london worth 20k a year declined me. I left uni about 15 grand in debt to student loans and in the dark abyss beyond my overdraft, with absolutely no money, I had to go live with my mum. Which was the next step to depression because while looking for a job for over a month I was stuck in my room with no money nothing to do. I have friends here but few and far between, they all have girlfriends, I don’t. Girls say I’m a good looking bloke but Im one of those bastards who gets hurt easily and confidence gets knocked about a bit and I’ve never been able to keep a girlfirend longer than a month. Ive also gained about a stone in weight since living with my mum because eating is my only comfort. Which knocks my self asteem even more.

When I did finally get a job a couple of weeks ago, I entered a workplace as the new guy which no one talks to, I have like 1 friend there, but everyone hangs around in their groups and ignores eachother and me most of the time, its my idea of a 9-5 nightmare, Ive already been in trouble with my boss over my performances and i really dont think they’re going to keep me on past the 2 month trial periods. I really hate this boring repetitive job, I come home every night and sleep or stuff my face because theres nothing else to do. I’ve also recently failed my driving test after it was revoked from me last year.

Uni was great I had lots of friends there but it seems like they’ve already forgotten about me and moved on with their lives. My life is going nowhere and im getting depressed by the day. Many times I’ve thought of just taking a pill that would make me sleep forever but I’d never stoop that low.

So any tips on how to improve my life would be appreciated, if any ones ever experienced anything like this. I dont know what my dream job would be, I guess it would be one where you could travel a lot meet lots of people and experience new things everyday.

I don’t know why I’ve turned to yahoo answers, I guess I’ve just reached boiling point. But yeh any advice would be ace.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Aww Hun,I cant really imagine what or how your feeling.
The uni results have obv knocked your confidence,and it sounds like you need to boost it back up again.
As for the job….Its only you that can tell if your unhappy,and if that is the case you NEED to find another,because being stuck in a job that you dont enjoy will only make things 10 times worse.
Look for a job while still working on the one you have that way you wont be losing money and stuff. As for the people at your work try building up ypur confidence that little bit and approach them … Friends wont just come to you honey.
You sound like a great guy and you need to stop being so hard on yourself!
Id happily want to get to know you! !!
I hope this helps….
Emma X

Betty asks…

Every illegal immigrant is 1 more potential Terrorist w/ Deadly Weapons. Will the govt. have a 100% crackdown?

For every illegal immigrant coming into our borders. That one more potential bombing of a major city. Here is a link describing the physical sizes of some US made and used Nukes:

They aren’t that big. Sit there and think a second, do you expect these bombs to be as big as an airplane? The next question is weight, not every bomb is awfully heavy. Mexicans go back and forth with boats and then put the drugs on the back of trucks and vans, then high tail into America. They can also drive directly into the US by Desert, and they do have small jeeps that get them back and forth (this is the big dogs we’re talking about, not your average farm migrant worker)… Once they’re in, they have 1st class access to any major city in the US of A. Nobody is safe.

Oh and by the way, whoever said they MUST be a Mexican to be bad news for America? Al’queda can easily WALTZ into the borders without having to deal with paranoid flight security again. There are foreign terrorists out there that would die to kill some Americans, and oh… I bet Iran would be tickled to check this route out. And this just isn’t nuclear warheads, this can be a C4 bomb or any other types of very destructive materials, poisonous gasses, or anything else (using the words weapons of mass destruction is overused, but use it if you may, it’s very scary to realize that your city can be rubble on day, your child is away from you, at school, you are at work, then you see it on the news, just like my friend was in class in south GA…. the teacher was instructed to turn on the TV, and then my friend was balling in tears because her daddy was in the Twin Towers, doing some business whatever on that day, she lost her dad obviously, but you think that now we’ve been exposed once, that we are now immune, no… Japan did a very similar thing back nearly 70 years ago. Will this happen again? And again? And Again?). Just some culture real quick, did you know that Time Square was almost bombed a few months back? Seriously… The idiot Pakistani used the wrong fertilizer, and that’s why it didn’t explode, here’s the link:
Oh, and he warns there will be more to come from other terrorists. I think they are really rethinking their strategy and doing test runs before doing it “for real”, if they become efficient and effective, we’ll have as much, or even more bombings than Europe. Just Google “Europe Bombings” Train stations, major city areas, not farmland and woods… Get targeted.
There is live footage of hundreds and thousands of people just hiking into America like it’s a nature trail, no big deal, just coming into America! Some video showing some mountain that illegal’s had polluted with all their junk and some organization posted video cameras out to prove that the Border Patrol won’t do squat about some locations:

Also, here are an extra:

Somebody filmed this video just for the fun of it, just to post it on YouTube, to prove a point, it’s TOO EASY to get in. US Govt. integrity is lame, lazy, and discombobulated. Like an idiot at a computer, not knowing what to do because when they click on something, nothing happens, “What, am I doing something wrong? I don’t understand what’s going on? The clicker…. is not… clicking.”
What do you think? The government is a major screw-up with it comes to really important life/death situations. 9/11 was a screw-up, New Orleans with the levee, and this Mexican border thing. There needs to be some real, life changing earth quaking results, not piddling around a little heeeere, and a little theeere, and tada they made something up and called it cool. No, let’s get this done and dealt with effective immediately!

Do you think this border is a gateway to some MAJOR problems?

Ok, here is another video:

A bridge that is small enough for a single file of humans and their backpacks or bicycles to walk into America. The US International Boundary and Water Commission are bound and determined to call it a: “Grade Control Structure” to control scouring of the RIVER BED!??!
The Border Patrol is overwhelmed excessively. That is true today; the military is now stepping in to help these poor defenseless Border Patrol Officers out. I know everybody doesn’t know the news 100%, but here is a bit of culture for you:

President Obama says no:

President Obama Changes Mind, says yes, California sends National Guard to Border:

Army Reserve helps out:

Here’s just Google, with “national guard at Mexican border”:

weight loss cardiff answers:

The US government would rather grope US citizens getting on planes than secure the border.

David asks…

Should I break up? I’m feeling very confused and down.?

I’m a guy, early 30s, and been dating a girl for a few months now. The last time I was in a relationship was a few years ago – I have been having several dates since then, but nothing really clicked. With this girl though, the conversation flowed very easily and even though I didn’t get that WOW factor when I met her, I continued seeing her. I started to like her other qualities – she is a lot of fun to be with, she’s smart and when she wears the right clothes, looks very sexy. But never got that WOW feeling like when I walk into a room, not everyone is looking at her, and I didn’t get the feeling that maybe I knew her from before (that familiar feeling). I have got this feeling from other girls before, but they turned out to be flakes – there was one girl in particular who totally played me, gave me confusing signals even though she had a boyfriend at the time. I sometimes still think about her. Pathetic I know, but I do.

My gf moved to another city on work for a few months and recently I visited her. We had some good times, but my mind was lost in all these thoughts and I didn’t come back feeling that I had a great time. We talk now on the phone and she sends me photos of her and when I open them, I don’t get that excited feeling anymore. Most people will hate me for saying this, but she seems to have gotten a little darker in his face and developed acne scars which really drains her good looks. This does bother me. I mean it’s not everything, but looks are at least SOMETHING. Plus she’s a whole foot shorter than me and about half my weight. This didn’t bother me before, but is starting to bother me now.

I’m getting scared that I’m at an age where it is getting difficult to find a girl I’m jazzed about. I feel like I deserve a girl I’m totally wowed by. I’m totally confused about what to do. Has anyone been in a similar situation before? Yahoo Answers was the only place I could turn to as all my so called friends are too busy with their wives, kids and lives.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You need to lower your standards completely. You’re in your thirties, I’d expect somebody to behave this way at maybe seventeen or eighteen. You keep talking about how you’re looking for a girl with a “WOW” factor and everyone looking at her when she walks in the room and the excitement, but I think it’s a little too late for Cinderella, sweetheart. Read the original story and you’ll find even she was fifteen.

Perhaps you’ve grown unattached to this girl, because she moved away and everything. Not to be funny but you may be going through a midlife crisis. People in their thirties have usually settled down by now, and since you’re not, maybe you feel like you’re still young and free to do as you please. You’re looking for a thrill and something new, and this girl has become too familiar, so your brain is trying to turn itself off to her.

I don’t know what you’ve heard but thirty is not the new twenty. It’s the same old thirty. Lyfe Jennings said that, and I find myself telling my older brother that on a daily basis. You’re looking for a girl to sweep you away, but look in the mirror, would YOU say that you’d sweep a girl off her feet? Are you the same guy from ten years ago? Probably not.

As you’ve said your friends are “busy” with their wives, their children, their lives – which makes me think even more you feel like you’re still “free” and young.

Whatever dude – this too shall pass. You are NOT Peter Pan and this is NOT Never-Never Land.

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