Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

How to lose weight. How much weight should i lose to become thin like a model or hollywood actress?

My weight is 70 kgs and i’m 175 cm. How much weight should i lose to become thin like a model or Hollywood actress. I want to be thin, not very thin but thin and fit and look good. The only sport i do are Swimming & badminton. I want to weigh about 50 to 55 kgs and what all should i eat? What should be my daily routine? Please help. Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Let me start by saying swimming and badminton are both Excellent choices for exercise. To begin the weight loss process and to make it go quickly, I suggest looking into a program. If your looking for more exercise I recommend Body of FIRE highly because it will make you skinny fast, but it is hard. For the BEST results I recommend cooking with certain foods that burn fat really well like celery, certain spices, etc (its known as metabolic cooking).

I suggest you stay swimming and playing sports and do some metabolic cooking and you will lose weight very quickly, I promise. Go to the source website and you can find a LOT of great information there and I’m sure you will find something good that you like. You will lose weight really fast with some of those things.

Lisa asks…

How to lose weight in a short period of time?

I need to lose weight in 8 weeks. I weigh around 127lbs, and I want to lose as much weight as possible.

Please, I’m going on an awesome vacation and I need tips, food recipes, exercise tips, WHATEVER it takes.

Take note: If you’re going to say losing weight fast is not as effective as losing weight steadily and slowly, I KNOW, but I’m desperate, so yes, please do try to answer the question! Thank you!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Simple math. You have to burn more calories per day than you take in.

Whether it is thru exercise, cardio, whatever.

Thomas asks…

How do i lose weight without building muscle under the fat?

I need to know how to lose weight without building muscle under the fat. I know that cardio is good…but what are some good cardio excercises? im 13 and i dont want anyone to know im trying to lose weight because its embarrassing for me…it just is. so i cant go out and buy special stuff cuz my dad s gonna want an explanation. anyways….my diet….i dont care if its healthy. i need to lose weight in lik e a week…so i know i might gain the weight back by not eating healthy…but i dont care i just need this for an occasion. i reall wanna lose weight on my stomach and my thighs. how do i do this without building muscle under my stomach?


weight loss cardiff answers:

Ok look,
the answer is very obvious- don’t eat too much!!
Think about it- the countries where people don’t stuff themselves with food, such as asia, the people are slim, and in perfect health

today, the society is all about food
we’re eating because the food tastes good, not because we’re hungry!
You see food ads on tv, magazines, everywhere!
Food is everywhere, you cannot go anywhere without being offered food!
You need to learn to resist the temptations.

Back in the older days, you didn’t eat everyday! You ate when you hunted and caught food!

You would be perfectly fine not eating for a day, it’s actually good for you because it cleanses out your body!! All that getting a minumum of at least 1500 calories a day is BS!! You can survive perfectly fine on just 500 calories consumed from HEALTHY food. Sure, you’ll have an uncontrollable desire to eat, but trust me, you’ll LIVE.

And all this diet crap is aimed at overweight consumers. The media suggests that anorexia is bad, all these models are dying blablahblah..that’s all just to make the normal obese american feel better!! I mean, how often do they show people dying from being overweight???

There’s really no need to eat junk food either. It’s a waste of money, and all it does is make you fat!! Think about it. Twinkies and soda and chips don’t fill you up, they just taste good, which makes you want to eat more!

Look at the skinny people nowadays. They don’t constantly crave for icecream or stuff themselves with food whenever they see it.

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One thought on “Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

  1. Really good stuff! Like most people, one
    of the most difficult things that I find when working out or trying to be healthy
    is that it is so boring if you don’t know how to make it fun! I find that if I play a sport that I like such as basketball or if I take my dog for a run and play frisbee works well. It breaks up the monotony of running around the block or on a track.

    Just as with working out, you need to make your food enjoyable too if your want to keep the weight off. If you can find foods that are healthy but still have great taste, eventually your brain is going to think that eating healthy is a good thing because the food tastes great.

    Thanks again for writing this article. There’s not a lot of good information about being healthy.
    This definitely help!

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