Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

How to find a balance while running and trying to lose weight?

I don’t want to go crazy trying to lose weight and running more than I should ,and eating nothing. etc etc.
Don’t get me wrong, I really want to change my life style of eating/ exercising healthy. But i don’t want to go overboard and result in plateauing and burning-out .

How do I accomplish this?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I get what you’re saying completely.> I’m the same way.

I believe the way to do it is the slow approach an finding a balance of what you put into your body (food wise) and what you take out (running wise).

I don’t deny myself anything, if I want Ice cream I have it, or chips but what I do is have that smaller portion than I used to. At one point I could eat a bag of doritos to myself (the big bag) now it’s just a small bowl and gee who knew it shared out with the whole family aswell!!

You will reach a plateau level tho, and that’s where you want to decide if you’re content with how you look and keep your miles stagnant or you increase your miles (or decrease your food intake).

Just exeriment with the balance that works for you.

Mandy asks…

How to lose weight without running?

I have tendonitis so I cannot go running everyday anymore. How can I lose weight if I keep my diet taylored? Is lifting weights effective for weight loss if it is really strenuous? Also, what are the best workouts to lose weight as fast as possible?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have no time to train and go running as i am always busy. I seen this add on tv that changed my life. It explains exercise is not the only way to loose weight. Its all about what you eat and when you eat, you should check it out! Here is there website

Sandy asks…

How can I lose weight without running or fast walking?

I am a 25 year old male, who is in a military branch… About two months ago I broke my leg… I am obviosly not able to run… Now my weight is becoming a concern… I am a bigger sized guy with a bigger sized appetite… I want to become solid again and lose fat without running… I am able to work-out the upper half of my body but can not workout my legs yet… What exactly can I do…

weight loss cardiff answers:

U can take diet pills or eat those 1 foods that r good 4 u!!!

My mom took a diet pill and lost 60 pounds!!!!

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