Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

Want to look good for graduation. lose some weight?

Hey everyone, i need some help with losing weight. Well its may 6 and my graduation is may 25. I want to lose atleast 10 pounds and gane some muscle by the time its my graduation. and wat i need help with is a meal plan. i need a very good meal plan for a 13 year old teenager. And i seen alot of meal plans on the internet that are good but they have expensive food and u have to eat alot of food. I want one that is cheap and enough to fill me up but not alot of food though lol. the problem i had with the meal plan was breakfast and lunch. i eat breakfast in the morning but my school lunch is like at 10:10 am so like 2 hours after breakfast so i was planning on not eating at lunch .so i need a meal meal that has atleast 3 meals a day please!!!! and if u can give me tips on losing belly fat and chest fat easily than tell me. i have alot of muscle on my arms so i only need it for chest and abs to get rid of belly fat. i want to lose atleast 10 pounds and gain muscle by my graduation!!!!

Thanks, and sorry for making my question sooooo long =]

weight loss cardiff answers:

Just go running everyday and youll get toned and lose a lot of weight run for atleast 45 minutes though

Charles asks…

What is the most best way to lose weight and get back into shape?

I’m a 15 year old girl with a weight of 63kg. I used to be 45kg when I was 13. And I’m really hoping to go back into that number. I jog 2 and a half big rounds 3 times per week. I’m really want to lose weight maybe at a shortest time and I also wanna get back into shape. As my body now is actually building up fats which I’m afraid to let it continue.

So is the jogging thing enough or is there another proper way? Should I do sit ups and push ups to shapee up my body? If yes, how many times? How should my eating habits be when I’m also easily hungry as I’m a teenager in a puberty stage? What way should I follow to grow taller and make my legs slimmer? Please help to give me good tips. I’m really hopping to lose weight like maybe back to 50kg and get back into shape. Thanks allot. πŸ™‚

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It’s not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym – a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

Ken asks…

Tips/Advice on How to lose weight in as little as 4 months?

I’m 16 years old, 5′ 4″, 130 lbs. This has always been my weight since as long as I can remember and I am not content. I have a huge tummy that I can’t seem to get rid of and I give up easily all together. This is what it looks like: I’m very self conscious about it and wear lose fitting clothing. But it makes me feel like a fool because I know I’m just lying to myself. I eat a lot of junkfood, specfically chips. About 3-4 bags a week. I know it’s really bad but it’s just a habit I’ve had since I was 6 years old. I blame myself for not taking care of my body when I became a teenager because now I can’t help it. I’m not very active but I’m willing to do anything I can to lose weight. I eat a lot of fiber due to some constipation problems I had. I hardly ever eat meat. I would love to have a smaller tummy and I would love to lose atleast 20 pounds. I want to lose fat, not weight. I think it’s stupid to starve yourself do I really need advice. PLEASE HELP!

weight loss cardiff answers:

4 months is plenty of time to lose weight, so lets get right into it.

I think you know yourself some of the problems. While you cannot condone eating lots of chips, here is a wee tip for you:

Try and eat the chips directly after your workout. They are less likely to be stored as fat after working out, due to depleting your energy stores.

As for other times, try to cut out processed carbs like bread, pasta and rice. Also cut out junk food most of the time. Try to eat lean meats, fish, fruit, veggies and healthy fats.

Start trying to workout and burn some fat. Does not mean expensive gym memberships, you can do great fat burning workouts at home. Which are frankly better than using them gym machines that are rubbish at burning body fat.

You can get free workout to burn fat at home here:

Hope this helps, good luck

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