Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

how to lose weight !!!!!!?

i want to lose weight but its freezing cold out side and everyone is inside there is no way 2 lose weight inside.I tried to buy Zumba fitness dvds but everyone is inside and its embarrassing if they see me dancing and i don’t now what to eat or don’t eat i need help is there a milk shake or somethin for teenagers

weight loss cardiff answers:

Quick tips to lose weight can be incredibly powerful, as they do not take much effort, but they do get results. We make weight loss much harder than it actually is. I am going to give you three quick tips that you can easily incorporate into your daily life that can help you start to lose weight without any real effort.

Tip 1 – Drink Water

This seems too easy, but there are lots of studies that back this up. If you drink 2 cups of water before you eat a meal, you will lose weight. Some scientists say that it is because your body thinks that you are already full so you eat less. Other scientists think that the water somehow helps your body to digest the food more efficiently. Regardless, it works, and it is easy!

Tip 2 – Brush Your Teeth After a Meal

The simple act of brushing your teeth after a meal will make a marker that meal time is over. It is funny how the mind works, but simple markers like this can be very powerful. And besides, who wants to eat anything with that terrible toothpaste aftertaste?

Tip 3 – Snack Away

Snacking between meals is good – if you snack on the right things. Much of our diet damage is done by overeating at meals, so if you are not as hungry going in, you make better choices. Now, if you choose a candy bar or ice cream as a snack, that doesn’t help. However, if you pick a fruit or a vegetable, the fiber helps you to feel full and no damage is done to your diet.

Good luck ,my friend

Maria asks…

Easy ways to lose weight for boy teens?

I am 14 and need help losing some weight. I need easy tips tricks and what not. Can someone help me?

weight loss cardiff answers:


The Best Way to Lose Weight in Teen Males

Teenage boys can lose weight easily because of high levels of testosterone and growth hormone, which are potent fat burners. However, eating the wrong food at the wrong time, particularly sugars at night, can force the body to store fat. By taking a simple metabolic approach to diet and exercise, teenage boys can lose weight fast and keep it off, decreasing their chances of developing heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

—Eat More Meals

Eating several smaller meals throughout the day is a good way to lose weight, according to The Abs Diet. The idea is to eat three main meals–slightly smaller than your regular breakfast, lunch and dinner–along with three small snacks. Frequent meals decrease insulin production, increase metabolic rate, suppress hunger and help to build muscle, according to The Fat Burning Bible.

—Eat the Right Foods

No matter how good the meal plan, eating the wrong foods in improper proportions can lead to fat gain. Teenagers are notorious for snacking on food with empty calories such as chips, cookies and ice cream. When you are young, you do not store fat as easily and you should take advantage of that but not at the risk of developing obesity and chronic diseases. Many teenage boys can lose weight merely by switching to healthier alternatives. You can lose weight by eating lean proteins such as turkey, chicken and fish, low-glycemic carbohydrates such as oatmeal, fresh fruit and unrefined whole-grains, and healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado and nuts and seeds, according to The Abs Diet.

—Increase Protein

Carbohydrates and proteins both have four calories per gram, but they affect the body differently. Protein’s “thermic effect” means that it takes more energy for the body to digest it. Eating more protein, in conjunction with an exercise program, can help you lose weight fast. Fitness author Jeff Anderson recommends consuming about one gram of protein per pound of your body weight if you work out regularly.

—Decrease Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates make up the body’s primary source of fuel, but they also readily store as body fat. You do not need to do a low-carb diet to lose weight fast. Taking in moderate amounts of carbohydrates is better because carbohydrates provide essential vitamins and nutrients. “Xtreme Lean” authors Jonathan Lawson and Steve Holman recommend 150 grams of carbohydrates per day. A good rule is to start your weight loss program by consuming one gram of carbs per pound of your body weight per day. You can try that for two weeks. If you are not losing one to two pounds per week, you can reduce that count by 50 grams of carbs per day. After two more weeks, reevaluate your progress and make adjustments.
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Carol asks…

Can you help a teenager lose weight?

Ok I have been trying to lose weight for about a year now and I have only lost a little. I am fairly active playing tennis and golf also soccer but I have not reached my goal weight. I don’t eat that often and I have been told that doesn’t help. I need a step by step guide on my diet. I mean like meal by meal drawn out for me. My only preferences are no beef or pork due to religious reason (hindu). I am also 15. Also any excersices I can do around the house that will boost weight loss will all be nice. Thanks for reading and I appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

The key to losing weight is simply a pen.
Every day for a week write down every single thing you eat along with the calories, salt, sugar etc then at the end of the day add up how much of each thing you had then check what the daily guidelines are for you and anything that’s over cut down. Once you get the amount of fat, sugar, salt, calories etc to the right amount you can begin exercising with your now healthy body and your body will react to the physical changes more easily. I recommend working out doing a variety of exercises for an hour then having a rest until yo feel you can do more. One of my favourite exercises around the house is vacuuming you clean your house while getting in shape. Another fun one is seeing how many times you can run up and down the stairs. For example if you wanted to get an item from upstairs instead f going up and getting it go up and down 10 times then get it. You could cook yourself something really healthy and nutritious (google a recipe) then when it comes to a part where it needs to bake for 15 minutes work out while it cooks. You could also put some music on and clean up but as you do it dance and move around to the music, believe it or not dancing burns more calories than any other sport. Good luck!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Nancy asks…

How to lose weight without exercise?

I’m 14 and I have a little muffin top and love handles. What is a natural way to lose weight fast? Is there natural pills you can take at the natural store to help lose weight? I’m desperate! I weigh about 135 pounds and I’m not happy about it! What could I do?? Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can insert exercise in your everyday life easily.

Instead of getting a ride walk more. Have your parents park farther. Walk 15 minutes a day. If that is too hard for you then I am not sure.

Now you can lose weight naturally. Just keep this in mind for food.

Avoid salts, avoid processed foods. High protein plus low fat=very good. High fiber means you will be hungry less and full more.

Yogurt has been proven to reduce fat.

Eat more vegetables. Eat oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. For lunch eat a salad, rye sandwhich something. Don’t eat carbs after 8 pm. Eat fastfood or out only once or twice a week.

Don’t drink soda, diet or otherwise. You do this and you can lose 2 plus pounds a week. A month about 10 pounds. You should be find in one or two months of just some basic eating habits.

No pills. Seriously though try oatmeal and fruit, not instant, drink a full cup of water and bet you won’t be hungry as you were eating cereal.

Sandy asks…

How can a 13 year old overweight girl lose weight without telling their parents?

like i basically said above, i weigh 175 lbs…im 5’5 and almost 5’6…how can i lose weight easily? and fast? i havent been eating junk food…but i normally odnt eat a lot of it either. HELP PLZ!

weight loss cardiff answers:

For someone who is your height you aren’t as over weight as you might think you are. Just try to eat right and get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. Every if you take 3 10 min walks a day that still considered exercise. You need to stop worrying about your weight and start worrying about your health. You can be healthy and still be heavier than other people your age and height. By the way muscle weights more than fat. So all these stick thin girls weighing 95 pounds and fainting from not eating have no muscle tone (which by the way guys find a toned girl way more appealing than someone who looks cancer stricken) and are not as healthy as you. Good luck!

Mark asks…

How to lose weight without getting excess skin?

Hey guys!

I was involved in a serious car accident a few months ago and gained a lot of weight as I broke my back and was unable to walk. After intense physio therapy I am now able to exercise and walk as normal. I currently weigh 18stone and I am 20 years old. I am eating well but I’m so scared that I am going to lose the weight and have excess skin.

So I was wondering if anybody knew how I could lose weight without getting the excess skin

Many thanks in advance to people who comment.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Quick tips to lose weight can be incredibly powerful, as they do not take much effort, but they do get results. We make weight loss much harder than it actually is. I am going to give you three quick tips that you can easily incorporate into your daily life that can help you start to lose weight without any real effort.

Tip 1 – Drink Water

This seems too easy, but there are lots of studies that back this up. If you drink 2 cups of water before you eat a meal, you will lose weight. Some scientists say that it is because your body thinks that you are already full so you eat less. Other scientists think that the water somehow helps your body to digest the food more efficiently. Regardless, it works, and it is easy!

Tip 2 – Brush Your Teeth After a Meal

The simple act of brushing your teeth after a meal will make a marker that meal time is over. It is funny how the mind works, but simple markers like this can be very powerful. And besides, who wants to eat anything with that terrible toothpaste aftertaste?

Tip 3 – Snack Away

Snacking between meals is good – if you snack on the right things. Much of our diet damage is done by overeating at meals, so if you are not as hungry going in, you make better choices. Now, if you choose a candy bar or ice cream as a snack, that doesn’t help. However, if you pick a fruit or a vegetable, the fiber helps you to feel full and no damage is done to your diet.

Good luck ,my friend

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