Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

How do you lose weight without exercising?

I want to lose weight without exercising, i heard about eating a lemon a day keeps the fat away but i don’t know if that’s true, but i still want other ones as well please help! πŸ™‚

weight loss cardiff answers:

You could loose weight without exercise but its not really healthy. Too loose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume in a day. And it might be unhealthy to do this without exercise (because that means your not eating much, unless you have a very high metabolism). You could eat very healthy and loose weight but honestly you should start to workout/exercise a bit. Its good for you and your body and has more benefits than just weight loss alone. Even if its small things, just start working out & exercising. Even playing sports etc. Will do.

David asks…

How to lose weight without exercise or dieting?

I am 135 lbs and I’m a 14 year old girl however I know very skinny girls that weight 110 – 100 lbs. can I lose weight without exercising or dieting but I already play soccer for two hours a day 2-5 times a week. Please help me I’m desperate and will do almost anything!

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you want to lose weight, you must do it the healthy way, the only way to go is to eat healthy and do some sort of exercise. I’m the same age as you and I weigh about 112 at the moment. My trick is I made a list of a bunch of junk foods that I enjoy and eat often and each month I choose one to not eat for the rest of the year. I’m not sure if that made sense but yeah. It’s challenging but it works. The main one is pop and I noticed a very big difference once I stopped drinking it.

You also NEED to exercise, at least a bit. If you aren’t big on going to the gym or going for intense runs, just go for a walk at a fast pace for an hour and do this every day. When you get home do some crunches and stretches.

I hope I helped in some sort of way ! Message me if you need any help πŸ™‚

Steven asks…

What are some good tips for losing weight without exercise being necessary?

I was just curious as to what types of diets there are that help you lose weight without exercising. This isn’t a question out of laziness just out of curiosity.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Drink lots of water… And eat like a rabbit

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