Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

What is the best way to lose abdominal fat, exercise or diet?

I am a lean and healthy 18 year old. I have no fat on my body except for on my lower stomach. While the easiest answer is do everything. What is more effective to weight loss, burning 500 calories a day with elliptical, bike etc, or eating 500 less calories a day (less saturated fats, more whole grain etc.) ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Felix

Reducing your calories by 500 a day is not the best way to lose abdominal fat. All this will do is to slow down your metabolism, which will mean less calories being burned.

You need to burn calories through exercise, but it also depends on which exercises you use, some can burn calories more effectively than others.

Instead of spending an hour or so of doing cardio, start doing interval training, which is harder but less time consuming. Also you can get really good results.

What is interval training?

Say you are using a bike, instead of just riding it for an hout, you ride at a slow pace for a couple of minutes and then you speed up as fast as you can go for 30 – 60 seconds. Then you go back to the slower pace for a couple of minutes to catch your breath, you then speed up again.

Just keep repeating this for 15-25 minutes. This can really help you to burn a lot of calories, in a lot shorter time. Interval training is regarded by many as the best way to burn abdominal fat, so give it a go.

If you would like to know which other effective methods you could use, take a look at the resource below. Hope this has helped.

Mandy asks…

Why do morbidly obese people lose weight so quickly on these weight loss shows?

On the Biggest Loser for example they have them losing close to seventeen pounds a week, I see men that are well beyond the 400 pound mark drop to 190 within four months, it’s just absurd. Isn’t healthy weight loss no more than four pounds a month, are they giving these people speed or something or do severely obese people have a faster mechanism to lose weight when they start exercising. Does anyone know.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Its easier for them to lose weight because they have more weight. For example it would be impossible for a 175 pound man to lose 50 pounds.

John asks…

How much yoga can I incorporate in my exercise regimen when trying to burn fat?

I weigh over 240 lbs. I’m 5’4″. I’m miserable with myself and like all women, it’s my Old-New years resolution to lose this weight. I love yoga (yet haven’t been doing it for a few years), but I don’t want to over-indulge in it to the point where I’m not practicing more beneficial exercises for weight loss. WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD WEEKLY YOGA BALANCE?

weight loss cardiff answers:

20 minutes a day, three or four days a week is about all I can manage. Losing weight isn’t so much about exercising as it is eating the right foods, however. Eating a diet high in nutritious raw fruits and vegetables will go a lot further than trying to exercise more than you want. It’s much easier, too. Look into the diets linked at the bottom of the page. Here’s my weightloss blog:

Here’s all you need to lose weight all over, look good, and get really healthy. First, you have to realize there is no quick, long lasting weight loss plan or pill that is going to do the trick. It’s purely mental. You have to learn to “Eat to live, don’t live to eat”. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is, if you understand that you are going to be reprogramming how you think about eating for the next few weeks. Old habits die hard, right? Not really. You get rid of bad habits by replacing them with good habits. If you learn to count your calories, keep calorie intake lower than output, exercise moderately, and eat only healthy food, you will lose weight. That’s a fact. All it takes is repetition. All success stories have this in common: The successful folks among us know how to be patient, persistent, and consistent. Set a goal, write it down, and stick with it. The benefits of feeling good will outweigh any sense of sacrifice you might feel about having to push away that cake and ice cream. Here are some helpful and healthy links to help you get started on your way:

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

What are some diet plans for morbidly obese people?

I have an emotional attachment to food. When I’m stressed, sad, scared, lonely, or whatever I will start eating a lot of junk food. I have piled on the weight over the years and I’m over 300 pounds now. I don’t know where to go or what to do. Are there guidelines or diet plans for morbidly obese people?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Its very hard to control food intake when having an emotional attachment to food; I know what you feel. But it’s good already that you realize that this is your problem. Perhaps more exercise will help controlling your weight; but in any case I think no exercise or diet will succeed unless you address the root cause; your emotional attachment to food. I have the same problem, and found that especially at home Im very prone to compulsive, emotional over-eating.

I found it helpful to be with people which distracts and suppresses the need to eat. Also any activities that require you to be out of your normal surrounding is great to help distract me from food. It does not resolve the problem, but to an extend I have managed to keep at least my weight reasonable stable. A support group like suggested before may help.

Chris asks…

What kind of diet plan should someone with hypoglycemia have?

I just found out I had it and I’m trying to gather as much info as I can. I’m trying to make out a few weeks worth of diet plans, what can and can’t I eat?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would suggest that you read the Atkins New Diet Revolution.

Hypo and Hyper glycemia are linked to insulin production. Many times hypoglycemia is misdiagnosed. If you are overweight and suffer hypoglycemia … It is unlikely that the diagnosis is correct. What you have is an overactive pancreas – producing insulin at an out of control rate … This is the beginnings of diabetes … Yes, I know that diabetes is HYPER glycemia … But what happens is that after years of overproduction of insulin, your pancreas “burns out”

Read the book … It explains all of his trials and findings.

Linda asks…

Any good diet plans to get rid of fat in my stomach?

Hi I’m 13 and a female and was wondering if you had any good diet plans to help me lose weight in my stomach? I would like to lose about.5-10 pounds. Please help me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is no magic answer to weight loss, but there are simple things you can do. Eat a healthy diet of about 1500 calories a day – you do need to learn to count calories and there are tons of sites that will help you with that, as well as the labels on foods. Eliminate ALL junk food, sodas, pop, sweets, fried foods, fast foods, fruit juices, and processed foods. Eat fruit, veggies, a few nuts, lean meat and fish, whole grain breads and cereals, low fat dairy products. Go for a brisk 45 minute walk twice a day, everyday. Climb lots of stairs. Drink plenty of water.

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