Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ken asks…

How can I get blogs where weight losses are discussed?

I want blogs that discusses issues about weight loss

weight loss cardiff answers: or org, whatever it is

Laura asks…

tumblr weight loss…?

ANyone else doing weight loss blogs on tumblr i would love to follow you on your journey.
I just started but i have a couple posts up so go follow me ..priloveeexx

weight loss cardiff answers:

Drink plenty of water every day
At the table vary your choices
Always make a healthy breakfast and avoid skipping meals
Consume at least 2 servings of fruits and 2 servings of vegetables every day
In a balanced diet of cereals (bread, pasta, rice etc..) Should be consumed daily
Eat fish at least 2 times a week (fresh or frozen)
Remember that legumes provide protein and fiber of good quality
Limit your intake of fats, especially those of animal origin, preferring the extra virgin olive oil
Do not exceed the amount of salt
Limit your intake of sweets and drinks to heat during the day
Above Avoid diets DIY and always ask your doctor to …..; /

Sandra asks…

how long does it take to get 100 visitors a day on a weight loss blog?

I’ve been blogging for about 3 months now. No ads on my blog to speed up traffic. My niche is about weight loss. It just stresses me knowing that I only have 6 visitors or less a day. In fact I update my blog with new post 3 times a week. I already have 30 post. Since its weight loss, I don’t expect some comments because its not some entertainment or rumor blog. I joined social bookmarking sites and noticed that most weight loss blogs don’t get updated anymore on mybloglog and blogcatalog. I even did a little SEO technique. When I type weight loss on blogcatalog, my site appears on the first page of that site because I update it. Will that happen to search engines like Yahoo and Google too if I update often? Im willing to. How much patience should I need to get atleast 100 a day. Real answers please cause most blog websites only make it complicated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I know how discouraging something like this can be. You need to be patient, very patient. You are in a HIGHLY COMPETITIVE MARKET.

Here are a few things you can do to help promote your website.

1.) Digg, Reddit, and Stumble your Blog
2.) Post on Forums
3.) Answer question in Yahoo Answers that are related to your blog and give links back.

It takes time just be patient. I was discouraged when I first started but I now understand it takes time.

Best of Luck

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