Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ken asks…

easy weight loss diet?

I’m looking for an easy to follow, sensible diet for weight loss.

weight loss cardiff answers:

TRY! HERBALIFE ! Its fun and easy and their is a variety of products for wait management and the best thing you can do is agestive cleanse di! Over the months junk starts to accumulate and makes you stressed,sleepy,drowsy,and lack of memory. That is why digestive cleanse is very important!

There is also great tasting SHAKES that make a substitute for meals! You drink this everyday and youll be reducing calories and fat! Also its filled with protiens,fiber.vitamins,and iron!

SNACK DEFENSE is also wonderfull! If your creaving for those lil extras (chips,sweets,cake,popcorn,or coockies!) you have your solution! This will keepp you from craving fat and excess fat from pouring in !

Donna asks…

easy weight loss diet? 10 pts?

im 13 and weigh 157 lbs. can someone give me an easy diet.
my goal is 120-130 lbs.
im a male and cant go to the gym often cuz i dont feel right going with people out of my age group
im 5ft 1in

weight loss cardiff answers:

Go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7
p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on your
initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don’t
eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you
don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your diet is
still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or
to buy special meals or plans.

John asks…

I am EXTREMELY lazy but I am going back to school. Easy diet & weight loss solutions?

I am 16 5’8 and 250lb! I am over weight and definatly not getting alot of the attention from the ladies so I want to go back to school looking slimmer and having more self confidence when I am on the prowl. Im so sick of being the goofy fat kids, GIMME SOME EASY TIPS AND EASY WORKOUTS!

weight loss cardiff answers:

First off you cant expect to lose weight being lazy.
You sound pretty heavy set so you need to go on a hardcore diet and exercise routine to lose any visible weight before the school year so i would recommend going to the gym or doing cardio twice a day and eat a very healthy and fresh diet.
also pay attention to the nutrition label on all foods you eat, try to cut out all trans fat, sat fat and calories. Also sugar

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