Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mary asks…

Are there any weight-loss plans that are designed for those of us who work the swing shift?

Each & every one that I’ve seen or tried seems to be designed for those fortunate folks that work 9-5 Monday thru Friday & off on the weekends. I’ve worked swing shift for the last 22 years & out “smart” employers have even been changing the way we work for the last 2 years. Right now, I’m working 8 hours a day, 6 days a week with only Sunday off. I work one week on 1st, the next on 2nd, then the next on 3rd. Then it starts over again. We were working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, with one day off in the middle of 1st & 3rd, then getting a long weekend, (5 days), every 3 three weeks. Tnere has been talk that they want to put us back on the 12-hour schedule.
It’s really hard to follow a weightloss plan working the way that I do. Even after all these years, I still don’t know when to sleep or eat. I don’t sleep well, except when I’m off & then I sleep my day off away. I can’t quit my job because there aren’t any more jobs here that pay what I make. They’ve all gone south. HELP!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Even if you feel you do not have a “regular schedule” to follow, it is possible to achieve weight-loss, especially if you really are dedicated, and you have good motivations.

The best diet motivation is knowing that you will have better health. But of course, feeling better also comes with looking better. You will be more healthy, you will have more energy, and you will be more confident.

It is very easy to achieve your goal. Giving a little effort and spending a little would assure you of real safe and effective diet. A low-carb, low fat, high-fiber diet is the best diet if you do not require tons of energy for work (for example, simple office work does not require a lot of energy). This is a sample menu, about 1200 calories the whole day. You will not spend a lot, and you will not feel hunger.

1 pc toast / sliced bread
1 pc banana or apple
1 glass of milk
tea or coffee with low cal sweetener (or sugar)

10 am snack:
1 banana or apple OR
10 pcs of berries OR
1 cup popcorn
1 glass lemonade or juice

open sandwich (no bread on top) containing:
1 slice of smoked ham (about 60 grams)
tomatoes, lettuce, onion
1 glass juice/lemonade/tea

4pm snack:
3 pcs of oreo cookies OR
1 palmful peanuts OR
any medium sized fruit

1 100-gram cut of lean meat (if chicken, no skin)
1 1/2 golfball size serving mashed potato or pasta
up to 2 cups of green veggies or steamed carrots and peas
dessert: any medium fruit OR
1 golfball size of low fat ice cream or sorbet
1 cup of coffee or tea

you can do variations of this sample plan. Very low cost (not totally no cost ofcourse), low maintenance. You will not feel any hunger at any time of the day. The best thing is, these foods are definitely available in your own house, probably also the things you eat daily. And you will not deprive yourself so binging and mood swings will be avoided.

Throw in some exercise while you’re at it: jogging, weightlifting for muscle development, pilates for flexibility (there are websites that show some basic pilates moves), powerwalking for stamina building. Even regular day to day activities help – walking to the bus station, bicycling to the supermarket, mopping the floor, you can even do some jogging in-place while watching TV. Remember that a well balanced diet and regular exercise is still the best. Not only will you be kept trim, you will also stay healthy.

Remember that there are no quick-fix diets and exercises. Starving yourself and pushing yourself to extreme exhaustion would only lead to even more dangers, and a higher medical cost. The best way to achieve your goal and to get a healthier body is to incorporate a well balanced diet and enough exercise in your daily life.

Ken asks…

Any good weight loss plans that actually work?

What are some great diets/exercising plans that actually work and help you lose weight fast?

weight loss cardiff answers:

There are several dietary changes you can make that should have you seeing results right away:

*Cut out all processed, refined white flour products (breads, crackers, pastas, etc.) and replace them with whole grain versions (“whole grain” should be the first item on the ingredients list)
*Drop the overprocessed junk foods – including chips, candy, cookies, soda, etc. Replace them with healthy snacks like fresh fruit or small portions of nuts
*Eat only when you’re truly hungry and listen to your body while you’re eating so that you don’t overeat
*There’s also some surprising new research about how the human body isn’t designed to process dairy and animal proteins. If you have the willpower, sticking with a healthy vegan diet that’s heavy on the beans and plant-based proteins is a great way to lose weight quickly.

As for exercise, the best type of exercise is one that you can stick with. I absolutely hate running on the treadmill, but put me in an hour and a half long hip hop dance class and I’ll push myself until I can’t move anymore. Find something that you enjoy and you won’t have any trouble forcing yourself to go every day.

However, it’s not uncommon for women to have trouble losing weight with just diet and exercise alone. The body is more than just a calculator – meaning that there’s more that goes into losing weight than just calories in versus calories out through exercise. If you’re having trouble losing weight, you might want to check with your doctor – there may be an underlying condition like hypothyroidism that’s preventing you from losing weight. I’m also a huge fan of natural, plant-based supplements that help boost energy and metabolism. Just check with your doctor before you start taking anything new – especially if you’re already on any prescription medications.

Hope this helps!

Carol asks…

Best weight loss plans out there for morbidly obese women?

Im looking for the best weight loss options for extremely over-weight women. Id like to lose approximately 100lbs in the next year or two so that I can begin ttc #2. Im 5^4 inches tall and weigh 260 lbs. Any suggestions would help. Thanks in advance!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I am also trying to lose 100 pounds in 1 year. I started walking 30 min. A day. But my Dr. Said if I couldn’t walk the 30 walk as much as you can then in a week add 5 min. Until and continue. Also, I use slim fast drinks to replace breakfast. The only one I like is the coffee one. Then I blog about my process. It keeps me from snacking. When I want to eat I blog instead. I would love for yu to look at it.

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