Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

What are some tips for weight loss for teens?

I am an overweight teen, a 190 pound 15 year old, and don’t want to go on a traditional diet, but would like to make some healthy lifestyle choices to help with weight loss. Me and my best friend have decided to go to a local gym 4 times a week for 2 hours and swim every friday in the summer. What tips can you give me about easy changes to help me lose weight. PLEASE TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have lost 40 lbs. In 3 months and I know this will work. Eat small healthy meals every 2-3 hours, eat your last meal 2-3 hours before you go to sleep. Do not starve yourself or your body will go into survival mode where anything you eat will be turned into FAT. This will help you a lot but if you want more results you can exercise 3-4 days a week, include weight training and especially cardio (walking especially running). If you set your mind to lose the weight you will lose it and when you start seeing how good you look you’ll want to keep going.
Good Luck

Joseph asks…

Can you give me some weight loss tips?

Can you give me some quick and simple tips on losing weight?
I don’t have a lot of time, at most 30 minutes a day to exercise nor do I have a lot of money to spend on fruit and veggies, I have some, but not heaps.
Help me out with some easy things I can do to shed some pounds?
Please and thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Put Benefiber into a bottle of water and drink that 2 to 3 bottles a day… If you want you can addd some lipton sugar free iced tea mix to it. The increased fiber will help you lose weight and feel full

Linda asks…

Help Weight Loss Tips Please:!?

I Am A 14 Year Old Female, & Im 5’7 And I Weigh 185. I Really Need Some Weight Loss Tips, Fast And Easy But Also Healthy(:
Please Help. I Have Belly Fat, But Not a lot!
& My Thighs aren’t jiggly but just big and flabby.

weight loss cardiff answers:

No soda diet or regular – NO SODA
No fast food restaurants ever !
Lots of salads; lots of fruits and vegetables.
Drink at least 8 very large glasses of water every single day.
No candy, cake, cookies, pies, potato chips, etc.

Walk, walk, and walk !!! Further each and every day. Get someone to walk with you.

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