Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

I would like some diet & exercise plans that are healthy please?

I just want to lose a few pounds and tone out my legs, butt, stomach area mostly. I’ve already stopped drinking soda and I only drink water now.

But what are some diet plans? Foods to eat? Foods to NOT eat? Foods to eat now and then?
Exercise plans? What can I do to lose a few pounds? Then what to do to tone up?

weight loss cardiff answers:

A variety of veggies are always a good choice. I like to put a lot of fiber in my diet in the mornings and drink a lot of water to keep me regular.

Some of the foods you want to avoid have:
-a lot of saturated fats

Also limit your white bread, rice, and pasta. Try for whole grain instead.

Lean meats such as chicken and turkey are great for protein. Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are good now and then.

I think as a general rule, do an activity for 30-60 minutes a day. It doesn’t have to be at the gym. It could be a walk if you don’t have time for working out, dancing, or any kind of activity where you are moving your body.

Sharon asks…

Any diet plans for anyone trying to lose ALOT of weight?

Trying to lose 40 pounds in 3 months any diet plans? I kno it supposed to eat less carbs. Like what kind of carbs should i eat? Protein?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Two (2).Things
You need Willpower & Wont power
Wont eat Junk food
Wont drink soda’s
Will Exercise everyday

William asks…

does anyone have any diet plans that work fast?

I need to know how to lose 10 pounds in my stomach and back in about a week.. does anyone have any diet and workout plans that might help?

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you want to loose it fast no eating after 6 drink 2 litres of water a day cut out all breads and pasta fill up on loads of fresh fruit and salad you have to eat food to loose weight if you dont eat the body stores fats so have a healthy breakast dinner and tea no snacking between meals and lots of excerise best of luck with the weight think positive and if you ve one bad day start fresh again the next morning also a tip ive found good have a glass of water before each breakfast dinner and tea helps fill you up

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