Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

how can i loose weight effectively?

i am 14, 5’3 and 160 pounds. it is really unhealthy and i don’t like it. i don’t think i’m too young to diet because i am at risk at many health problems. don’t call me fat cause i know i am.

i cannot run for more than a minute without getting out of breath. at my school we have to run a mile every semester and i am always one of the last to finish and i always run out of breath really easily. what is a way to improve this? i am going away in january and i want to have lost 10 pounds.

i eat healthily. i don’t drink sugary drinks, i eat lots of fruit and vegetables and i cut out most sugar. this still hasn’t worked.

i exercise at least 3 times a week and work up a sweat.

i also want to build muscle and cut inches off my waist. what exercises con i do to do this?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Purging your sprt, body and mind through Dianetics. I am a Scientologist and it worked for me. It is free too. Just get the books from your local library.

You can also email me if you have any questions.

Ignore the media bias and find out for yourself!

Mark asks…

Is BMX a good enough workout?

I want to lose weight so I have a better chance with a girl I like, and I’m wondering if biking everyday can help me with that pretty well. It’s not like, “Oh, let’s go ride around the block!” or anything. It’s like ramps, bunnyhops, gaps, goin’ through the city and stuff like that. I’m not afraid to do more traditional exercises. I walk every morning, (though I’m upping that to jogging/running), and I usually do 60 crunches everyday, though I forget to do them pretty easily

Basically I just want some pointers to effectively lose weight, but have some fun doing it.
Heh, well the thing is, this “girl I like” is my ex-girlfriend. She lives with me even. We’re like room-mates now. I know this’ll help, as she even said to just lose weight and she’d be more attracted to me. But that’s right. She was attracted to my personality so much that she didn’t care about anything else. She was crazy for me. I did some stupid things though, and have a lot to learn about maturity and responsibility, but she said I should start with my physical features first.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are pushing yourself then it will be a good workout. Even just cruising will burn some calories. Jumping will work your upper body including your core (abs, back) when you pull up on the bars and obviously your legs are going all the time.
As far as the girl thing goes, most chicks will like you for your personality first, then looks. Just don’t faceplant into your bars and knock out your teeth, chicks don’t really like missing teeth.

Carol asks…


Ever got this message when asking a question?

Read how to lose weight simply yet effectively on this site…you will be amazed
2 minutes ago
The biggest weight loss secret ever revealed to mankind. You simply
got to know this. An absolute must know for you-

Well, ya know what tune person, STOP POSTING THAT!!!
It’s really annoying and we get the picture after you post that on everyones’ questions.
The website doesn’t even work.
I signed up to see with an old email & fake name..
The lady makes you go through all these steps then she finally emails you this site to go to
which makes your pay for this stupid way to diet that won’t even work!
Nobody’s going to trust it because the site doesn’t prove they know that diet works or anything.

sorry but I get annoyed VERY easily.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I bet u r annoyed ! ‘cos i went through the whole d*** thing myself! Yahoo should take an action on this ! U r right pal!

What a jerk that ” ” is…..


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