Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

What is an acai berry and does it help you loose weight?

Ive seen it on ads for weight loss. Is it true that it helps?
What is it and where can you buy it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes, it’s a great natural product. The acai berry is high in anti oxidants and other things. They are a really great way to help augment a solid an exercise and diet program if you are looking to lose weight.

They also help combat fatigue and other things. I have been using them for a couple months now and I have noticed a difference. The best bet in my opinion is to take advantage of the free trial bottle offer that many companies selling the acai berry offer that way you can decided if you really like them without having to buy.

That’s what I did and I used them along with a diet and exercise program and it worked for me. I found that the acai berry was very good at curbing my urge to snack which really helped since it can be so easy to blow that workout right out of the water for naught if I gave in to my urges and had that mid afternoon snack.

I got mine from here

Daniel asks…

How do I continue with any tasks that I start with, in particular exercising?

My second goal at this point in life is to lose a significant amount of weight since I have MS and I want to look and feel good about myself. However, I tend to get off track, even though I have created achievable goals. I have been going to the gym for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours for the last 2 weeks, except for this week, since I am at home from my University. I am obese again, after having lost 80+ pounds 2 years ago.

I do not wish to go back on the diet, since I believe that exercising will be more beneficial, especially for the cardiovascular system. At the gym I usually do intense cardio and strength training, which includes working on a different muscle for 4-5 days a week, except for legs which I try to do every time I work out, since most of the fat is accumulated for me around the thigh and belly area. I enjoy the workouts.

I have lost some weight (although I am not sure whether I lost mass), but since I am at home this week, I have pretty much gained all of the weight that I lost. Therefore, since I eat very unhealthy foods, I have gained a lot of weight.

I know exactly what I want to do, since I plan things out, however, I am never able to fully follow through with them. Could any one of you kindly suggest a way to maintain the weight loss goal? I just do not have enough control on my cravings for sweet foods, such as cereals, chocolate, etc.
Whenever I go to the gym, I manage to avoid some bad foods, and limit my food intake, but when I do not go there, I eat very unhealthy foods. If anyone could help, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I am sure you already know the answer to this, and that is that you do need to control your diet.

It might help if you started to count calories. This way you do not have to restrict your diet, but everything you eat comes at a price of exercise. I find that it is much easier to say no to that chocolate bar, knowing that if I eat it, it will cost me 20 minutes on the exercise bike. Is it worth it? No, not to me.

Calorie counting is not as troublesome as it sounds. At the beginning you will have too look up the calories on everything you eat, but after a while, you’ll get so good at estimating the calorie content that you will rarely have to look anything up.

As for changing your diet. How to do it probably depends on what kind of a person you are. Will it work better for you to go cold turkey and eat a piece of fruit or vegetable every time you have a chocolate craving? Or do you need to ration your chocolate and just nibble on it when you feel the craving come on? Since you don’t have that much self-control, my advice is to go cold turkey. This means NOT having any temptations in your home, but instead filling up your fridge and cupboards with healthy alternatives.

Take a picture of yourself in your bathing suit and have it on you so that you can look at it every time you feel tempted to eat something that isn’t good for you.

Join weight loss groups, ask for your friends and family to help you reduce temptation etc.

It does get easier – as your body gets used to healthy food, it will slowly stop craving the unhealthy food, the longer you keep it up, the easier it will get. When I was younger, I used to love the taste of junk food – now I can barely eat much of it. I find it too greasy or too sweet.

Bottom line is that you probably cannot beat this without changing your eating habits because you can only exercise so much to burn off calories.

Ruth asks…

When you are trying to lose weight is it better to workout in the morning or at the end of the day?

I am starting a weight loss routine tomorrow, and I am a little confused. At the maximum I am going to take in 1200 calories a day and burn off 500/day. So what I am asking is it better to workout in the morning or at the end of the day.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would say the morning. It gets your heart rate up, and it stays up for several hours. That burns calories. Also, if you workout on an empty stomach you burn fat.

It all depends on what is easier for you.

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