Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

Was Dietrich Bonhoeffer a good christian or selfish, why? & Is him dying for his beliefs the ultimate test?

i have 2 answer these 2 questions about Dietrich Bonhoeffer:
Was Dietrich Bonhoeffer a good christian or selfish, why?
& Is him dying for his beliefs the ultimate test?
I think his is talking about his assassionation attempt and his life as a christian
i am in a year 10 GCSE class (14-15 year olds)
i just need a small paragraph, about each.

weight loss cardiff answers:

What grade level, and class, is this for?

This is a pretty complex issue. (More complex than typing “2” to replace “to,” I would imagine.)

I think what’s interesting, is early in the war, Bonhoeffer had the opportunity to escape, fled to New York, and then went back to Germany, to try to be a moral opposition to the Nazi.

He was completely involved in the assassination attempt against Hitler — so he was willing to help kill. And I’m sure, since you’ve read his writings, you understand how much Bonhoeffer struggled with the right and wrong of what he did.

So, was he a good Christian EXAMPLE, may be a better question. Should followers of Christ support killing, ever, even in the most extreme situations? I don’t think so. The question shouldn’t be, would a Christian be willing to kill Hitler, to stop Hitler’s evil, the question should be would CHRIST be willing to kill to stop evil? No. But Christ was willing to die to stop evil. And, eventually, so was Bonhoeffer.

When Bonhoeffer left the USA, and returned to Germany, he knew the possible outcome. When he helped start the break away seminary, he knew he was going against the official policy of the government and the church in Germany. When he agreed to participate in the assassination plot, he knew the possible outcome, so every step of his life, he was willing to die for his beliefs — for his belief in Christ.

Shouldn’t all followers of Christ be willing to die for Christ?

Sandy asks…

omg does anyone no anything about Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

i have an assessment task due tomorrow and I cant find much info on his life!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Because your assessment is tomorrow, I’ve kept the amount of links low, however, they are very informative and have all the information that you are likely to need. Good Luck for 2morrow.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The International Dietrich Bonhoeffer Society is a nonprofit, ecumenical, and interfaith scholarly organization to preserve the memory and enhance the knowledge of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his legacy.


Daniel asks…

How do today’s U.S. Evangelicals regard Dietrich Bonhoeffer? He is praised for opposing Hitler but did he…..?

….take a firm stand that also included defending a Biblical view of salvation and the Great Commission?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Glad to make your aquaintence, sir. (I figured you must be God, for he alone can judge. BTW I always though Dietrich Bonhoeffer comported himself perfectly well, but then who am I to say? After all, I’m not God.

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