Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

Can’t lose the weight?

I’m a teenager and have been working out with my parents for the last two months. My dad seems to lose weight easily, but my mom seems to struggle. She is doing all the right things: eating the right foods, doing hard cardio workouts, and lifting weights. Is there any other options that can help her out?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s great you want to help out your mom! Women do tend to struggle more than men.

I’d suggest she needs to take another look at her diet and training.

Losing 1-2lbs a week is the best way to go. This way, you are losing mostly fat, rather than water and muscle. Faster weight loss is not better, nor is it sustainable.

Diet should be what you look at first for weight loss- this is what will enable you to drop fat. Try a balanced diet made up of mostly natural whole foods, with high protein, moderate carbs and moderate fats.

You need to know how many calories you burn- you can use an online calculator for a rough estimate. Aim for 10-20% calories fewer than you burn daily (too large a deficit will be counterproductive in the longer term).

Don’t worry about complicated diets or cutting things out. You can enjoy anything in moderation, as long as the majority of your diet is healthy.

Base your meals around:

Lean protein (e.g. Chicken, tuna, lean beef, fat-free cottage cheese, egg whites)
Wholegrains (e.g. Wholewheat bread, oats, bran cereals, rice)
Healthy fats (e.g. Nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado, salmon, whole eggs, flaxseed)
Fruit and veg

And drink lots of water.

Second in importance to diet, is heavy resistance training- this is what will allow you to preserve muscle so you look ‘toned’ and defined once you’ve dropped the fat (rather than just a smaller version of how you look now, with the same bits you’re unhappy with). More muscle also means a higher metabolism, so you definitely want to hold on to, or increase the muscle base you have, for fat loss.

You need to work ALL your major muscle groups- you can’t spot reduce.

Then you can look at extras like cardio to help create a calorie deficit. But cardio is by far the least important of these three, and you can lose fat effectively without it.

Make sure you’re getting at least one rest day a week with no exercise at all.

John asks…

What is the most effective way to lose weight?

i’m a fifteen year old teenager and i have fifty (yeah i know. i’m fat) bulging extra pounds and i want to lose it before april comes. i wanna keep the weight off and not feel stressed thinking about it. i want to do something that i’ll easily stick to. thanks ahead of time

weight loss cardiff answers:

Diet and excercise

Daniel asks…

How can a teenager lose weight?

Im 15, 121lbs ( I think, I measure in stone) or about 8st 8kg. I’m very chubby although not overweight. I’m getting really depressed as I try to be healthy and go jogging etc. but then I binge on unhealthy foods. Also my face isn’t very attractive so the combination has made my self esteem plummet. I will be spending a lot of time this summer in a bikini so can someone suggest a way to lose weight and tone up before July? I’m 5’5 and I have a fairly healthy diet (lots of fruit) except I binge on sugary foods ( sweet tooth). I exercise about 4 times a week by walking dogs for about 1 hour, but I am unfit and get out of breath easily. A diet plan would be good as I don’t have a clue! I really need to tone up my legs and especially my stomach.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Ok, here’s what I would do. Eat what you want in small portions. Try to stay away from junk food some though. Or you can use foods with less sugars and such. But really that is the key. EAT CONSCIOUSLY! If you eat slowly, and give your food time to settle, you will get full faster, and eat less. It really does work. Also, just keep exercising. Start out with something a little less extreme. Walk around the block or something for a while. Also, do not starve yourself. If you do, your body begins to eat away muscle and such, which leaves you very weak and easily tired. Just try this. I hope it helps you a lot!

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